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三单形句子训练 精选80句

1. We _______________ (watch) a film every Sunday.

2. 对原因提问用why

3. Please _________ (put) your hands on the desk.

4. 然后看是否有have got, has got, 如果有,在have, has后加not.

5. Where ________you ________(go) yesterday?

6. We (see) many magic things last Halloween.

7. --- Goodbye. --- Goodbye.

8. 仿照画线句的句式,在空格处写上两个与前边意思连贯的句子。

9. How (be) your last summer holiday ?

10. It (be) Sunday yesterday.

11. ---I’m sorry. ---It doesn’t matter. / Not at all. / That’s all right.

12. 如果你是鱼儿,那快乐就是一汪清清凉凉的水;如果你是小草,那快乐就是一束暖暖香香的阳光;如果你是,那快乐就是;如果你是,那快乐就是。

13. 现在进行时

14. Don’t __________(run) in the school now.

15. My mother didn’t ( have) a mobile phone four years ago.

16. 谓语动词如果是动词过去式,借助于Did, 放在句首. 谓语动词过

17. 仿照例句,补写出一个比喻句。

18. Did you catch (some) fish?

19. Do you want _________ (go) to the farm?

20. We went __________ (fish) with my friends this morning.

21. 概念比较

22. 一般过去时

23. She often (read) news on the Internet.

24. 先看句中是否有be动词。如果有,在be动词am, is, are或者was,

25. Look at the two ( man ) over there.

26. I want __________ (be) your friend.

27. My father _______ (be) in Beijing last weekend.

28. It often_______ (rain) in Kunshan in spring.

29. 例:你热爱生命吗?那么别浪费时间,因为时间是组成生命的材料。

30. She _______(not have) a mobile phone ten years ago.

31. 对可数名词的数量提问用how many

32. 谓语动词如果是第三人称单数,借助于Does, 放在句首. 谓语动词

33. 如果以上都没有,看谓语动词如果是动词原形,借助于Do, 放在

34. 照下面两句的格式,发挥想象,再写出三个关于书的比喻句。

35. a picture of 一张……的图片

36. look 表示看,看起来look at 表示看某物某人

37. 情态动词can 过去式could后加动词原形

38. Yang Ling _______ (wait) for the bus now.

39. Did you go __________ ( fish) yesterday?

40. There ____(be) a teacher and three students in the classroom.

41. 然后看是否有have got, has got, 如果有,把have, has提前到句首,

42. I saw a lot of (bottle) on the table.

43. 喜欢做某事like doing sth.

44. ---Can I ask you some questions? ---Yes, of course.

45. I want ( play) football with my friends.

46. should 应该shouldn’t 不应该后加动词原形

47. ---Nice to meet you. ---Nice to meet you, too.

48. We __________(like)music. Now we __________(sing) .

49. 一般现在时

50. Mike couldn’t ______(ride) bikes six years ago.

51. 句子结构比较

52. It’s ________(he) turn.

53. (who ) kite is it? It’s my brother’s.

54. 对星期提问用what day

55. the same as 与……一样

56. 展开联想,在下面横线上仿写一个句子。

57. 照例句,发挥想象,在下列横线上把句子补充完整,每句补写部分不得超过10个字。

58. ---How are you? ---I’m fine, thank you.

59. 说某种语言用speak

60. They_______ (visit)a farm last Wednesday.

61. Thank you for…… .

62. 在下列横线上,仿照加点的句子再续写两个句子。

63. He __________ (write) an email to his friend now.

64. 谓语动词如果是动词过去式,借助于didn’t, 谓语动词过去式形式

65. I’m going to ride my bike to school.

66. be 动词包括am , is, are. 用法我接am你接are,is跟着他她它。

67. 如果我是阳光,我将照亮所有的黑暗。

68. 谓语动词如果是第三人称单数,借助于doesn’t, 谓语动词三单形

69. My shoes are too small.

70. 仿照下面的例句,以“你渴望理解吗”或“你希望成才吗”作开头写一句话。

71. Last Saturday, it __________ (rain).

72. -- Can I go_______ (fish) today?—Sure.

73. 去e加ing

74. The boys ________ (visit) his uncle two days ago.

75. 仿写。要求句式相同,语意连贯。

76. We often________ (go) to the park after diner.

77. Lily _________(read) a story the day before yesterday.

78. --- Good evening. --- Good evening.

79. 再看是否有can, could, will, should. 如果有,在他们后加not.

80. 仿照例句,仿写一组句子。

三单形句子训练 精选94句

1. -________ ( be) you in the zoo yesterday?

2. 下面是一位同学致老师的赠言,请仿写一句赠言,献给你的亲友、师长或同窗。

3. 一朵鲜花点缀不出绚丽的春天,一个音符谱写不了动人的乐章,一条溪流汇不成浩瀚的大海,一道线条构不成一幅美丽的画卷,一条小溪流不出浩瀚的江河,一颗星星映不出灿烂的星空.只有万众一心,群策群力,才能建设好我们的家园。

4. 动词做主语常用动词ing形式。

5. There (be)a heavy rain yesterday.

6. The jacket fits me ( good ).

7. -- _______ (be) you in the zoo yesterday?

8. Don’t __________ (run) in the classroom now.

9. He gave _______ ( they) some nice pictures.

10. 去年5月21日,中国登山队员再次成功地登上了珠穆朗玛峰,这一壮举给全国人民以巨大的鼓舞。请仿照下面例句,再写出一个赞扬他们的句子。

11. 对身体状况或方式提问用how

12. 双写末尾字母加ing

13. give sth. to sb.=give sb. sth. 给某人某物

14. 对人物提问用who

15. Look, Yang Ling ( tell) a story.

16. 仿照下面画线句中的一个,再写一个句子。

17. 询问职业身份时可以用What + am/is/are + 主语?

18. Liu Tao __________ (bring) some bread yesterday.

19. What ( do) you do three yesterday ago?

20. 对时间提问用when

21. ---Would you like to come to school with us? ---Yes, I’d love to.

22. 想做某事want to do something

23. 直接加ing

24. Mike’s grandpa likes __________ (listen) to the radio.

25. The film is (interest).

26. 对年龄提问用how old

27. 模仿下面这个句子,写一个句子。

28. It’s time to do something. 该做某事了。

29. There be 句型意思是“有”。表示某地或某时间有某物或某人。

30. some 用于肯定句中,any 用于否定句和疑问句中

31. ---What’s the time? = What time is it?(几点了?) ---It’s six.

32. ---Happy birthday to you. ---Thank you.

33. 对地点提问用where

34. Mary often _______ (go) jogging after school.

35. She __________(clean)our classroom yesterday afternoon.

36. What’s the weather like tod ay? It’s _______ (sun).

37. let’s 等于let us 后加动词原形

38. He_________(see) a funny TV show last weekend.

39. Mum, it’s ( sun) today. Shall we go to the zoo?

40. 朋友是什么,朋友是快乐日子里的一把吉它,尽情地为你弹奏生活的愉悦;

41. We ______ ( catch) some fish yesterday.

42. What about……? 等于How about……? 后加名词,代词宾格,动

43. 名词所有格表示某人的,一般在名词词尾加’s .

44. I (wear)new clothes this morning.

45. 没有泥石的聚积,就没有高山的巍峨。没有云彩的重叠,就没有天空的梦幻,没有百花的盛开,就没有春天的色彩,没有满地的落叶,就没有秋天的意境

46. 一般将来时

47. Yang Ling ___________ (wait) for the bus now.

48. 按照例句发挥想象力,把下面的句子补充完整。

49. ---Thank you very much. ---You are welcome./ That’s all right.

50. ---How do you do? --- How do you do?

51. Now Tom can do many _________ (thing).

52. Nancy often ________ ( water ) flowers in the morning.

53. Five years ago, he __(can) ride a bike,

54. 仿照“他是一张白纸,毫无成见地去接受客观真实”的句式,再写三个句子。

55. 下面是一位同学致老师的赠言,请仿写一句赠言,献给你的亲友、师长或同窗。人生的岁月,是一串珍珠;漫长的生活是一组乐曲。亲爱的老师,愿你永远拥有其中最璀璨的珍珠,最精彩的乐章!人生的过程,是一段记忆;漫长的记忆,是一组图画。亲爱的老师,愿你永远拥有其中最美好的记忆,最美丽的图画!

56. Please _______ ( pick) an orange for me.

57. We__________ (do not) go fishing last Sunday.

58. 询问天气用What’s the weather like? 或者How is the weather?

59. They ( take ) a bus to get there last Sunday?

60. 再看是否有can, could, will, should. 如果有,把他们提前到句首,

61. We (have) a fashion show there yesterday.

62. 对颜色提问用what colour

63. --- Good morning. --- Good morning.

64. too 当“也”用时,放在句尾。The cola is falling, too.

65. 对事物或做某事提问用what

66. 有助动词do, does或did,实意动词(行为动词)用原形。(简略:见助动,用原形)

67. 祈使句

68. Helen usually _________(read) English in the evening.

69. Five years ago, he_________ (can) ride a bike.

70. My mother _________(work) hard every day.

71. 仿写句子。

72. I’m going to walk to school. = I’m going to go to school on foot.

73. 对价钱或不可数名词的数量提问用how much

74. We watered some flowers and (pick) some apples.

75. wait for…. 等候某人某物Wait for us.

76. 对“某人的”提问用whose

77. _______ you _____(have) bread for breakfast this morning?

78. 球类前不加the, 乐器前加the

79. 在某一时刻用at

80. I ___________ (not have) a mobile phone now.

81. ---Would you like some juice? ---Yes, please.

82. How long is it?

83. He _________ (live) in Wuxi last year.

84. 先看句中是否有be动词。如果有,把be动词(am, is, are)或者

85. 在星期几,具体的某一天用on

86. 用所给词的适当形式填空。

87. What _______(do) your father do last Monday?

88. Let me __________ (go) to the cinema.

89. --- Good afternoon. --- Good afternoon.

90. 照下面的句式续写两句话。

91. 如果以上都没有,看谓语动词如果是动词原形,借助于don’t.

92. 对点钟提问用what time

93. 许多的lots of 等于a lot of 后加复数名词或者不可数名词

94. They often _____ _ (clean) their classroom after school. Look! They ______ _(clean) it.
