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保持快乐的英文句子 热门95句

1. 鸵鸟的幸福,只是一堆沙子。Ostrich happiness is just a pile of sand.

2. 根是地下的枝,枝是天空中的根。

3. 人生是一场博弈,你不去规划人生,人生就要来规划你。 Life is a game, you don t go to plan for life, life is to plan your

4. When we were young, we didn't mean what we said. When we grew up, we didn't mean what we said.

5. There are only people who can't figure it out, and there is no way out.

6. Life is the season, no matter spring, summer, autumn and winter, as long as the mood is suitable, it is the best.

7. 心宽体胖,勤劳体壮。

8. People who see through are full of vitality.

9. 童年时快乐的人是幸福的。

10. Pepsi is crude, and everything is poor.

11. 儿子如父高,能做父之友。

12. People who don't know how to cherish don't deserve life.

13. 爱情,亲情,友情,都是快乐的港湾。Love, affection, friendship, are happy harbor.

14. 像是喝了清醇的酒,嘴角也露出了笑!

15. Life is not waiting for the storm to pass, but learning to dance in the rain.

16. The more positive and optimistic you are, the more brave you are, and good luck will come.

17. 快乐时光去如飞。

18. 高兴能把小病治愈,忧愁能使小病加重。

19. 没有一回的快乐是无烦扰的。There is no pleasure without being disturbed.

20. When a person gets rid of his own fear, he will feel extremely carefree and comfortable.

21. 幸福的太阳空中开,快乐的花朵地上开。

22. Summer is over and autumn is coming. The law of life changes constantly.

23. 快乐应该是美德的伴侣。Happiness should be a companion of virtue.

24. 笑笑说说散散心,不说不笑要成病。

25. Being a human being, only someone can see the road clearly, and only when there is love in the heart can the world be wide.

26. 我欣喜若狂,三步并作两步就跑过去。I quickly ran over to tread on air.

27. The end of the road is still the road, as long as you are willing to go.

28. 病打心上起。身宽不如心宽。

29. 笑一笑,十年少。一日三笑,不用吃药。

30. The upwind direction is more suitable for flying. I'm not afraid of ten thousand people blocking me, but I'm afraid of surrendering myself.

31. If you make mistakes, you will change them.

32. There are always mistakes in the world, and it is too hasty to form a possession.

33. At sunrise, try to make every day happy and meaningful.

34. 求快乐时非快乐,得便宜处失便宜。

35. 量大福大,心宽屋宽。

36. 心眼坏的人没有一分钟快乐。

37. 多笑使人延年益寿,多恼催人衰老多病。

38. 眼不见,心不烦。

39. Near Zhu Zhechi, those near Mexico are black.

40. Only by learning to appreciate yourself can you become stronger.

41. 没有苦就没有乐。

42. 命运就像天气,可以尽努力地去预料,但往往出乎意料。 Fate is like the weather, can try hard to predict, but often exceeding one s expectations

43. 笑是一种没有副作用的镇静剂。

44. If a person doesn't know where he is heading, then any wind is not downwind.

45. Face your face to the sun, and you won't see the shadow.

46. The running of life lies not in an instant burst, but in persistence on the way.

47. If you use your will, you will concentrate on God.

48. Being with positive people can make us feel high.

49. The gods learn from each other, so don't insult Sven.

50. 没有一回的快乐是无烦扰的。

51. 一个人时,善待自己;两个人时,善待对方。 A person, treat yourself; two people, they treat each other

52. If you are grateful, happiness will come.

53. 他高兴的压抑不住心跳!He was so happy that he couldn’t stop his heart beating!

54. 快乐是成功的副产品。

55. I feel pleasing to the eye when I meet you for the first time, and I like you very much.

56. 快乐不在于事情,而在于我们自己。

57. 谁笑在最后,谁笑的最好。

58. It's better to retreat into a net than to fish in the forest.

59. Go round as you please, and feel uncomfortable everywhere.

60. Life is tired, one half comes from survival, and the other half comes from comparison.

61. 听到大家的赞美,他心里美滋滋的!We heard the praise, he was flattered!

62. 叫人不高兴的真理,胜过叫人高兴的谎言。

63. 没用的东西,再便宜也不要买;不爱的人,再寂寞也不要依赖。 Something useless, again cheap also do not buy; don t love people more lonely, do not rely on

64. Flowers, though beautiful, will fade sooner or later.

65. 欢娱嫌日短,寂寞恨更长。

66. Why bother to care about things that don't belong to you.

67. 与人相处之道,在于无限的容忍。

68. 有些路看起来很近走去却很远的,缺少耐心永远走不到头。 Some roads seem close to is far away, the lack of patience will walk not to the end

69. 没有人能比笑得过多的人更感到深切的悲衰。

70. 心中快乐,容光焕发。

71. 快乐应该是美德的伴侣。

72. What you say is not bitter, but what you can't say is bitter.

73. 贪图一时快活,必然留下隐祸。

74. 快乐就是健康,忧郁就是疾病。

75. 苦尽甘来。

76. 只有信念使快乐真实。

77. 当我们爱别人的时候,生活是美好、快乐的。

78. 对愚人最好是使他高兴,而不是惹他发怒。

79. 快乐,是人生中最伟大的事!

80. 不要想着依靠别人,要有目标有追求,这与年龄无关。 Don t rely on others, there must be goals to pursue, it has nothing to do with age

81. We can't be liked by everyone, but it's enough to have a clear conscience.

82. 笑口常开,青春常在。

83. Stay because of confusion, miss because of confusion, and lose because of confusion.

84. The heart is the biggest liar. Others can lie to you for a while, but it will lie to you for a lifetime.

85. 若要不寂寞,赶快多工作。

86. Leave a blank, always highlight.

87. 快活光阴容易过。

88. If you are grateful, you can be grateful everywhere.

89. 人世难逢开口笑。

90. 念了十几年书,想起来还是幼儿园比较好混!

91. 糌粑面食,酪浆来扮。

92. 快乐不在于事情,而在于我们自己。Happiness lies not in things, but in ourselves.

93. 喝药递瓶,上吊给绳,跳楼的挥着小手绢送行。

94. Many people can't be themselves well because they always want to be others!

95. Dedication to propriety, devotion to justice, and honesty.

保持快乐的英文句子 热门67句

1. 夜秘密的把花开放了,却让白日去领受谢词。

2. When you have no time to rest, it is time for you to rest.

3. 手拿菜刀砍电线,一路火花带闪电。

4. If you feel that you are walking hard now, it proves that you are going uphill!

5. I want to discard this world, and I want to prosper the world I want.

6. 快乐不在于事情,而在于我们自己。Happiness lies not in things, but in ourselves.

7. 令人不能自拔的,除了牙齿还有爱情。

8. 耳不听不烦,眼不见不馋。

9. Take it easy and taste it.

10. 他的心就像久旱的苗儿喝倒了水!His heart like a Miaoer down to drink water!

11. Business is business, ringing the bell for dinner.

12. There are always people who are better looking, smarter and younger than you, but no one can replace you.

13. 听到大家的赞美,他心里美滋滋的!We heard the praise, he was flattered!

14. Read other people's stories and think about your own life.

15. Since the excellent, how to be good, become a god, how to be king.

16. 要想活得痛快,身上不能背债。

17. Only you can change yourself. Don't be successful, but don't regret it.

18. You have so many abilities, you will achieve nothing if you chase blindly.

19. 那颗心乐得快要盛不下蜜糖般的喜悦。

20. Lose the calm, get it lightly, contend for its necessity, and let nature take its course.

21. Sometimes the distance between success and failure is very short, but the latter takes a few steps forward.

22. There are so many places around. When someone comes, someone is destined to leave.

23. No matter when you start, it is important not to stop after you start.

24. 快快活活活了命,气气恼恼恼成病。

25. 笑一笑,百病消。

26. 我们缺少的不是机会,而是在机会面前将自己重新归零的勇气。 What we lack is not chance, but in front of the chance to zero courage

27. There is no calm sea, no uninjured ship.

28. 要明白,你用真心对别人,别人未必会用真心对你! See, your heart to others, others will not use the sincerity to you!

29. 常拜的神殿,常伴的子女。

30. 他高兴的压抑不住心跳!He was so happy that he couldn't stop his heart beating!

31. There is no constant commitment. There are only endless lies.

32. 快乐,是人生中最伟大的事!Happiness is the greatest thing in life!

33. 觉得自己不快活的人是不会快活的。

34. 心平气和,五体安宁。

35. 微笑拥抱每一天,做像葵花般和煦的女子。

36. Dreams are rare and difficult to realize.

37. 他高兴,犹如北京的二月,春风吹的暖意融融!

38. Butterflies that have never seen flowers will never understand what withering is.

39. Put the difficulty on your head, it is the top stone; Step on the difficulty, it is a stepping stone.

40. Happiness is not how luxurious you drive, but your peace.

41. 爱情,亲情,友情,都是快乐的港湾。Love, affection, friendship, are happy harbor.

42. 人生就像呼吸,呼是为了争一口气,吸是为了出一口气。 Life is like breathing, it is in order to fight for breath, breath to breath out

43. People should have a focus; Have a foothold again. The former is strategy; The latter is tactics.

44. When your enemy makes mistakes, don't bother him.

45. State is done, not waited.

46. 高兴得忘乎所以手舞足蹈!Happy dancing!

47. 要美好,就要受苦。

48. When you are angry, keep your mouth shut so as not to increase your anger.

49. People in this life, there are always unwilling to accept the reality, don't want to bear the mood.

50. 心病还须心药医。心里痛快百病消。

51. Some injuries are only suitable for keeping in mind, just as some people are only suitable for forgetting.

52. 她满脸是甜蜜的微笑,活像一朵盛开的玫瑰花。

53. There is only one step for greatness to become ridiculous, but if you take another step, ridiculous will become great again.

54. 心胸宽阔的人,喝水也会胖。

55. People who turn back frequently can't walk far.

56. If you look up occasionally, you will see a warm window.

57. 老去心情随日减,远来书信隔年间。The old mood decreases with the days.

58. 女儿如母高,能做母之友。

59. If you choose to go, don't look back.

60. 未出险境,先莫高兴。

61. Only by breaking through psychological barriers can we surpass ourselves.

62. 快乐使人身体无病,心灵无疾。Happiness makes the body sick and soul free.

63. When we complain about not having shoes, we find that some people have no feet.

64. 父亲积累的财产,母亲积累的食物。

65. 今天我好高兴哦!I’m so happy today!

66. I like her because I think she is good and she is good at everything.

67. 家庭和睦是人生最快乐的事。Family harmony is the happiest thing in life.

保持快乐的英文句子 热门17句

1. 我的心里甜滋滋的,感到了从未有过的欢乐。

2. 乐观使人长寿。

3. It takes courage and ambition to live.

4. 一天笑一笑,赛似吃好药。说说笑笑,通了七窍。

5. People can't be obsessed. Jing 'an is a blessing.

6. 我们的目标:向钱看,向厚赚。

7. Successful people learn from other people's experiences, while ordinary people learn from their own experiences.

8. 当誓言变成了一时失言,那么所有的曾经就让它像屁一样烟消云散吧。 When the oath to become a slip of the tongue, then all have let it disappear in smoke like a fart

9. The most important thing in life is not what you have lost, nor what you have yet, but what you have at the moment.

10. Worry never sleeps, forgetfulness is happiness.

11. If there is a shadow in front of you, it is because there is sunshine behind you.

12. 宁喝开心粥,不吃皱眉饭。

13. Knowing victory is not arrogant, seeking will be effective.

14. 今天我好高兴哦!I'm so happy today!

15. 笑一笑,少一少;恼一恼,老一老;愁一愁,白了头。

16. 自私自利的人永远找不到快乐。

17. You don't have to be deliberate, just follow your fate.
