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体现拟人的英语句子 精选112句

1. 碧蓝的天空出现了一道翩翩起舞的彩虹。

2. 蜜蜂在花间跳着婀娜的舞,一边嬉戏一边采蜜。

3. Street lamps stand in a row beside the road like lonely children.

4. 小乌龟在水里漫无目的地游来游去。

5. The year 1871 witnessed the heroic uprising of the Paris Commune.1871年目睹了(爆发了)英勇的巴黎公社起义。

6. 这烈焰,恰如那野性十足的生灵,匍匐贴地,一步步逼向猎物一般向四下蔓延。

7. 寒冬里,梅花静静地穿上了红裙,露出了羞涩的笑容。

8. 柳枝摆动着自己纤纤的细腰。

9. 像一位勇敢的冲浪者,他安静坐定,仿佛在等待那滔天大浪的到来。

10. 炎热的夏天,知了在树上不耐烦的抱怨着。

11. The purple jasmine smiled and waved softly to us.

12. Snow like a little elf, dancing down.

13. 水把自己的笑脸仰起来,于是有了浪花。

14. 浪花亲吻着岩石,岩石更光滑了。

15. 花儿在烈日下,睁不开自己美丽的双眼。

16. 夏天的夜晚像游戏厅,星星们在做游戏。

17. Spring is like a lively child, longing for it.

18. 小雪花扭扭捏捏地从空中缓缓地跳下。

19. The Yellow River, the Yellow River, you nourished us with your own lotion.

20. The way birds fly in the sky is gentlemanly.

21. The waves hit the shore like a mother touching her children.

22. 太阳公公慢慢地小心翼翼地从东方升起来。

23. 调皮的秋风姑娘吹一口气,黄叶就跟着翩翩起舞。

24. 天是个害臊的小姑娘,遮遮掩掩,躲躲藏藏。

25. The stars in summer night blink mischievously.

26. 童年时那令我寝食难安的问题如今已经得到了充分的回答。

27. 落叶在风中像蝴蝶一样翩翩起舞。

28. The grass lay on its waist in the scorching sun as if it were spitting its tongue.

29. 蜜蜂唱着歌在花丛中采蜜。

30. 寒冬里,梅花像雪白的雪花静静的开了。

31. 刺猬小心翼翼地在地上匍匐前进。

32. The rain was angry; you could tell just by listening to it from indoors.

33. 石头挺起了他的胸膛,不让水离去。

34. 山顶云雾如仙女在飘飞,如舞伴在嬉戏。

35. 桂树开花了,桂花在秋风中渐渐张开了笑脸。

36. The crow is singing like a singer in the tree.

37. Spring Rain dances happily and finally falls on bamboo shoots to dance with it.

38. The candle was happy and burned itself.

39. The waves ran towards the shore with furious pace.

40. 路灯像孤独的孩子一个个立在路旁列成一排。

41. The River ponders quietly, thinking like a poem, slowly swimming towards the sea.

42. 一群热情好客的飞鸽飞来在我们身边走动。

43. Fish swim in the water like a lovely water spirit.

44. 小牛看着自己的妈妈,高兴的手舞足蹈。

45. The flowers in the park are very bright, just like girls in the flowering season.

46. Mature pomegranates are all kinds, like a little girl's face.

47. 山村的天睁开了双眼,新的一天开始了。

48. The tender wings of the little butterfly are unfolding slowly and happily.

49. Autumn is coming. Eggplant can't wait to change into purple new clothes.

50. The waterfall sang and jumped happily down the cliff.

51. It's like the clothes were speaking to me, all of them, all at once.

52. A gust of wind blew, and the tree swayed like it was cold.

53. 浪花快活地吟唱着动听的旋律拍着岸边。

54. It's dark, and the roadside lights are like loyal guards.

55. Did you see the anger of the tempest?你看到暴风雨的愤怒吗?

56. 细雨如丝,一棵棵果树宛如沉思的诗人在推敲诗句。

57. 小树摇摆着枝叶,向咱们允许笑。

58. A dancing rainbow appeared in the blue sky.

59. 春水唱着欢快的歌向远方奔去。

60. 月季露出了她那含羞带怯的笑脸。

61. It's the cigarette's job to tempt and lure.

62. The pomegranate trees are full of flowers, laughing to welcome people's arrival.

63. A little beetle was flapping its wings leisurely back to the cave.

64. 天黑了,路边的灯光像忠诚的卫士。

65. 弯弯的月儿像小船,躺在天空的怀抱中。

66. 湖面是那样平静,就像一个熟睡的少女。

67. 春天来了,河水上涨,小青蛙睡醒了,开始欢乐地歌唱。

68. 小蝴蝶柔嫩的花翅膀正慢慢开心的舒展着。

69. 小草在烈日的照射下,趴下了腰,好像吐着舌头一样。

70. 向日葵对着太阳公公在做运动。

71. Peacock like a child, playing happily on the lawn.

72. 春天,布谷鸟迈着轻快的舞步来了。

73. In the breeze, the willow swayed its charming posture.

74. 小猫张开了惺忪的睡眼,准备开始打仗。

75. 桔子树爸爸赐给他们,已经藏了多年的桔黄色晚礼服。

76. 漂亮的牡丹花开了,那是为了答谢阳光的恩情。

77. The birds in the sky are singing happily.

78. 小树伸了个赖腰,一下子长高了。

79. Snowflakes, like lovely elves, flutter down to the earth in succession singing Christmas songs.

80. The calf looked at his mother and danced happily.

81. 书桌上精致的台灯发出迷人的光。

82. 大风猛烈地吹打着树枝,发出阵阵怒吼。

83. The frog straightened his collar and came out of the hole with a smile.

84. 铅笔犯错了,橡皮檫来纠正错误。

85. After a long time, the golden cicada reluctantly left its shell.

86. His shoes told a different story. They had certainly traveled more than he said they had.

87. Butterflies fly around in the flowers happily.

88. 萤火虫在空中兴高采烈的飞舞。

89. 鱼儿像一个可爱的水精灵在水里游。

90. Please don't smoke into the sky. It's the smiling face of Mother Earth.

91. The autumn wind gently brushed the field and changed it into a golden robe.

92. 雨迈着轻盈的步伐悄悄地走来了。

93. The kitten opened its sleepy eyes and was ready to start fighting.

94. 风吹动树叶,叶子互相挤推着发着沙沙的声音。

95. Changjiang sticks to his post and never shirks.

96. The cold wind carrying snow, came to us.

97. 黄河啊,黄河,你用自己的乳液养育了我们。

98. The stars are chasing each other for hide and seek.

99. The leaves are covered with small droplets of water. The stands are very beautiful.

100. The leaves are dancing like butterflies in the wind.

101. The spray kisses the rock and the rock is smoother.

102. Bees are singing and gathering honey among the flowers.

103. The leaves waved goodbye to the branches and danced down.

104. 小草安静地像在思考问题似的。

105. 青翠挺立的松树在疾风的冲击下,挺立在土地里。

106. His paintings, each of them, spoke to anyone who happened to look at them.

107. 春雨欢快地跳着舞蹈,最后落在竹笋上与它一起共舞。

108. 睡莲花就像一位美丽的仙女在水上站着。

109. The wooden bridge began to shake and creak.

110. 黄河咆哮着,仿佛在诉说着我们民族的发展史。

111. Willow branches swing their slender waist.

112. 太阳上班了,小星星下班了。

体现拟人的英语句子 精选106句

1. Small snowflakes wriggled slowly from the air.

2. 秋风瑟瑟,紫荆花恋恋不舍地离开枝头投入到了大地怀抱。

3. 夏夜的星空小星星调皮的眨着眼睛。

4. 小乌龟懒洋洋地趴在河岸边,欣赏着风景。

5. The river is humming along happily.

6. 小鸟在树枝上叽叽喳喳地说话。

7. 池塘里的荷叶在微风中快乐地舞蹈。

8. 高粱熟了,站在那里等着农人去收割。

9. 小草对您微微笑,请您把路绕一绕。

10. The bamboo on both sides of the tiled house is like a guard standing on guard.

11. Spring girl came to the grass with a smile, adding beautiful green clothes to the grass.

12. In summer, the pomegranate tree blossoms like a little princess in a beautiful dress.

13. 海鸥的那婴儿般的样子特别惹人喜爱。

14. 乌鸦在树上像歌唱家在唱歌。

15. Every single day in office, boredom continuously stares at me.

16. 蝴蝶欢快的在花丛中飞来飞去。

17. 桃花在枝头露出了可爱的粉红笑脸。

18. The grass seedlings in the field are dancing with the wind girl.

19. 小蜻蜓在荷叶上,表演着精彩的舞蹈。

20. The apple trees are so red that they are like children's smiling faces.

21. 秋风轻轻拂过原野,给原野换上了一件金色的袍子。

22. 雪花像害羞了呢,随着风飘向了另一边。

23. 橘子看上去像是一个小孩子的小脑袋瓜。

24. 秋天的小河是浪漫的,片片叶子向他倾诉。

25. 鸟儿在天空中飞翔的姿态很有绅士风度。

26. 桃树换上了新衣,戴上了粉嫩的桃花。

27. 一阵风吹过,树叶便哗啦啦地唱起了歌。

28. On summer nights, frog songs came from the fields.

29. In spring, the cuckoo comes with a brisk dance.

30. 春雨过后,竹笋争先恐后的从地下钻了出来。

31. 星星们在你追我赶捉迷藏。

32. 小草用自己星星点点的绿色,织成了一块块绿茵茵的地毯。

33. 秋天迈着沉稳的脚步缓缓地向我们走来,又悄无声息地走开。

34. The flowers are greeting you.

35. Pine trees stood on the hill and looked out into the distance.

36. 一阵风吹来,花儿在风中跳起了动人的舞蹈。

37. 雨滴落到水中,似乎它要弹奏乐曲。

38. Spring is coming, and the spring flowers are shyly blooming yellow gauze.

39. 鲸最喜欢一家人在一起睡觉。

40. In the dark night, smoke came out angrily.

41. 美丽的月亮羞答答的躲进了云层。

42. 秋天到了,稻子笑弯了腰,高粱涨红了脸。

43. 路口的的红绿灯在调皮的眨着眼睛。

44. 月亮在夜深人静的时候,偷偷的溜了出来。

45. The traffic lights at the intersection blinked mischievously.

46. 青蛙整了整衣领,微笑着从洞里走了出来。

47. 可爱的小蜻蜓和顽皮的小青蛙在快乐地嬉戏着。

48. Little dragonflies perform wonderful dances on the lotus leaves.

49. 珍珠鸟竟趴在我的肩头很快进入了梦乡,睡着了。

50. 熟透了的石榴,像小孩子张大了嘴,露出了整齐的牙齿。

51. 海底的鱼奏起了各种各样的美妙的旋律。

52. Rows of willows are reflected in the water, enjoying their looks.

53. When a gust of wind blew, the leaves began to sing loudly.

54. 小熊在河水姐姐的身边走来走去。

55. 田里的麦苗好像口渴的人儿孜孜不倦地吸收着春天的雨水。

56. Sword like green leaves, intertwined with each other, airtight.

57. 一阵风吹过,小树像是冷了一样的晃动起来。

58. 田里的禾苗随着风姑娘翩翩起舞。

59. Small snowflakes dancing against the wind, slowly floating down.

60. 一群大象投入地翩翩起舞,为人们表演。

61. 石榴树上开满了花,欢笑着迎接人们的到来。

62. The little fish swam back and forth with a smile.

63. 夏天像小姑娘,花枝招展的,笑着,走着。

64. The wheat seedlings in the field are like thirsty people assimilating the spring rain tirelessly.

65. 小猫迈着模特一样的步伐轻盈的向我走来。

66. 在春风吹拂中,杏花穿着粉裙,参加一年一度的选美大赛。

67. 大风生气了,猛然朝人们扑过去。

68. 一排排柳树倒映在水中,欣赏着自己的容貌。

69. 公园里的花开的特别鲜艳,恰如一个个花季少女。

70. 小猴子一会儿跳一会儿蹦,真像个调皮的小娃娃。

71. 白杨披着浓霜,像哨兵似的站在路边。

72. In the cold winter, plum blossoms quietly put on red skirts, showing a shy smile.

73. Thirsty soil drank in the rain.饥渴的土壤在雨中畅饮。

74. 春姑娘笑着向小草走来,为小草添上美丽的绿衣裳。

75. 金灿灿的稻穗一个个腼腆地弯下了腰。

76. 太阳出来了,露出了它红红、可爱的脸蛋。

77. 玉米黄澄澄的,好像一位位漂亮的小仙女。

78. 蝴蝶初翻帘绣,万玉女、齐回舞袖。

79. 一只只夏蝉婉转轻唱,交织成一阀颂歌。

80. Verdant pine trees stand upright in the ground under the impact of the gale.

81. 小鱼在欢快地舞蹈,你追我赶!

82. Beautiful peony blossoms, that is to thank the sunshine.

83. 小蜗牛整天背着一座小山为生活奔波。

84. Swans proudly stroll, leisurely look too lovely.

85. Spring water is singing a happy song to the distance.

86. 树叶挥手告别了树枝,跳着舞飘落下来。

87. The distant island loomed like a mother kissing her child.

88. The blanket had stretched itself to the ends of the huge bed.

89. Chang Chang, your surging body is so strong.

90. Fish on the bottom of the sea play all kinds of wonderful melodies.

91. 春风轻抚大地,小草从睡梦中清醒了。

92. The little tree waved its branches and leaves and nodded and laughed at us.

93. 小草在春风下频频点头向人们问好!

94. 柳树在风中扭摆着腰肢,尽情地跳舞。

95. The stars twinkle in the sky like many little eyes.

96. 金鱼羞答答的在水里游来游去!

97. 狐狸跑来跑去,又是在打什么坏主意。

98. 时间像青春的孩子,奔跑不止。

99. The tree grew tall. A gust of wind blew. The tree was dancing with its branches.

100. 人们无法想象我的生活中消失了一道多么耀眼的光芒。

101. 夏天迈着沉稳的脚步款款地向我们走来。

102. That chrysanthemum blossoms really look like a proud young girl showing her graceful posture.

103. A group of elephants danced and performed for people.

104. 小狗一边摇着尾巴一边跳着舞向主人跑去。

105. 紫茉莉花含着微笑,轻轻地向我们招手。

106. Heaven is a shy little girl, hiding and hiding.

体现拟人的英语句子 精选135句

1. Grass in the spring wind frequently nodded to say hello to people!

2. 云朵在大风的驱赶下在蓝天跑着。

3. Flowers praise butterflies, butterflies fly away shyly.

4. 太阳仿佛挣脱了铁链,一下子跳了出来。

5. 小溪弹凑着自己的曲子,婉转动人。

6. 一棵棵松树精神抖擞地站立在山冈上向远方眺望着。

7. My stomach was punishing me for not eating on time.

8. 雪花像可爱的小精灵,唱着圣诞歌纷纷扬扬地飘落到人间。

9. Whales like sleeping together as a family.

10. 月亮在天空中看着熟睡的人们,笑了。

11. 风筝在天上摇头晃脑的飘来飘去。

12. 河水静静地思考着,思绪象诗一样,慢慢地向大海游去。

13. 美丽的鲜花开放着就像一个婀娜的少发摆弄着优美的舞姿。

14. 小草,抬起你的头,挺起你的腰,不要哭泣。

15. The flowers nodded in the breeze.花儿在微风中点头。

16. For days on end, her thoughts about him entertained her.

17. The drizzle is like silk, the fruit trees are like meditative poets deliberating on poems.

18. 一辆冒着黑烟的车发疯似的开了过来。

19. 小黄鹂象一个小歌唱家一样,在枝头唱着优美欢快的歌。

20. Little bear walked up and down beside his sister.

21. 蝴蝶在你的面前迈着迷人的舞步。

22. The autumn wind is rustling, and the Bauhinia leaves the branch reluctantly and throws itself into the embrace of the earth.

23. The naughty autumn wind girl blew a breath, and the yellow leaves danced with her.

24. The sea caresses the rocks on the shore with gentle hands.

25. 木桥开始晃动,嘎吱嘎吱地叫着。

26. 花朵儿夸奖蝴蝶,蝴蝶羞答答地飞走了。

27. The spring breeze caresses the earth, and the grass wakes up from sleep.

28. 初生的太阳告诉我们要以最美的笑脸迎接新的一天。

29. The watch kept warning them about the time left for the race to end.

30. A gust of wind blew and the flowers danced in the wind.

31. The River in autumn is romantic. Leaves talk to him.

32. 巍巍群山铺上了一件雪白的新衣。

33. The new sun tells us to greet the new day with the most beautiful smile.

34. 船头飞溅起的浪花,吟唱著欢乐的歌儿。

35. Only autumn cicadas gently sing, interwoven into a valve of ode.

36. 唱着动人歌曲的小河上横跨着一座老桥。

37. 星星像很多小眼睛一样在星空中闪烁。

38. The lake was so calm, like a sleeping girl.

39. 雨水温柔的将小草上的尘土轻轻的拂去。

40. 一群鸭子在水里欢快地追逐嬉戏。

41. The fox ran around, and he was making some bad ideas.

42. 狂风像一个调皮的小孩跑来跑去。

43. Like a little singer, the little Oriole is singing beautiful and happy songs on the branches.

44. 小树摆动着枝叶,向我们点头笑。

45. 公园里的花开了,向人们绽放了笑脸。

46. The orange tree father gave them the orange evening dress, which had been hidden for many years.

47. The raindrop fell into the water as if to play music.

48. In the stream, the fish swim to and fro, playing hide and seek.

49. The Nightlight in front of the bed blinked from time to time.

50. The rain gently brushes the dust off the grass.

51. Bees are dancing gracefully among the flowers, picking honey while playing.

52. 在微风中,柳树摆动着那迷人的身姿。

53. 大海用温柔的双手抚摸岸边的岩石。

54. 小鱼儿笑嘻嘻地游来游去。

55. 在冷雨中,每一朵花都傲然挺立,神气十足。

56. 天鹅们骄傲的散步,悠闲的神情太可爱了。

57. 凛冽的寒风载着雪花,向我们走来了。

58. 小河哼着歌儿开心的向前流着。

59. 夏天,石榴树开花了,像一个穿了漂亮裙子的小公主。

60. The naughty birds were chirping in the trees.

61. 淘气的小鸟在树上叽叽喳喳地唱着歌。

62. A group of ducks are chasing and playing happily in the water.

63. 雨滴笑着闹着从蔚蓝的天空中纷纷落下。

64. The little monkey jumps and jumps like a naughty little doll.

65. 一只只秋蝉婉转轻唱,交织成一阀颂歌。

66. A smoky car came frantically.

67. The wind blows the leaves, pushing them against each other and making a rustling noise.

68. Grass with their own dots of green, woven into a green carpet.

69. The wind blew fiercely against the branches and roared.

70. The willows swayed in the wind and danced to their heart's content.

71. 床前的小夜灯时不时的眨眨眼。

72. The clouds ran in the blue sky driven by the strong wind.

73. In the spring breeze, apricot flowers wear a pink skirt to participate in the annual beauty contest.

74. 春天就像活泼的儿童,憧憬渴望。

75. 叶子沾满了小水珠,站的错落有致,非常美丽。

76. The waves are singing happily and clapping on the shore.

77. Rhododendron and sun Gonggong say hello.

78. The goldfish swam back and forth in the water!

79. 蜡烛高兴了,呼呼的燃烧自己。

80. The hedgehog creeps cautiously on the ground.

81. Lovely dragonflies and naughty frogs are playing happily.

82. 长剑似的绿叶,互相缠搭着,密不透风。

83. Spring came, the river rose, the frog woke up and began to sing happily.

84. Willows float in the breeze like graceful girls dancing in the wind.

85. Grass, raise your head, raise your waist, don't cry.

86. 麦田仿佛穿上了一袭浅黄色的纱衣。

87. Osmanthus osmanthus blossoms, osmanthus in the autumn wind gradually opened a smiling face.

88. 蜡烛对着童话书大笑起来。

89. 孔雀像一个孩子,在草坪上快乐地玩耍。

90. 柳树在微风中飘荡,如同婀娜多姿的少女在风中起舞。

91. The waves from the bow are singing joyful songs.

92. 夏天的夜晚田野里传来青蛙动情的歌声。

93. The dog smiled unkindly and ate the food secretly.

94. 白桦林异口同声地发出哗哗的声音。

95. 春天来了,小鸟放开歌喉,尽情歌唱。

96. 黑暗的夜里,烟愤怒的冒了出来。

97. White poplar in thick frost, like a sentinel standing on the side of the road.

98. 天空中的小鸟欢快地在唱着欢乐的歌儿。

99. 那一朵朵**真像一个个骄傲的少女在展现她的优美身姿。

100. 瀑布唱着歌,愉快地跳下崖边。

101. 花儿在向你嬉笑打招呼。

102. The clouds and mists on the top of the mountain are like fairies flying, like dancers playing.

103. 远处的小岛若隐若现像一位母亲在亲吻自己的孩子。

104. Little snail carries a hill all day for life.

105. 浪花拍击着海岸就像妈妈轻轻抚摸着自己的孩子。

106. The ripe pomegranate, like a child, opens its mouth wide and shows its neat teeth.

107. The Kingfisher found the small fish in the water and flew over quietly.

108. 秋天到了,茄子迫不及待的换上了紫色的新衣服。

109. 小溪里,鱼儿游来游去在玩捉迷藏。

110. 小鸟在枝头上卖弄着动人的歌喉。

111. 一阵风吹过,荷叶在快乐地跳起了舞蹈。

112. Fireflies are flying in the air happily.

113. The dog danced to its master while wagging its tail.

114. 满树的苹果红彤彤得想小孩子的笑脸。

115. 春天来了,迎春花害羞地绽放黄色的薄纱。

116. The pearl bird lay on my shoulder and soon fell asleep.

117. The moon slipped out in the dead of night.

118. 翠鸟发现水中的小鱼,不动声色地就飞了过去。

119. 过了好一阵,金蝉才依依不舍的离开了蝉壳。

120. 小雪花迎着风跳着舞,缓缓飘下来了。

121. The Yellow River roars as if telling the history of our nation's development.

122. Sunflowers are doing sports to the sun.

123. After the spring rain, bamboo shoots rushed out of the ground.

124. Summer strides the steady step to us.

125. 狗狗不怀好意的笑了笑,便把东西偷偷摸摸的吃下了。

126. 鹅轻盈的走着,真是傲慢极了!

127. The flowers in the park bloom and smile to people.

128. 秋风吹来,落叶在林间跳起了欢快的舞蹈。

129. 请不要向天空吐烟,那是地球妈妈的笑脸。

130. Beautiful flowers blossom like a graceful little hair with beautiful dancing posture.

131. 杜鹃花和太阳公公打招呼。

132. 长冮你澎湃的身驱是那么强壮。

133. The candle laughed at the fairy tale book.

134. Sun goes to work, little star goes off work.

135. 小雪花像个小精灵似的,跳着舞飘下来。

体现拟人的英语句子 精选9句

1. 小树长高了,一阵风吹来,小树摇曳着树枝在跳舞呢!

2. 海水翻滚着,争先恐后地涌向岸边。

3. 小狗在院子里高兴地走来走去。

4. 瓦屋左右矗立着的两坡竹子,彷佛站岗的卫兵。

5. In the cold winter, plum blossoms open quietly like snow-white snowflakes.

6. 太阳公公红着脸慢慢地从东方升起来。

7. 成熟的石榴各式各样,像一个个小女孩的脸。

8. 一只小小的甲虫正休闲地振着翅膀回洞穴。

9. 长江坚守自己的岗位,从不偷懒。
