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高考完成句子 精选38句

1. Weusuallyeatakindofricedumplingcalledyuanxiao.

2. Machineswilldothedulljobsinfactories,officesandfarms.

3. 命题趋势及典型例题解析

4. needn’t have sorted out

5. Theybringusgoodluckalltheyearround.

6. Machines______thedulljobsin_________,officesandfarms.

7. 单词变换(名词单复数互变,名词变为形容词,形容词变为副词)

8. useful information to catch the robber, the police will reward him. (provide)

9. 命题目的

10. 过好语法关。高考的完成句子会就语法主干体系进行“地毯”式的考查,这就要求同学们针对常考点,对基础语法进行简化整理,分类,取舍。基本原则应以历年常考点为主线;同时兼顾考纲中的难点以及往年未涉及的盲点。然后就易忘点和易混点利用错题本,分专题进行对比整理,加强理解和记忆。我们看两道题:

11. The railway makes it more convenient for people to travel between cities. (build)

12. We need tw teaspns f hne. (就划线部分提问)

13. TheywanttospeakEnglishwell.

14. 过好每日关。训练是提高完成句子的必经之路,只有在不断的训练中,才会不断完善做题思路,熟悉各种语法现象,并在这个过程中发现问题,有针对性地去解决。

15. 试题概括

16. 时态变换

17. 备考建议

18. It has been confirmed that women , as men. (use)

19. People ____ work _____ ____ _ ____.

20. Peoplewillworkthreedaysaweek.

21. 考试题型

22. 用所给词或词语的正确形式完成句子

23. 的完成句子真题中均出现此考点,并且都是所给的时间状语将所选动词由原型变为过去时;

24. Mr ing is s bus that he can’t g t the cncert. (改为简单句)

25. Our parents ____ __ New Year ________.

26. Linda used t be interested in sprts. (改为一般疑问句)

27. Our parents give us New Year presents.

28. 根据汉语和首字母提示完成句子

29. Whoever/ No matter who provides

30. They want to speak English well.

31. Weusuallyeat_______ricedumpling______yuanxiao.

32. OurparentsgiveusNewYearpresents.

33. newly built

34. u shuldn’t run in the hallwas at schl. (改为祈使句)

35. The high school, which is reported ,just three years ago, is now renowned throughout this city. (establish)

36. 你必须照看好自己,保持身体健康。(汉译英)

37. Ourparents______NewYear________.

38. l after

高考完成句子 精选22句

1. So difficult to get accustomed to the city life that she missed her hometown very much. (find)

2. 固定搭配

3. They ____ ___ ____ English ____.

4. They___________English____.

5. People will work three days a week.

6. Machines ____ __ the dull jobs in _________, offices and farms.

7. to have been established

8. They_____usgoodluck_____________.

9. You accommodation for me. I’m old enough to manage it. (sort)

10. 根据汉语提示完成句子,即括号中所给的词或短语汉译英;

11. Machines will do the dull jobs in factories, offices and farms.

12. 用所给词或词语完成句子

13. did she find it

14. 过好单词关。历届高考题都会考查短语搭配,所以积累大量的词汇和短语也就成了完成句子拿高分的保证。

15. People____work______________.

16. 过好句子关。任何句子都要有“主谓”意识,这是突破完成句子的关键,由于缺乏句子意识,很多同学经常弄出让人哭笑不得的答案。比如:

17. 语态变换

18. 完成句子(共6小题,计12分)

19. Wedon’twanttosweepawaygoodluck.

20. All f the sldiers want t have a rest. (改为否定句)

21. use twice as many words

22. Wedon’t_____________goodluck.
