
admin 2024-03-02 网站管理员 admin

1.我跟你除了恋爱真没什么好谈的。 You and I have nothing to talk about but love. ​​​​

2.心本来就不大,别什么都装进去。对昨天纠结不放,是对今天和明天的亵渎。​Don't put everything into the heart. To struggle with yesterday is to desecrate today and tomorrow. ​​​​

3.热水治不了百病,情话过不了一生。Hot water can not cure all diseases,lover's honeyed words can't live a life. ​​​​

4.青春本来就是,马不停蹄的相遇和错过。Youth is in itself, The horse never stops to meet and miss. ​​​​

5.我拦不住要走的风,也抱不住整片天空。 I can't stop the wind, I can't hold the whole sky. ​​​​

6.没关系 这次也会熬过去的 像以往无数次那样。It doesn't matter, this time it will be the past, as many times as before. ​​​​

7.我在想你,表面不露痕迹,心里不留余地。I'm thinking of you with the surface is not visible, but heart leave no room. ​​​​


18.他知道你舍不得离开,才肆无忌惮的伤害。He know you reluctant to leave the unscrupulous damage. ​​​​

19.总有一天 你会在我的世界里下落不明,我会在你的世界里音信全无 ​​​​ One day, you will be missing in my world, and I will have no news in your world. ​​​​

20.比孤独更孤独的,是和错的人在一起。 Lonelier than loneliness is being with the wrong people. ​​​​

21.比起谈着充满欺骗的恋爱,单身反而更好。Being single is better than being in an unfaithful relationship. ​​​​

22.不要轻易付出真心,因为真心,离伤心最近。Don't pay your heart sincerely and easily, because it is close to the sad. ​​​​

23.他说的诺言当不了真,我许的情深等不了人。The promise he said could not be true.I can't wait for the person with my deep feeling. ​​​​

24.我还守在原地,不为等你,只是等自己放弃。I still keep in place, not waiting for you, just waiting to give up. ​​​​

25.我本无意爱你,如今忘不掉你。I have no intention to fall in love with you, but now I cannot kick you out of my memory. ​​​​

26.你是我的,我是你的,很简单很满足。It's so simple and satisfying that you belong to me and I belong to you. ​​​​

27.我爱你始于初见,止于终老。My love is kept for you from the first sight to the end of life. ​​​​
