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最美的英语情话小句子 精选101句

1. 看庭前花开花落,荣辱不惊,望天上云卷云舒,去留无意。

2. 我曾默默无语,毫无指望的爱你。I was silent,no hope for love you.

3. 你亲我一下,我就留在你身边。

4. This life's understanding, that is a fetter.

5. I live by a breath of oxygen, and oxygen is you.

6. If you think you're not good enough, you don't find the right person.

7. 你若点头,我愿伴你身旁。你若摇头,我愿默默守护。

8. People will change, simple five words, tell all the stories.

9. Look at the flowers in front of the court, honor and disgrace are not surprised, look at the sky clouds roll cloud Shu, to stay unintentionally.

10. The so-called most unforgettable is never thought of, but never forget.

11. 情断了,绑不住,试着放手,走与不走,留与不留,我不想懂。

12. I would like to burn the rest of my life, warm your future road.

13. Time will heal all the pain, slowly, I will forget everything.

14. Easy to dig out the heart and lung, more afraid to lose.

15. 说的太多,不如做到好。从今往后,有我好好照顾你吧!Too much to say, it is better to do it. From now on, I will take care of you!

16. 你我除了爱意,还有漫长的人生可以细讲。

17. 我终究不是你最爱的那个人,所以你现在放手了。

18. 不能接受,那就改变;不能改变,那就离开。

19. The heart is mine, but it's full of you.

20. 时间会抚平所有的伤痛,慢慢的,我就会忘记一切。

21. 沵悄然无息旳,闯入仂俄旳心。

22. What you like may not suit you

23. 有什么放不下,不就是几瓶酒几滴泪几个难熬的夜晚。What can not be put down, not just a few bottles of wine a few tears a few difficult nights.

24. 心是我的,可里面装的全是你。

25. 你是踩碎星光落入我梦境的一袋幻想。

26. 爱,如果不是全部,那就什么也不是。

27. 我们一齐走过的以前,我发誓我会好好珍惜。

28. In fact, you are not so good, just essential to me.

29. I just hope there is a you around me, can warm my air.

30. 你陪着我的时候我从来没羡慕过任何人。

31. 懂得道理需要时间沉淀,爱与不爱无需蜜语甜言。

32. The original like a person, is even to walk he walked the road all feel very happy.

33. 谁让我拥抱,再一次心跳。

34. 未经失恋,不懂爱情,未经失意,不懂人生。

35. 世界上只有一个你,叫我如何不好好珍惜。There is only one person in the world, telling me how to cherish it.

36. Want to talk, but found no one around, so used to loneliness also learned to be strong.

37. Special love to special you, special pain to yourself!

38. 一个你,一颗心,一心一意,一辈子。One, one heart, one heart and one mind, for a lifetime.

39. 我除了谋生,就是光顾你。

40. Who let me embrace, heartbeat again.

41. 能不能让我遇到那么一个人,为他停留不在漂泊。

42. 属于我的东西,谁也别想拿走!

43. You are a bag of fantasies that trample on the stars and fall into my dream.

44. Love is very simple, three like, seven cherish.

45. 是我不愿意说,还是回头看看连一个叙说人都没有。

46. 命是弱者的借口,运是强者的谦辞。

47. 我想要的很简单,时光还在,你还在。I want to be very simple, time is still there, you are still there.

48. Before we passed together, I swear I will cherish it.

49. 走错了宿命的开头,结尾也必然是幕悲剧。

50. Can I meet such a person, for he does not stay wandering.

51. 我想一直陪伴在你的左右,想紧紧的握住你的双手,和你看遍世间所有最美的风景,就这样爱你一直到永久。I want to stay with you all the time, want to hold your hands tightly, and see all the most beautiful scenery in the world, so love you forever.

52. 偶尔的孤独对我来说极其珍贵。我的整个心从未向任何人敞开。

53. 如果能让我感受到,足够的被爱与被珍惜,我是不怕辛苦的。

54. 今生的明白,那是一个束缚。

55. 人生重要的不是所站的位置,而是所朝的方向。

56. 原来喜欢一个人,就是连走他走过的路都觉得很幸福。

57. The place I want to go most is in your heart!

58. 走在一起是缘分,一起在走是幸福。

59. No one wants to take what belongs to me!

60. 人是会变的,简单的五个字,讲完了所有故事。

61. 至今没有明白爱情的真谛,以为找到了安全感就是爱情。

62. Without love, without love, without frustration, without life.

63. 不要对我太好,我怕深溺时久,缺氧致死。

64. I'm only one you short of the world, because it's you. It doesn't matter later.

65. 我是有多想你,才会在梦里梦得那么真切。I think how much I want you to dream so truly.

66. Not every story has its own happiness, but more of it ends with nothing.

67. If you cand bet to take the happiness of this life, how do you be willing to let me lose.

68. 如果人生是一个圆,那么总会有一个人是你最终的切线。

69. 与你相遇,是此生最美的风景,我的一生借你一程,这一程便是余生。Meeting with you is the most beautiful scenery in this life. I will lend you a journey in my life. This journey is the rest of my life.

70. 只向往平淡的小幸福,简单也是浪漫,平静也有温暖。

71. 我愿将我余生燃烧,暖你未来的路。

72. 不是每段故事都有快乐,更多的是无获而终。

73. 茫茫人海中,能与你相遇、相爱,是我觉得最幸福的事情。In the vast sea of people, being able to meet and fall in love with you is the happiest thing I feel.

74. Sad for you a little more, less, the tears are not worth the same.

75. 最美的不是下雨天,而是与你躲过雨的屋檐。

76. 想把所有的情话都说给你听,却不知从何说起……I want to tell you all the love words, but I don’t know where to start……

77. One day you will find that I can not be replaced by everyone.

78. 或许现在的你知道我没睡,我也知道你没睡,看着彼此更新的动态,却再不能说上一句话。Some scenery can only be like but can not be collected, like some people are only suitable to meet but not suitable for a long time.

79. I have no ambition. I just want you.

80. 最温柔的月光,也敌不过,你转瞬的回眸。The gentlest moonlight, but also the enemy, you look back.

81. If I can feel enough to be loved and cherished, I am not afraid of hard work.

82. 无论这世界怎么变化,我爱你的心是永远不会变的。No matter how the world changes, my heart that loves you will never change.

83. You dons you that I talk about every day.

84. After all, you are not the one who loves you most.

85. Scream hysterically, accuse oneself of all unpleasantness.

86. 其实你没有多好,只是对我来说必不可少。

87. 希望你喜欢的是我,而不是我这种类型的。

88. Memories are warm, but promises have cooled.

89. 所谓最难忘的,就是从来不曾想起,却永远也不会忘记。

90. You are the unreachable light

91. I hope you like me, not my type.

92. The more crazy the girl is, the better the girl is

93. 为你伤心多一点,少一点,留下的眼泪都一样不值得。

94. 如果不能赢得整个人生,少输就是赢。

95. 天上人间,潇潇共雨;曼珠红遍,流水忘川。

96. 虽然你嘴上不说,但是从你的行动中,我知道你是爱我的。Although you dont say it, but from your actions, I know that you love me.

97. Heaven and earth, Xiaoxiao total rain; Manzhu red, water forget the river.

98. You quietly break into my heart.

99. Enough disappointment. I'm leaving. Goodbye, the one I used to love.

100. The important thing in life is not the position, but the direction.

101. 我只希望身边有一个你,可以温暖我的空气。

最美的英语情话小句子 精选65句

1. The water is cold and the heart is cold, it is hard to heat.

2. Don't be too nice to me. I'm afraid of drowning for a long time and dying of hypoxia.

3. 因为梦见你离开,我从哭泣中醒来。

4. So far, I don't understand the true meaning of love. I think that finding security is love.

5. 我活着就是赖着一口氧气,而氧气是你。

6. People who meet in the sea of people will eventually return to the sea of people.

7. 我没有野心,我只想要你。

8. The most beautiful is not a rainy day, but with you to avoid the rain eaves.

9. With you, if you will. If you shake your head, I will guard silently.

10. 爱情是个梦,而我睡过了头。

11. Besides making a living, I just patronize you.

12. 总有那么一天你会发现,我不是谁都可以替代。

13. If you love yourself too much, it's hard to fall in love.

14. 我最想去的地方,是你心里!

15. 想要倾诉,却发现身边无人,所以习惯了孤独也学会了坚强。

16. 当我想忘记的时候,才发现这已经是刻在骨子里的爱情。

17. Life is the excuse of the weak, while luck is the courtesy of the strong.

18. 后来我遇到很多阴天,却再也不敢冒雨再见你一面。Then I met a lot of cloudy days, but I did not dare to see you again in the rain.

19. 爱很简单,三分喜欢,七分珍惜。

20. Love is drinking poison wine with a smile!

21. Understanding the truth needs time precipitation, love and do not love without sweet words.

22. 爱情,原来是含笑饮毒酒!

23. Besides love, you and I have a long life to talk about.

24. If tears can hide sadness, how long will it take to be strong.

25. Laugh it off, dont know how much I like you, but if I were to see you, I'd have to

26. 歇斯底里的叫喊,指控自己所有的不愉快。

27. If you can't win the whole life, you win if you lose less.

28. 在人海相遇的人,终究要归还给人海的。

29. I never envied anyone when you were with me.

30. I don't want to say, or look back and see that there is not even a narrator.

31. 等一个人的心,错一个人的情。

32. Love is a dream, and I overslept.

33. Loneliness is not born, but from the moment you fall in love with someone.

34. Because I dream you leave, I wake up from crying.

35. 太爱自己,就很难相爱。

36. 失望攒够了,我要离开了。再见了,我曾用命爱的人。

37. 从今以后,你就是我的人了。无论好与不好,我都会不离不弃。From now on, you are my person. No matter how good or bad, I will never give up.

38. The occasional loneliness is extremely precious to me. My whole heart has never been opened to anyone.

39. When I want to forget, I found that this is the love engraved in my bones.

40. 容易掏心掏肺,更害怕失去。

41. 喜欢一个人,往往就是多看一眼的事。

42. If you go wrong at the beginning of destiny, the ending must be a tragedy.

43. 遇见了你,很开心。爱上了你,很幸福。有了你,我每天都是欢声笑语。I am very happy to meet you. I fell in love with you, very happy. With you, I laugh and laugh every day.

44. Like a person, often is to see more things.

45. Give me a kiss and I'll stay with you.

46. 孤单不是与生俱来,而是由你爱上一个人的那一刻开始。

47. Walking together is fate, walking together is happiness.

48. 如果眼泪可以隐藏悲伤,要哭多久才能坚强。

49. Waiting for a person's heart, wrong a person's feeling.

50. 最近有点忙,忙着喜欢你啦。

51. 春日游,杏花吹满头。陌上谁家年少,足风流。

52. Spring travel, apricot blossom blowing head. Who is young on the street, full of romantic.

53. Don't say too much truth, love is hard together.

54. If life is a circle, there will always be a person who is your final tangent.

55. Only yearning for the plain little happiness, simple is also romantic, calm also has warmth.

56. 以前觉得大海很美,夕阳很美,但是认识你之后,再美的风景也不及你的十分之一。I used to think that the sea is beautiful, the sunset is beautiful, but after I know you, the beauty of the scenery is not as much as one tenth of yours.

57. Love is broken, can not be tied, try to let go, go or not, stay or not, I don't want to understand.

58. 我与世界只差一个你,因为是你,晚一点没关系。

59. If you can't accept it, change it; if you can't change it, leave.

60. I'm a little busy recently. I like you very much.

61. 回忆还是温热的,但承诺已经冷却了。

62. 特别的爱给特别的你,特别的痛就给自己!

63. 别说太多大道理,爱就努力在一起。

64. 不管今世也好来世也好……我所要的只有你……Whether it’s the world or the future……All I want is you……

65. 如果你觉得你不够好,那么是你没有找到对的人。
