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只有谓语的英语句子 精选72句

1. “the+比较级…,the+比较级…”表示“越…就越…”。如:The more trees we plant,the better it will be.(我们栽的树越多,情况就会越好)/ The harder you try,the greater your progress is.(你越是努力,进步就越大)

2. This is my family. 这是我家人。

3. 频度副词:一般放在be动词之后或者助动词与主要动词之间,但sometimes、often等还可以放在句首或句尾,usually可放在句首,once可放在句尾,twice、three times等一般放在句尾。如:Sometimes I get up early.(我有时起得早)/ The workers usually have lunch at the factory.(工人们通常在厂里吃午饭) / Take this medicine twice a day.(这种药一天吃两次)

4. 简单句

5. He told me that there had been an argument between them

6. He learns English well.他英语学得好.(作动词宾语)

7. more than / less than分别可以理解为“多于/少于”,相当于副词,more than=over; less than=under.如:I lived in New York for more than four months.(我在纽约生活了四个多月)

8. All the tickets had been sold out when they arrived.

9. You will success. 你会成功的。

10. I go to school by bike every day.

11. I'm interested in handwriting.我对书法很感兴趣.(作介词宾语)

12. I love you. 我爱你。

13. They had already had breakfast before they arrived at the hotel.

14. 上下文中含有both/either/neither/two/twins等表示两个事物的词时,用比较级,而且往往还要加the;含有all/none/no one/ every 等表示三个或三个以上事物时,用最高级。如: --Do you like the smaller one?—Neither.(小一点的那个你喜欢吗?一个都不喜欢)/ --Which do you like best? –All of them!(你最喜欢哪个?全部。)

15. By the time I got to the bus stop ,the bus had already left .

16. She looks nice.她看上去很漂亮.(形容词作表语)

17. 副词:用来说明事情发生的时间、地点、原因、方式等含义或说明其它形容词或副词程度的词叫做副词。

18. 关系副词:用来引导定语从句,在从句中作状语。如:This is the place where Mr Zhang once lived.(这就是张先生曾经住过的地方)/ Please tell me the way how you have learned English so well.(请告诉我你的英语是怎样学得这么好的方法)

19. Nothing is impossible. 没有什么是不可能的。

20. The rain has stopped. 雨停了。

21. He is a teather. 他是一个老师。

22. My uncle is reading a book.

23. I am a student. 我是一个学生。

24. The baby always has a cold.

25. 宾语:宾语位于及物动词之后,一般同主语构成一样,不同的是构成宾语的代词必须是‘代词宾格’

26. They will play basketball tomorrow.

27. Ann is in the classroom.安在教室里.(介词短语作表语)

28. He watched TV yesterday evening.

29. I understand.我明白了。

30. You are beautiful. 你很漂亮。

31. 形容词的句法作用:作句子中名词的定语、句子的表语以及宾语补足语。

32. 疑问副词:用于对句子的状语进行提问,位置总是在句首。如:When and where were you born?(你何时何地出生?)/ Why did little Edison sit on some eggs?(小爱迪生为什么要坐在鸡蛋上?)/ How do you do?(你好!)

33. 如果动词是及物或不及物动词,则后面用副词;如果后面是连系动词,则后面用形容词。如:This car is the fastest of the four.(形容词)(这辆汽车是四辆之中最快的)/ This car runs (the) fastest of the four.(副词)(这辆汽车是四辆之中跑得最快的)

34. 主谓宾结构;

35. 一般的形容词或副词的比较级前面可以加much/a little/even/still,而表示数量的more之前还可以加some/ any/ no/ one/ two/ many/ several/ a lot等词。如:It is much colder today than yesterday.(今天比昨天冷多了)/ Would you like some more coffee?(你还要些咖啡吗?)/He did not eat any more.(他没有再吃)

36. He has gone. 他已经走了。

37. 定语:定语是对名词或代词起修饰、限定作用的词、短语或句子定语通常位于被修饰的成分前。

38. The teacher named me Lucy.老师叫我露茜.(名词作补语)

39. 状语:状语修饰动词、形容词、副词或全句,说明方式、因果、条件、时间、地点、让步、方向、程度、目的等状语在句子中的位置很灵活,常见情况为:通常在句子基本结构之后,强调时放在句首;修饰形容词或副词时,通常位于被修饰的词之前;表示时间、地点、目的的状语一般位于句子两头,强调时放在句首,地点状语一般须在时间状语之前;一些表示不确定时间(如:often)或程度(如:almost)的副词状语通常位于be动词、助动词、情态动词之后,动词之前。

40. They said that production costs had been reduced.

41. 方式副词:一般放在行为动之后,suddenly可以放在句首、句尾或动词之前。如:Old people can hardly walk as quickly as young people.(老年人几乎不可能走得和年轻人一样快) / Suddenly he saw a light in the dark cave(山洞).(突然,在黑黢黢的山洞里,他看见了一丝亮光)

42. 其它副词:too“也”,用在句尾;also放在动词前;either “也不”,放在句尾;nor“也不”,放在句首;so“如此,这样”,放在形容词、副词前;on/off“开/关”放在动词之后;not放在be之后、助动词之后、不定式或动名词之前;maybe/perhaps放在句首;certainly放在句首或动词之前。如:He went to the Palace Museum and I went there,too.(他去了故宫博物院,我也去了) / Maybe your ticket is in your inside pocket.(也许你的票就在你的里边衣袋里) / --Tom doesn’t have a computer. –Nor do I.(汤姆没有计算机,我也没有。)

43. She had finished writing the composition by 10 :this 00 morning.

44. After having been examined in accordance with the specific regulations, the equipment can be put into use. 该句中的can be put即为谓语动词,前半句的逻辑主语为the equipment。

45. He died,though great efforts had been made to save his life.

46. “Which / Who+动词+形/副,□,□or□?”句型中,如果有两个选项,形/副用比较级,如果有三个选项,形/副用最高级。如:Who has more books, Lin Tao or Han Mei?(林涛和韩梅谁的书最多?)/ Which is the heaviest,a pig,a horse or an elephant?(猪、马、象哪个最重?)

47. 时间副词:一般放在句首或句尾,注意,early、late、before、later、yet等一般放在句尾,already、just一般放在动词的前面。如:We will visit the Great Wall tomorrow.(我们明天要去参观长城) / They have already been to the UK twice.(他们去过英王国两次) / Soon the lost boy found his way back home.(不久迷路的孩子找到了回家的路)

48. 程度副词:修饰动词时,放在动词之前;修饰形容词或副词时,放在形容词或副词之前。但注意,enough总是放在被修饰的形容词或动词的后面;only位置比较灵活,总是放在被修饰的词的前面。如:I nearly forgot all about it if he did not tell me again.(如果他不再次告诉我,我几乎把那事全忘了) / It was so strange that I could hardly believe my ears.(它那么奇怪一直我都不能相信我的耳朵) / She got to the station early enough to catch the first bus.(她早早地赶到车站赶上了首班车)

49. “比较级+and+比较级”表示“越来越……”。如:The weather is getting warmer and warmer.(天越来越温暖了)

50. Very loud noises can make people ill.非常大的噪音会让人得病.(形容词作补语)

51. Eric died a few days ago and these years,he had lived as a recluse.

52. Mother is a teacher.妈妈是一名教师.(系表作谓语)

53. 主从复合句

54. 主谓结构;  He died.      We laugh(ed).

55. We had hardly reached the school before it began to rain.

56. The girl is playing the piano.

57. 主语:可以作主语的成分有名词(如boy),主格代词(如you),数词,动词不定式,动名词等。主语一般在句首。

58. The old man often takes a walk.

59. 副词的分类(见下表):

60. They are my friends. 他们是我的朋友。

61. It is raining outside. 该句中的is即为谓语动词。

62. 连接副词:用来引导主语从句、宾语从句和表语从句,在从句中作状语。How I am going to kill the cat is still a question.(我打算怎样杀死那只猫还是个问题)/ That is why everyone is afraid of the tiger.(那就是人人都害怕老虎的原因) / He wondered how he could do it the next day.(他不知道第二天怎样做那事)

63. “one of the +最高级+名词(复数)”整个短语为单数含义,谓语要用单数形式。如:One of the oldest houses has been burnt in a fire.(最古老的一幢房子在一场大火中被烧毁了)

64. She likes music.她喜欢音乐.(动词作谓语)

65. 谓语:谓语由动词构成,是英语时态、语态变化的主角,一般在主语之后。

66. until last semester,we had learned the past tense,the past perfect tense and the future tense and so on.

67. 地点副词:一般放在句尾,但here、there还可放在句首。如:There you can see thousands of bikes running in all directions(方向).(在那里,你可以看到成千上万的自行车朝各个方向流动) / The frightened wolf ran away.(受到惊吓的狼逃开了)/ He walked out quietly and turned back soon.(他悄悄地走了出去,很快又返回)

68. 不定代词的用法

69. 主谓表/主系表;  谓语:系动词

70. 并列句

71. I love the book.The book is my friend.我喜欢这本书.这本书是我的朋友.(名词作主语)

72. 形容词在句子中的位置:
