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关于樱花的英语句子 精选79句

1. 希望之花,永开不败。

2. 沿着山边林阴小道走进了漫山遍野的樱花园。在这ㄦ樱花满枝,一串串,一朵朵的樱花,有白的,玫瑰红的,粉红的……虽然颜色不一,但确是朵朵娇嫩动人,惹人喜爱。

3. 我喜欢樱花。

4. 樱花,是一种美丽的小花。在春夏之间开放,花朵异常美丽,那雪白的花瓣上略带丝丝粉红,金灿灿的花蕊像金丝般簇拥在一起,朵朵都是那么娇嫩,在微风中绽开可爱的小脸,显得那么活泼。

5. 大理三月,红了樱花,青了黛瓦!

6. 三月;花开,春风醉!

7. Look at the peach blossom standing next to the cherry blossoms. They smiled at me and looked away, like the golden red sun shining in the sky. The peach blossom after the rain is so sweet, it makes one feel drunk with its fragrance. A good sentence: yingying lotus wind before falling, a piece of peach blossom rain after the jiao ah! These peach blossoms, you do not let me, I do not let you, there are clusters of, there is a single one, is really a thousand shapes, no wonder! Peach blossom is like apricot blossom, it is light red, they are fighting every day!

8. 冬天的铃兰,吸引着翠绿的呼吸。

9. cherry

10. How is this a sakura?

11. 小寒三候水仙开,素洁幽雅凌波来。

12. 我高傲,却从不张扬,我渴望,却从不说出,我只是喜欢静静的看樱花飘起沉落,看云朵在脚下漂移,看风吹起发丝,我渴望在父母怀里安然入睡,在哥哥萧声中以琴相伴,然而,这一切也无非只是渴望而已,他们谁也给不了,我只能一个人孤独流浪,像被遗弃了一般。

13. The cherry blossom is a beautiful flower. Between open in the spring and summer, extremely beautiful flowers, the white petals slightly tinged pink, the golden flowers like gold in the clustered together, is so delicate that bursting lovely little face in the breeze, look lively.

14. 一棵棵樱树下,游人如织,古典的油纸伞,明丽的和服,踩出清脆声响的木屐,欢声笑语,樱花的精灵独自起舞,恬静优雅。樱瓣片片飞舞飘落,伏于伞面,栖息于脚边;落于肩头,沉睡于湖畔。她的欢笑,她的泪水,她的明艳,她的孤寂;她的伤痕,她的单纯,她的恬静,她的沉默,都流于世间……

15. The contrast between the flowering cherry blossoms is very small, but in the same tree, you can also see the various forms of flowers. Some of them are budding, the flowers are different from the branches, and they seem to have an unspoken fear of the outside world. Some have just blossomed, like baby's smiling face, sweet and pure, can not stand any wind and rain, but still lovable; The blossoming cherry blossoms, like a group of lively and lovely children, make up a rich and full happy paradise, and many generations live together. It is like a young girl standing tall and erect, but she is full of vitality and graceful.

16. 樱花红陌上,杨柳绿池边;燕子声声里,相思又一年。

17. The mountain cherry and the cherry trees are not as white as peach blossoms, nor as green as pear flowers, they are lilies grey. It is full of red and red, almost the spring of the Beijing city of haitang. In addition, there is also a pale yellow turmeric, a low-hanging branch of the branches, the ^v^spring equinox^v^, the first flowering of the other side, petals to more than 300 pieces of chrysanthemum... The beauty of beauty.

18. 一阵大雨过后,地上落了许多残败不堪的花瓣。就像吹出来的肥皂泡泡,风一吹,就破碎消散了,曾经光彩四溢的樱花树上,只剩下几个可怜的小花朵在风中呜咽。我自叹:人不也是如此么,太过追求外在美丽就容易沉迷于世俗的虚荣与浮华而忽略生命的真正意义。

19. 磬口素妆含绿萼,檀心蜡蕊溢清香。

20. Jennifer, Zo é, Sakura and Maria start weird conversation with the strangers.

21. When the shadow comes to my heart, the scenery outside the window is a little disorganized, but it is beautiful color, the red and yellow green white pink, all fixed in my hazy vision.

22. 无数樱花生长在樱花树躯干上,有的含苞待放,有的争花斗艳。樱花有粉红色、粉白色、朱红色、艳红色。樱花有七层,共有三至五片花瓣。形状像酒杯,黄色的花心伸到花瓣外,冲着我们微笑。在阳光的照耀下美丽极了!

23. Looking at the cherry blossoms, they are very disappointed. The cherry blossom is dark red, a bit like a single pink peach blossom, but the flower is smaller than peach blossom, and the flower shape is not as beautiful as peach blossom. I don't know whether I was bullied by the cold rain last night, and every flower was bowed down, like a little girl in anger, more like a Japanese woman's bow and a smile. I think this is the origin of the Japanese national flower, and may also be able to say why the Japanese women are so bent over a shallow smile.

24. 读音:英 [ˈtʃeri ˈblɒsəm]美 [ˈtʃeri ˈblɑːsəm]

25. 樱花开了,大街上一树一树的,而我,是今天才知道这是樱花。我是花盲,我不否认。

26. 李商隐有首诗是这样的:何处哀筝随急管,樱花永苍垂扬岸。樱花烂漫几多时?柳绿桃红两未知。劝君莫问芳菲节,故园风雨正凄其。樱花啊樱花,你令人陶醉,你令人心旷神怡!

27. 一到日本,每个角落都可以看见粉红色、白色的樱花树,每隔几米便有一株。在这个樱花盛开的季节,许多地方更成了一个樱花海,当清风吹过,樱花便纷纷散落,像是下了一场纷纷扬扬的小雪。

28. 樱花开了,樱花也会落,像雪一样,纷纷扬扬。

29. 不会为谁流连,不会为谁驻足;她倾国倾城,却也薄命。樱花七日,从盛开到完全凋零只有十六天。短短的十六天,却将美诠释得如此透彻。樱花片片飞舞飘落,直到枝头空空。每一年,每一年,生生世世,辗转轮回,看遍万千灯火,转过无数个街角。漫天花雨,宛如盛宴。

30. March into the cherry blossom avenue, each a cherry tree, all covered with large and small ^v^beautiful faery^v^, some has just established, some have placed himself in the branches, some still bright, but already weak without the wind.

31. The leaves of the cherry blossoms are water droplets, with tiny little pubescent hairs on the edges, and the leaves of the stem are glimmering, just when the green light is shining. The red flower needs a foil, which is true. Although it has always been a supporting role, it still brings a green meaning to people. The thick trunk was brown and the surface was waxy and smooth.

32. In the evening the rosy clouds dyed red window lattice, the evening breeze with a couple of YingHuaBan, children pick up petals, there took petals, gently toss up, cherry blossoms flying in the sky, like the beautiful butterflies, dancing in the bosom of nature. The children's laughter and the breeze, drifting far, far away...

33. 春天最喜欢的花是樱花。常常在一夜之间,迅猛地开放。突如其来,势不可挡。然后在风中坠落。没有任何留恋。日本人称之为花吹雪。

34. 樱花开了,樱花也会落,像雪一样,纷纷扬扬。樱花开的时候,我爱你,樱花落的时候,我知道,我依然爱你。真的要问我爱你的理由,那么,就只是因为樱花开了吧。至于你满不满意这个答案,我想,我也只能莞尔一笑了。

35. 走在樱花树下,脚下软软的,那是香气还未消散的花絮。抬起脚,迈出步,香气追随你身后,樱花在你脚下飞舞,重演落下枝头的回忆,而这只是回忆,对灿烂的回忆……

36. 一直以来我对樱花就有着莫名的喜欢,因为我从没见过那么团结的花,它们总爱一树一树地开,一城一城乃至一国一国地开,它们会占据整个春天。阿牧说樱花太过娇弱,它的生命也太过短暂,十天宛如昙花一现。

37. The cherry blossom came out early in Washington this year.

38. Morning, I opened the window to see the blossoms cherry blossom smiled to me, it was march, cherry blossoms out its delicate little face, walk on the grass, and a cherry blossom fragrance, hits the standing of vibrant cherry trees will blossom out of its beauty, it hits the cherry trees to let my eyes be during pick up.

39. 昨日雪如花。今日花如雪。山樱如美人,红颜易消歇。

40. 只见那樱花雪白中透出红晕,五片花瓣中簇拥着鹅黄色的花蕊。花形像梅花,树干酷似桃树树干,不同的是别的树叶多花少,是绿叶衬托花朵,樱花却叶少花多,一根小枝上竟有七八朵花,一丛丛、一簇簇的,像漂浮在蓝天上的白云,又像一朵朵落在树上的雪球儿,这就是花朵衬托绿叶啊!

41. 静赏花开花落,一切随缘自在。

42. 天上遥遥银汉里,人间纷纷篱落边。

43. Cherry blossoms, will be allergic to the spring season, open-minded heaven, smoothing out the blundering heart, be familiar with simple words said to people will understand, silly childish tomorrow, dancing like you hair, allow me to cherish not small rely on silent in uproar, want to meet spring flowers and plants leave will have new harvest, waiting for the spring the filar silk like subtle miracles will happen, I heard that day there is cloud in nestle, and found that the accumulation of change, faintly see the tail of a lion, believe think again beautiful also learn the scene ahead in the dawn of the garden Yang, I feel special, I understand you have a window, you will see the melting love, no plan no adventure, happy every day, a warm glow.

44. 三月才是鸟来山樱花的全盛时期,早来的春雨使得樱花提前报到,在观景瀑布前的公路两旁,樱花单单红色,就有好几种深浅不同的色泽,有艳红,朱红,粉红到淡红,如此真实的樱花美景,教游人忍不住惊叹,原来花景也可以这般动人。

45. When you walk to the square, the cherry blossoms come in two colors: one is white and the other is red. It looks like a piece of flower sea, flower bud and leaf one to morning and put, think elder sister and younger sister, rush to come into this world. Look, flower bud is five one, like a string of sweet and sweet cherry on the branch.

46. 我们到公园去看日本樱花。

47. 美丽的樱花,有雪白的、粉红的,在微风中,时而相拥;时而在低声吟唱;时而又低头窃窃私语;时而又昂头哈哈大笑,这美丽的情景,触动着每一个人的神经,他们在观赏的同时,不停的拿出手机、相机拍照,摆出各种poss,把这开心又美丽的镜头留下美好回忆!

48. Cherry blossoms, as snow, but also more beautiful than snow, the cherry blossom, like a cloud, but is more pure than cloud, looking at the cherry tree that is full of campus, has deeply into its territory, unable to extricate themselves, and let the wind blowing my cheeks...

49. Remember the first time to see the cherry blossom, a spring rain like a date, the petals rain wind blowing. The flowering period is just over a week, so brief and so gorgeous. The ancients say: cherish the flower often afraid the flower opens early, how much more to fall red innumerable. The cherry blossoms floating in the spring water have gradually become trapped in the mud. Unfortunately, there is no Lin daiyu in the world, where to find the flowers. Flowers and flowers fly all over the sky, even if there is the heart of burying flowers, also really dare not show off the melodramatic.

50. 洁白的樱花如同白色的蝴蝶,挣扎着飞离枝头,在空中纷飞着,在生命的最后尽情的舞着,似乎在向谁诉说自己的哀伤。

51. Close to see, each cherry blossom tree is like a tall girl, the cherry blossom on the tree is the adornment of the girl head. The cherry blossoms are still water droplets: some are just open, fragile as if the touch will fall off; The others are in full bloom.

52. 如花美眷,也敌不过似水流年;心若磐石,也敌不过过眼云烟。这世间有太少的相濡以沫,太多的相忘于江湖。曾经深深爱过的一些人,把朝朝暮暮当作天长地久,把缱绻一时当做深爱一世。于是承诺,于是奢望执子之手,与子偕老。

53. 啊,那就是樱花!我一步并两步跑到樱花树前,抬头仔细观赏着。有的繁花满枝,像粉红色的云霞;有的花谢了,树衩上又抽出片片鲜嫩欲滴的树叶;有的羞羞涩涩,把头埋在花苞里说悄悄话呢!

54. Area has come to cafe DE jack cherry blossoms, maybe this time missed the cherry blossom the most splendid time, a lot of cherry blossoms fade, falling slope, steps on the flower piece, formed the strips trail was paved with flowers, people walk while watching the cherry blossom, also another scenery! Although there are a lot of flowers, but there are still a lot of cherry trees, still bright, they spread a beautiful smile, welcome guests.

55. 樱花象征着热烈、高尚、纯洁,它在严冬后最先把春天的气息带给人们,而自己却悄悄地逝去,无声无息。樱花开的灿烂、纯洁、美丽,即使是死,也是壮烈地离去。樱花凋落时,不会污染土壤,很干脆、利落,死的果断!而樱花的凋零却是美丽的,它的离去给人以美的感觉,它将自己的生命奉献给了人们。

56. 樱花象征着热烈、高尚、纯洁,它在严冬后最先把春天的气息带给人们,而自己却悄悄地逝去,无声无息。樱花开的灿烂、纯洁、美丽,即使是死,也是壮烈地离去。樱花凋落时,不会污染土壤,很干脆、利落,死的果断!而樱花的凋零却是美丽的,它的离去给人以美的`感觉,它将自己的生命奉献给了人们。

57. 掬水月在手,弄花香满衣。

58. 初春,还带着一丝瑟瑟的寒冷,人们还未知春的降临,樱花,拥有着这样一个梦幻般的名字。它,最先将春的气息带给大地。一夜之间,樱花树焕然一新,有的换上了粉衣,有的换上了白衣,它们,将笑脸展示在人间。

59. 樱花,如雪,却比雪还要美,樱花,似云,却比云还要纯洁,望着这布满校园的樱花,已深深地陷入了其境,无法自拔,任凭风吹过我的面颊。

60. 坐看云卷云舒,静听花开花落!

61. I certainly know that, but I just want to see this year's sakura now!

62. 这些樱花有的挺立枝头,含苞待放;有的笑逐颜开,开心地迎接春光的到来。看着看着,我情不自禁地抓住了几朵樱花,仔细观赏起来。只见,红色的樱花有七层,共有35片花瓣,米黄色的花蕊从花瓣中探出小脑袋,象是一个个好奇的孩子悄悄地探视着外面精彩的世界。

63. 山深未必得春迟,处处山樱花压枝。桃李不言随雨意,亦知终是有晴时。

64. The teacher took us to the cherry garden, looking at the pink one, like a large pink cloud, floating, floating, tired, just stop there. Close look, pink petals and green leaves all the oval, the blossom in yellow white, is white, under the above is yellow, very small, like a touch will be broken, so we just can't touch. The flowers are blooming in all shapes and shapes; Some of them are half open, trying hard; Some of them, like the shy little girl, dare not to appear. But flowers or flowers, they are crowded, dense layers. And the charming fragrance, refreshing and refreshing.

65. 樱花看起来真地很娇嫩,我轻轻地一碰,她们就会随着飞舞,迈着轻盈的“脚步”在空中划出一条亮丽的曲线条,好像粉衣舞女在翩翩起舞。随后,它们就轻轻地飘落在地,是那么地无声无息。我突然觉得那一瞬间樱花的飘落,美丽之中带着那么一点凄楚。

66. blossom

67. 树上开满了粉红的樱花,那粉红的颜色,不浓不淡,还略带几分娇气。在嫩绿的树叶衬托下,那颜色格外妩媚,格外鲜艳,让人眼前一亮:如此美丽的樱花!任何人见了,都会忍不住惊叹:神奇的大自然,竟能创造出这样的美!

68. 十日樱花作意开,绕花岂惜日千回?昨来风雨偏相厄,谁向人天诉此哀?

69. 春天到了,樱花树的枝条上裹上一层斑斓的色彩。只见花朵小巧玲珑,五六朵聚集在一起组成了一个花球,一簇一簇地拥挤在枝头上,舒展着狭长的花瓣和被包裹在其中的花蕊。

70. I'm going to miss the cherry blossom trees and tulips.

71. When we go out, we have a thick spring. We ^v^traveled through the mountains and rivers^v^ and came to yuyuantan. As soon as you enter the door, there are countless petals fluttering in the air, flying in front of our eyes. Standing in the thick shade of trees, the feeling of weariness of the day seemed to vanish, and the breeze lifted my heavy mouth. Walking forward, there was open water. The golden sun was shining on the water, as if it had covered the smooth surface of the lake with gold.

72. 从蛹破茧而出的瞬间,是撕掉一层皮的痛苦彻心彻肺很多蝴蝶都是在破茧而出的那一刻被痛得死掉了。

73. 樱花盛开于春天,绽放于枝头,花形与腊梅相似。虽然没有腊梅那傲骨霜雪的气概,却有令人淘醉的妖娆与芬芳。当春天来临之际,他总是先于百花开满枝头,为人们送来春天的第一缕芬芳。

74. oriental cherry

75. The cherry blossoms were so white that they were red, with yellow flowers clustered in five petals. Like plum flower, tree trunk looks like peach tree trunks, leaves of various is spend less, is the green leaves foil flower, blossom but Ye Shaohua, a small branches have seven or eight flower, clusters of clusters, like floating in the blue sky white cloud, and like a snow ball on the trees, this is the foil flower leaves!

76. A gust of wind blowing, the beautiful soft petals fall gently down, as if the winter's flying pink snowflakes in my face, very comfortable. I picked up a fallen cherry blossom, and carefully found that she had four or five petals, and the stamen was yellow, like a charming woman. Its petals feel tender and slippery, and I am afraid to crush them.

77. We do not have to admire her beauty, just to be able to quietly smell her fragrance, the thin ice, and enjoy the dreamlike cherry blossoms. I gently walked to a cherry tree, unable to resist the impulse of the heart, tiptoe, carefully folding a cherry tree, sitting on the lake on the lakeside stone bench, carefully studied. The petals of the petals of the petals are so that they are not vulgar, but the subtle aroma of the heart.

78. 两边的樱花树中间,密密的花瓣像架着一座小桥,没开的花苞,三个一组,五个一团,紧紧地抱在一起,真像难舍难分的兄弟姐妹。樱花盛开于春天,绽放于枝头,花形与腊梅相似。虽然没有腊梅那傲骨霜雪的气概,却有令人淘醉的妖娆与芬芳。当春天来临之际,他总是先于百花开满枝头,为人们送来春天的第一缕芬芳。

79. Cherry blossoms are a natural reward, but they are also a spectacle. In the cherry blossom, even if it is not for the flowers, but also unconsciously do the flower.

关于樱花的英语句子 精选75句

1. 樱花在微风的的抚弄下缓缓地飘下来,好像一个个粉红色的精灵在空中旋转,飘下蓝蓝的河中、草地上。

2. 樱花的五片花瓣,中国人民硬币般大小,真是小巧玲珑,似晶莹的露珠,似闪乐的繁星,似稀有的珍珠。樱花的味道虽然没有茉莉的浓郁;没有玫瑰的娇艳;没有兰花的幽远;没有百合的温馨;没有牡丹的富贵。但它也有自己的特点——那就是有一股淡淡的清香,令人陶醉。

3. 词组:樱花

4. 路过季节,路过花。

5. 有的花骨朵含羞待放,粉红色的花瓣似少女羞红的脸颊,让人急切地期盼它的一次开放,一睹它的芳容;有的花刚刚绽放,像是一双微拢的玉手小心翼翼地捧着若隐若现的花蕊;有的花傲放于枝头,褪去了先前的羞怯,粉白的花瓣迎风招展,展示自己的美与奇。

6. sakura

7. 樱花的叶子虽稀少,但却精美绝伦,像碧绿的翡翠,精美的工艺品,圆润自然。刚抽出来的叶子看起来很稚嫩,淡淡的,清新,淡雅,让人将一切烦恼和不开心的事都抛置于九霄云外,心情变得格外舒畅。

8. Spring rain xiaxiao, is whose eyes have revisited my season's dream, like a play child doodling, longing for a good life.

9. 曾有人告诉我,樱花最美的时候,不是开得如火如荼时,而是即将死去,那一朵花细碎的花瓣凋零在空中,纷纷扬扬。

10. The oriental cherry is in full blossom.

11. 我们不用去赞赏她的美,只求能静静的嗅着她芳雅的气息,品着她薄薄的冰洁,欣赏着这如梦境一般的樱花。我轻轻走向一棵樱花树,抑不住心中的一丝冲动,踮起脚尖,小心翼翼的折下一枝樱花,坐在风抚杨柳的湖边石凳上,细细端详。叠瓣的花瓣粉的是那么的恰到其处,粉得不庸俗,而是那种淡淡的芳香长存心中。

12. 微风花似醉,采得野菊带露归。

13. The cherry blossoms have blossomed into beautiful cherry blossoms, and they have blossomed into a beautiful and sad love. Love will eventually fall, which is the unchangeable fate of beautiful things. Good and short, like cherry blossoms.

14. Goodbye the cherry blossoms, again in the rain. In that day, the rainy spring, floating and sprinkling, the luojiashan mountain also appears particularly vacant. In sakura, on sakura avenue, full of people holding umbrellas. But I am thin standing in the crowd outside, the mood like this rain of cherry blossoms, strangely calm and peaceful. Not so long ago. Always in such a moment, with a piece of rain, gliding through the edge of the cherry blossoms in the paths of my soul. Cherry blossoms are in the rain. The cherry blossoms in the rain, but when we are not casual, tranquility becomes a profound commemoration, yes, in the days of luojiashan, it is our luckiest time, the most pure desire.

15. 一缕青烟,袅袅升起,青蜓点水,柳絮飘扬。浮生若梦,静如止水,不问情愁,只愿君一安好,前世风霜,今生幽怨。不论雨雪,只求平淡共醉,填补半世流离,话别一世痴怨。剥落满身伤痕,等待凤凰涅磐,愿萧瑟,能一纸相送,愿此生,能和衣相绻。

16. The beautiful elf on the path to dancing in the breeze, like winter snow swirling pink, sometimes rapid, sometimes, inadvertently, the ground was covered a layer of pale pink blanket, petals fall, spin, hovering in the sky, the last is still unable to get rid of the fate, become dust.

17. In march, it is the blooming season, so let us go into march and enjoy the most beautiful and representative flower fairy!

18. 慕名来到从化樱花基地赏樱花,也许这个时候错过了樱花最最灿烂的时间,樱花凋谢的很多,飘落满山坡,脚步踏在花片上,形成了一条条用花片铺成的小道,人们边走边观赏樱花,也另有一番风景!虽然落花很多,但还有很多的.樱花矗立枝头,依然灿烂,它们展开美丽的笑脸,欢迎各方来客。

19. 一阵阵凉风吹过,樱花纷纷从樱花树上飘落下来,那粉色的樱花就象亭亭玉立的少女。

20. 远看,樱花犹如一片粉色云,悄悄地来到,远远望去,又像一段粉色的绸缎铺在万绿丛中,令人神往,如同一个美丽的童话。近看,那一朵朵花小巧玲珑,由四个花瓣组成了一个像绣花球似的樱花,一簇簇樱花,悬挂在枝条上,朵朵花都有一个个绿绿的花蕊,它们极细,看起来似乎非常精致,淡淡的幽香扑鼻而来,让人心旷神怡。

21. 我绝不学那攀援的凌霄花。

22. 远看樱花林,樱花开得轰轰烈烈,像一团正在燃烧的火苗;走近一看,它们一簇一簇的拥在一起,在风儿婆婆的眼中,它们是一群可爱的娃娃。

23. 但得片时花轰烈,何求终岁气从容。

24. Unconsciousness, on the way back. Along the way there are scattered cherry trees. Every April, when the weather starts to warm up, the cherry blossoms start to blossom. But it was so short, casual, after a gust of rain, they were scattered in the ground, leaving the petals of a land. But every time when the cherry blossoms bloom, spring will come together. The cherry blossoms use its purity, and they act as messengers year after year.

25. 一阵清风吹来,美丽柔弱的花瓣便轻轻地飘落下来,好像寒冬纷飞的粉红色雪花拂过我的脸庞,惬意极了。我拾起一朵掉落的樱花,仔细端详发现她有四五瓣花瓣,花蕊呈黄色,如同一个娇媚的女子。它的花瓣感觉嫩滑嫩滑的,我生怕把它们捏碎了。

26. The morning dew glistened on the petals of a pearl; The smiling faces of dudu were looking at the people and laughing so brightly. There are dozens of cherry blossoms on just one branch, and each cherry blossom has its own charming attitude: budding flowers, like a shy little girl; There are only two or three petals of flowers, which is really ^v^a half mask^v^; There are all the big cherry blossoms, showing a warm smile to people. Cherry blossom clusters, clusters, has a large and small, has a crooked and inclined, strong and weak, more colorful.

27. The cherry blossoms on campus are open, and the locked heart is still open, ringing the bell of march, the cherry blossoms smile and lock me in the spring rain season.

28. Japanese poets have great affection for plum blossom and oriental cherry.

29. 早上起床,本以为樱花早已香消玉陨,不复枝头。结果我错了,我看到了樱花风雨后的欢跃,看到了她们的顽强。或许正是因为她们的团结,才得以用自己柔弱的身躯战胜了残暴的风雨,将自己的微笑绽放在了风雨之后。那微笑在雨后的阳光下显得格外耀眼,挤挤挨挨的一簇簇花絮装点枝头,仿佛冬天纯洁晶莹的雪花,美得有点咄咄逼人。原来樱花也这样美。

30. 分开解释:

31. Every time the cherry blossoms fall under the cherry trees, people will look eagerly to the branches of the cherry trees. Realized this mood, when the cherry blossom trees full of buds bloom on the ear, or white or pink petals to the streets with a layer of XinZhuang, walking in the street will show the steps of relaxed and happy.

32. 风起,卷起的樱花漫天飞舞,如梦似幻,落得很美,却又如此的哀伤,凄艳,令人心碎的艳美,落花如泪,是在为谁哀伤?为谁哭泣?

33. 走近看,一棵棵樱花树宛如亭亭玉立的少女,树上的樱花则是少女头上的装饰品。樱花有的还是水滴形的花骨朵:有的刚刚开放,脆弱得好像轻轻一碰就会掉了似的;还有的已经完全盛开。

34. I proud, never make public, I want to, but never say, I just like to see cherry blossoms flutter sinks down, quietly watching the clouds drift in the feet, see the wind blowing hair, I want to sleep in parents' arms, in brother Xiao Sheng piano company, however, all this is nothing but just desire, they who also can not give, I can only be a person lonely wandering, like abandoned.

35. 雨丝愁见红心结,风片喜闻紫蕊香。

36. 樱花的花色也有许多,但主要分为红、白两种。白色樱花洁白如雪,给人纯洁之美;红色樱花还有深红、浅红、粉红之分,人们常见的是粉红色的樱花,其花如少女羞红的脸,给人青春、浪漫之美。

37. 远远望去,满树的樱花仿佛一片片洁白的云烟,永远不会散开来。那花蕊白中带点粉,粉中带点白,那么得柔软,那么得可爱,好像刚刚出生婴儿嫩嫩的脸蛋。

38. In the spring, the cherry blossoms in the north harbor are smiling. How happy the cherry blossoms are! In the sun, the cherry blossoms shine like beautiful stars. A gust of wind blowing, the cherry blossom fall, beautiful, really a beautiful cherry blossom rain ah!

39. Sun ran towards the cherry blossoms, and came to me with fresh fragrance. It is said that the cherry blossom is a very light flower, but when it is in full bloom, it is more beautiful than peach blossom, more aromatic than the plum blossom. I smell the flowers and enjoy the cherry blossoms. The cherry blossoms have five petals, each of which is white, with a hint of pink. Look at one, have unique beauty; Look at a tree, there is an open beauty. The flowers are like the sky, the flowers are everywhere. The cherry blossoms have a unique style which is admirable and diligent. Further closer, they cluster in clusters, and the fragrance of a cluster of flowers is fascinating. The flowers are like a flock of lovely dolls, to let people come to see their gorgeous appearance.

40. 在樱花完全绽放的时候,经常容易遇到阴天或多风天。

41. 漫天的樱花纷纷扬扬地洒落,飘舞到地上,留下一地的粉色。阳光为樱花镀上温柔的金色。好一地的绚烂,在那零落的绝美的舞步中,我看到她们在笑。我的心在那一刻被揪起,才发现微扬的嘴角在颤抖。

42. A gentle breeze was blowing, and the golden lake rippled gently. The light petals of the cherry rose silently, falling silently on the water. The whole garden was bathed in unspeakable warmth. Moving on, it's another area of water. This time, however, the water was calmer and the center of the lake was floating. I couldn't help looking down, but I was surprised to find many small fish lying on the wall of the pool.

43. 傍晚的彩霞染红窗棂,向晚的微风中夹着几片樱花瓣,小朋友在那里拾花瓣,捧起花瓣,向上轻轻一抛,樱花在空中飞舞着,犹如一只只美丽的蝴蝶,在大自然的怀抱中舞蹈。孩子们的笑声和着微风,飘得很远,很远……

44. On both sides of the road are beautiful cherry blossoms. There are two varieties, one of which was opened in February, and the red cherry blossom of the double flaps, and we can see a little bit more sporadically. While the flowers are blooming with sweet pink blossoms, we often see them in the pictures. I stand under the tree and look at them carefully, looking at them as if they were the flowers. I don't know if peach blossoms are related to cherry blossoms, but they are as indistinguishable as twin sisters. Of course, as long as you observe carefully, you will find that their branches are different, and the peach tree trunks are darker and brighter. According to the introduction, there are more than 10,000 cherry trees here.

45. 我们急不可待地跑进樱花树之间,仰头欣赏着一朵朵艳丽的花儿,微风一吹,空中的花瓣像小姑娘一样在翩翩起舞,满天满地都是樱花的花瓣,树叶上也有,枝杈上也有,就像是下了一场樱花雨。

46. “花如樱美,人若武士威”,日本情怀的春樱花,此时点火蔓延;无论你喜爱含苞欲滴、绽放五分,还是独爱展颜七分、倾力奔放,不容否认,燃烧热切的粉粉樱色,一生终该相见一次。每当临近樱花绽放的时节,走过樱花树下,人们总会满心期待地望望樱树枝头,这变成日本人的春天习俗之一。体会了这般的心情,每当樱花枝头上饱满的花苞绽放吐蕊,或白或粉红的花瓣为街道染上一层新妆的时候,散步在街道上都显的脚步轻松、心情愉快。日本栽植着为数众多的樱花树;处处是让您心神舒畅、悠然忘归的赏樱好地方,赏樱名胜遍布其中。

47. 一朵花一生守,一颦一笑一春天。

48. 树底迷楼画里人,金钗沽酒醉余春。鞭丝车影匆匆去,十里樱花十里尘。

49. The petals of sakura are from the edge to the center, from pale pink to pure white; Pink, like a baby's innocent smile, white, like the world's snow. I can't help but gently stroke it, soft as the silk of the jiangnan. The edges of the petals are microwaves, like microwaves on a pink ocean, and the real thing is the ^v^waves^v^ of flowers. The stems are slender and soft, as thin as a green silver thread, as soft as a girl's fair figure, from top to bottom, from thick to thin, from brown to green, supporting delicate flowers.

50. 花开如火,也如寂寞。

51. 樱花开的时候我想起你,想你没有原因,也没有理由。突然间的,坐在车上,茫然的看着车窗外的风景,然后,就想起你。

52. Spring came, and the branches of the cherry trees were brightly colored. The flowers were small and small, and the five or six gathered together to form a flower ball, clustered in clusters on the branches, stretching the long, narrow petals and the flowers wrapped in them.

53. 樱花初春开放,一蔟蔟挂满枝头,红的就像小姑娘的脸蛋,还带着羞意,白的又似雪花,透明而干净。

54. The cherry blossoms are usually five petals, with long stamens in the center, and usually nine to ten flowers, like beautiful yellow bean sprouts. The unborn baby, like a balloon that is about to explode, looks lovely.

55. 枝头上的花像一朵朵调皮的云,在纯白里嵌上几瓣桃红花瓣。像极少女因害羞而粉红的脸蛋。走在樱花树下,就像走进了云层里,那纯白的花瓣编辑了梦想的温馨。只有小心一点,再小心一点,怕大声喧哗,惊落白色的云朵,吓跑忙碌的蜜蜂。

56. 人面不知何处去,桃花依旧笑春风。

57. 我是沙伦的玫瑰,是谷中的百合花。

58. The varieties of sakura are different, its leaves are different, some are green and smooth, some are red and rough, others are green inside, but the edges are red... The sakura bark is dark brown, which is exactly the way it is decorated with pink cherry blossoms, but it doesn't seem to be able to hide its own qualities or qualities. The petals of the cherry blossom have three or five flowers each, which are in the form of umbrella-shaped inflorescences, which are carried out at the level of sepals, giving off a faint scent of flowers...

59. Sigh, this flower in the beauty, can be the fleeting beauty of the time of such a beautiful time, such an ice sky, so spotless! Life is as short as life. I held out a hand quietly, and the cherry blossoms fell. A YingHuaBan falling in my palm, her so quietly lying in my gaze, there is pink white petals, still quietly elegant, beautiful spotless, beautiful transparent, no ^v^flowers bloom all over the sky, the soul of the scent who flow^v^ of bitterness.

60. Those pink white cherry blossoms, one tree next to a tree, each flower with the neighboring four or five clusters of clusters, quietly blooming their own beauty. It was time for me to return to sakura. Looking at the trees full of flowers, the heart of a sudden rise a thought: cherry blossoms, bring the smell of spring. When the cherry blossoms bloom, spring comes quietly to the world.

61. 仔细看,樱花共五瓣花瓣,有的是纯白色的,也有的白里透粉。花中心有十几到二十几根数量不等的黄色花蕊,黄色花蕊中央还有一根绿色的花蕊。再看看,绿叶像绿宝石做的托盘,樱花像羊脂玉做的小碗,绿黄色花蕊就像是镶嵌在中心的宝石,越看越令人爱不释手。

62. 造句:

63. I try to be a devout believer, find a secluded place, gently walk into that piece of floating, afraid of disturbing the wonderland dream, just quietly feel the heart of the sweet incense and the only pleasant beauty.

64. Once in Japan, pink and white cherry trees can be seen in every corner, and there is one every few meters. In this season of cherry blossoms, many places are more like a sea of cherry blossoms. When the breeze blows, the cherry blossoms fall apart, like a falling snow.

65. Remember the first time to see the cherry blossom, a spring rain like a date, the petals rain wind blowing. The flowering period is just over a week, so brief and so gorgeous.

66. The cherry blossom is dark red, a bit like a single pink peach blossom, but the flower is smaller than peach blossom, and the flower shape is not as beautiful as peach blossom. I don't know whether I was bullied by the cold rain last night, and every flower was drooping, like the little girl who was angry.

67. 羽冠唱晓人间白,锦衣经霜篱角红。

68. 岁月如花,笑看花开。

69. Look, so many dye color cotton candy to float in the air, that is tall, the cherry blossom on the cherry trees, let people see the couldn't help thinking the school gate at the bound on the stick to sell cotton candy, really want to eat a few mouth snack; Come a little closer, the cherry blossoms are in clusters, clusters, more like a branch of melting ice cream; A little closer to see it, flying in the air, still white with pink, just like the snow in the winter makeup general beauty.

70. 远看樱花林,樱花开得轰轰烈烈,像一团正在燃烧的火苗;走近一看,它们一簇一簇的拥在一起,在风儿婆婆的眼中,它们是一群可爱的娃娃,在大人的眼中,它们是团结的士兵,在孩子的眼中,它们是飞舞的精灵……

71. 我想到吸血鬼骑士中的绯樱娴,那个被称为狂笑姬的女子,她的一生也如樱花般绝美。当玖兰杀死她的那一刻,她风华绝代,一脸平静,告别痛苦了,她笑,光束将她环绕,是那样的美。

72. This is an early blooming Cherry Blossom shot in Nagoya, Japan.

73. Spring's favorite flower is cherry blossom. Often overnight, it's open. Sudden, overwhelming. Then fall in the wind. There is no nostalgia. The Japanese call it flowers blowing snow. At dusk, walking through the cherry trees, the white petals are still fluttering. It suddenly occurred to me that this was the most extravagant flower. Because it dies early.

74. Cherry blossoms are beautiful and beautiful. They are important ornamental plants for early spring. They are often used in garden viewing, and they can be planted in groups or in front of roadside buildings in hillside courtyards. Blooming time flowers are gorgeous, full of trees, like clouds, extremely spectacular. The landscape of flowers and sea can be planted in large areas, and the three or five clusters of trees can be planted in the green space to form a brocade, which can also be isolated to form a little red color among the green clusters. Cherry trees can also be used as path trees and hedges or bonsai. In addition, bark and fresh tender leaves can be used medicinally. Some people make jam and condiments in Japan by grinding the flowers of cherry blossoms into nectar.

75. Beautiful cherry blossoms, white pink, in the breeze, sometimes embracing; Sometimes crooning; Now and then he lowers his head and whispers; Or head laughed, this beautiful scene, touches everyone's nerves, they at the same time of ornamental, keep out of the cell phone camera take pictures, posing a variety of poss, leave this happy and beautiful scene good memories!
