
admin 2024-05-25 网站管理员 admin

rs组合的英文句子 精选30句

1. The Application of RS and GIS in Green Inventory in Hefei CityRS和GIS在合肥市绿地系统调查中的应用

2. The Development of RS and GIS in the 21st Century浅论21世纪遥感与GIS的发展

3. Design of a Circuit Finding the Error Pattern in Decoding of RS CodesRS码译码中错误图样检测电路的设计

4. And generate Rs reflexive closure, symmetric closure and transitive closure.并且生成r的自反闭包、对称闭包和传递闭包。

5. The accuracy and practicability arise from RS interpretation have been ulteriorly improved.进一步提高了石漠化遥感解译的精确度和实用性。

6. A Study on Parallel Service System Architecture of RS Image Based on SVM基于SVM的遥感数据并行服务体系研究

7. Two Methods of Encoding and Decoding for RS Codes in Frequency Domain两种在频域编译RS码的方法

8. Design of Bit Parallel RS Encoder Based on Weak Dual Basis弱对偶基下比特并行RS编码器的设计

9. Results Esophageal benign stricture and RS model of 49 rats were developed.结果成功制作大鼠食管良性狭窄和再狭窄模型49个。

10. A New Method of Encoding FH Sequences Using RS Code一种基于RS码的跳频码序列的编写方法

11. The Fault Tolerant Design or Parallel Decoder for RS CodesRS码多路并行 * 的容错设计

12. Computer Control for Alkaline Fusion in Reduced Blue RS Dye Stuff processes还原兰RS染料碱熔生产过程计算机控制系统

13. External backup taken on RS secondary server.在RS次要服务器上所做的外部备份。

14. Design and Implementation of RS Codec Using FPGARS编 * 的设计与FPGA实现

15. Set DELAY_APPLY configuration parameter at RS secondary server.设置RS次要服务器上的DELAY_APPLY配置参数。

16. Principle and DSP Implementation of RS Code Decoding For CDCS-2K长距离电缆高速数据通讯系统中的RS译码算法的DSP实现

17. Let's add an RS node to our cluster.现在向集群添加一个RS节点。

18. RS Code And Decode In ADSL SystemADSL系统中的RS编译码

19. Rs expression.Rs的表达。

20. Performance of RS Codes in a Direct-Detection Optical PPM System直接检测光PPM系统中RS码的性能分析

21. What dopola rbea rs eat?北极熊吃什么?

22. Study of Classification Accuracy of RS Fused Image遥感融合图像分类精度的研究

23. RS Model and Pulsars γ- Ray EmissionRS模型与脉冲星的γ辐射

24. Application of stratum sampling to classification of RS image.应用分层采样技术进行大面积遥感图像分类的研究

25. A small charge is made for e-tickets, currently RS 25, about 35p.电子客票要收取少量费用,现在是25卢比,约合35便士。

26. Application of GIS and RS to Urban Green Land ProgrammingGIS和RS技术在城市绿地规划方面的应用

27. Application of RS and GIS in ZhunGeer County Soil Erosion Survey遥感与GIS在准格尔旗土壤侵蚀监测中的应用

28. Rotational Measturement and Study for RS CVn Stars (Ⅱ)RS CVn型双星的自转测量和研究(Ⅱ)

29. Until now the rupee has generally been shortened to the letters rs or sometimes INR.到目前为止。卢比通常缩写为字母rs,或者有时写作INR(印度卢比)。

