
admin 2024-05-25 网站管理员 admin

is开头的句子 精选37句

1. It is necessary that…有必要……

2. It is general1y considered that…人们普遍认为

3. It happens that…碰巧……

4. it is important:这非常重要

5. It is asserted that…有人主张……

6. Its wings can help it fly.

7. It 是主语就是隐含的“它”的意思,它9点了,当我们走的时候,is 是谓语,9o'clock是宾语,when I went home是状语从句

8. it is important for sb to do: 对某人来说做某事重要

9. it is a long story:说来话长;一言难尽

10. Its color is red.

11. It is good news that………是好消息

12. It is considered that:据知

13. It's my book,not yours.

14. It's hard for me to read this notice.

15. It turned out that…结果是……

16. it is obvious that:显然…

17. It is supposed that…据推测……

18. It follows that…由此可见……

19. It is 是形式主语,真正的主语是you 谓语是give,me和hand是宾语,me是间接宾语,hand是直接宾语.It is 是形式主语,不是真正的主语,英语中常用这种表达方式,防止头重脚轻.

20. It's good to be a better man.

21. it is common knowledge………是常识

22. it is certain that:毫无疑问……;肯定……

23. It must be pointed out that…必须指出……

24. It must be admitted that…必须承认……

25. It is a pity that:遗憾的是

26. It is a question that………是个问题

27. It is clear that…很清楚……

28. it is reported that:据报道

29. It is raining:下雨了

30. It is no use doing: 做........是没用的

31. It is important that ...: 重要的是

32. It is said that:据说;有人说;据说……

33. “It’s time to do sth.”表示“是做某事的时候了”。此句常与上句替换使用。

34. it is asserted that:有人断言;有人主张

35. It is learned that据悉…;众所周知

36. it is assumed that:假定;人们认为;据推测

37. It is 开头的句子做的是形式主语,真正的主语是you 谓语是give,me和hand是宾语,me是间接宾语,hand是直接宾语.It is 是形式主语,不是真正的主语,英语中常用这种表达方式,防止头重脚轻.
