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带is的句子 精选80句

1. What is “power”? What is “quantum” and what is “energy”?

2. That is how it is.

3. Building socialism is no easy job.搞社会主义可不是一件容易的事。

4. 有些妇女不能同工同酬,这是不公平的。

5. 车祸中没有人受伤,真是个奇迹。

6. xxxCheap is dear, and dear is cheapxxxis Businessmen's jargon.

7. Ryan Hooper says that it is wise to leave kids in the dark about real estate decisions.瑞安·霍伯说,不让孩子参与购房决策是明智的。

8. It is my earnest wish that you use this money to further your research.我真诚希望你用这笔钱继续你的研究工作。

9. It is a fact that the world is round.

10. As heat is added to a dilute buffer solution, the temperature rises.由于热量被添加到一个稀释缓冲溶液中,温度上升。

11. Power is temporary, property is posterity, health is oneself, relationship is important, friendship is precious.

12. She is wearing tight black leggings and a baggy green jersey.她穿着黑色紧身裤和宽大的绿色运动上衣。

13. It is the parameter for the log buffer.它是用于日志缓冲区的参数。

14. This is a summary of the exclusions contained in the Certificate of Insurance.这是一个简要的除外证书中所包含的保险。

15. Whatever is phenomenal is ephemeral

16. Do you know Venice It is a water city in Italy你知道威尼斯吗?这是一个意大利的水上城市

17. It is better to continue in a particular job, or to do something completely different from a university course.

18. The earth is the shape of a pear地球是梨子形状的。

19. It's undeniable that traffic is getting worse every year.

20. 你感到沮丧是可以理解的。

21. The major concern of the snowshoe hare in the winter is predators.雪靴野兔冬天最大的担忧是捕食者。

22. 最好继续从事一份特定的工作,或者做一些与大学课程完全不同的事情。

23. A prototype is what is needed.

24. My life in university is like allegro.我的生活在大学中像急速的乐章。

25. This is a very ticklish problem.这是个非常敏感的问题。

26. It's unfortunate that the city has no funds for the project.

27. 地球是圆的这是事实。

28. A teaching model for the designing and machining of non-circular gears is established.建立非圆齿轮设计加工的教学模型。

29. In shock stage, infection stage, pyemia stage G-germ is the main.休克期、感染期、和脓毒症期以G -菌为主。

30. It's a miracle that there were no injuries from the car accident.

31. It's understandable that you feel frustrated.

32. 很明显,两位领导人互不尊重。

33. It's obvious that the two leaders don’t respect each other.

34. This is the type of flood dreaded by cavers.这正是探察洞穴者惧怕的那种洪水。

35. My friend says that offence is not justiciable in a federal court我的朋友说那种违法行为不受联邦法院之管辖。

36. 诚然,英语是世界上大部分地区的主要商业语言。

37. 不可否认,交通每年都在恶化。

38. The man privately admits that his motive is to make profit.那人私下承认他的动机是为了谋利。

39. Strictness is love, looseness is harm, ignorance is bad.

40. When the summer crop is ripening, the autumn crop has to be sowed.夏季作物成熟时, 就得播种秋季作物。

41. Example is he is…

42. The pouring out of the soul—that is the Divine meaning of intercession.他将命倾倒——就是代祷的神圣意义,唯有如此才能使他的奉献及祷告能在神面前有能力。

43. Warm wine boiling time, is missing, is a dream, is distracted, is hasty and so on, is lonely, is harmful.

44. If participation is inconsistent with the culture, however, goals should be assigned.然而,如果这种参与活动与组织文化不一致,那么就应该指定好目标。

45. It is true that English is the principal language of business throughout much of the world.

46. It is unfair that some women do not earn equal pay for equal work.

47. Collection of data is done in an extremely surreptitious and meticulous manner.数据收集工作是在极其秘密细致地。

48. Pain is life, pain is experience, tiredness is work, change is fate, tolerance is experience, tolerance is wisdom, Quietness is cultivation, giving up is gain, doing is possession.

49. fiower is redleaf is greencandy is sweetand so you are

50. It is true that drug abuse can ruin one's health.

51. Remember: Tu is informal, vous is formal.

52. Please informed us once the payment is done, we will send out the parcel as soon as possible.汇款后请在第一时间通知我们,我们会在最短的时间内把货品送出。

53. It is surprising that Irene, who is an excellent student, failed her entrance examination.

54. 不幸的是,这个城市没有这个项目的资金。

55. Even the most avant-garde art is past.他补充道,“甚至最前卫的艺术也过时了。

56. What is mine is yours.

57. Their effort is to no avail.他们的努力不起作用。

58. Faith is young, doubt is old, self-confidence is young, fear is old, hope is young, despair is old.

59. That is what is important!

60. Thisis where the mashup is hosted.

61. war is peacefreedom is slaveryignorance is strength

62. What is time, what is man, what is nature, what is heart, what is treatment.

63. This is exactly the kind of problem that would occur in C++.在C++里,这个问题最令程序员头痛。

64. 滥用xxx会损害健康,这是事实。

65. War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.

66. What is felt is what is true.

67. 的确,运动可以减少心脏病。

68. The trouble is, signing up is voluntary.

69. The fact is, it is completely untrue.

70. 令人惊讶的是,艾琳是一个优秀的学生,却没有通过入学考试。

71. The more powerful the car the more difficult it is to handle.汽车的功效越大,操纵起来越难。

72. Mr. Brown, Mr. Black is on the phone.布朗先生,布菜克先生打电话找您。

73. In recent years it has become far more normal for people to live alone, particularly in large cities in the developed world.

74. It is quite common these days for young people in many countries to have a break from studying after graduating from high school.

75. 在许多国家,年轻人高中毕业后休息一段时间是很常见的。

76. Is love, is the fate, is also the life's belief, is wrong, is wrong, is also the life's gratitude.

77. A continuous exposure limit of 40 mT is given for the general public.一般公众的连续暴露限值为40mT。

78. Warsaw is in mourning.

79. Taurus is cautious and deliberate; Leo expansive and extravagant.金牛谨慎又总是深思远虚,而狮子豪爽又奔放。

80. It is true that exercise can reduce heart disease.
