
admin 2024-05-25 网站管理员 admin

1.或许命运的签只让我们遇见伤感说说加配图黑白,只让我们相恋 这一季的秋天。Perhaps the fate of the signature only let us meet, only let us fall in love this season of autumn.

2.你要我说多难堪,我根本不想分开。How embarrassed you want me to say, I don't want to separate.

3.为什么我连分开都迁就着你。Why do I accommodate you even apart.

4.说散,你想很久伤感说说加配图黑白了吧,我不想拆穿你。Say loose, you want it for a long time, I don't want to tear you down.

5.琴弦断了,缘尽了,你也走了,爱恨起落,故事经过只留下我。The strings are broken, the edge is exhausted, you have also left, love and hate the ups and downs, the story after only left me.

6.你是过客,温柔到这沉默了。You are a traveler, gentle to this silence.

7.我害怕故事走不到一半,你心里早就已经有了答案。I'm afraid the story is less than half way, you have the answer in your heart.

8.我看见呵护着你的那个对象,我的和弦开始慢板的沧桑。I saw the object that cared for you, my chord began to slow down the vicissitudes of life.

9.一圈戒痕,在你指上,目送你越走越远的悲伤。A ring of withdrawal marks, on your finger, see you go farther and farther of the sadness

10.就算是我不懂,能不能原谅我,请不要把分手当做你的请求。Even if I don't understand, can forgive me, please do not take the break-up as your request.

11.你依旧住在我的回忆里不出来,我离开将你的手交给下个最爱。You still live in my memory can not come out, I leave to give your hand to the next favorite.

12.希望他是真的比我还要爱你,我才会逼自己离开。. I hope he really loves you more than I do, and I will force myself away.

13.海鸟跟鱼相爱,只是一场意外。The seabird and the fish are in love, just an accident.

14.想知道你现在过的好吗,没有我也许始终解脱。Want to know you have now, no I may always be free.

15.最后再一个人慢慢地回忆,没有了过去 我将往事抽离。 Finally, another person slowly recalled, without the past I pulled the past away.

16.想回到过去,试着让故事继续,至少不再让你离我而去。Want to go back and try to keep the story going, at least stop letting you from me.

17.你说我爱太晚到,只能像朋友般拥抱。You say I love too late, can only hug like a friend

18.一起长大的约定,那样清晰,拉过勾的我相信。Growing up together of the agreement, so clear, pull the hook I believe.

(图片来源网络 侵删)
