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六下英语人教版句子表 精选59句

1. my 12th birthday 我的十二岁生日(用序数词)

2. Sounds great. 听起来不错。

3. hurt my foot 伤了我的脚

4. walk to school=go to school on foot 走着上学

5. for sale 待售,供出售

6. fall off the bike=fall down from the bike 从自行车上掉下来

7. on the front of the bike 在自行车的前面(不能用in)

8. 一般过去时的一般疑问句及回答:

9. a bike for three people 三人自行车

10. 一般疑问句

11. 少?Im 48 kilogram. 我体重48公斤。 How was your weekend? 你周末过得怎么样?It was good, thank you . 很好,谢谢。What did you do ? 你(周末)干什么了?I stayed at home with your grandma. 我和你奶奶待在家里。2We drank tea in the afternoon and watch TV. 我们喝了下午茶,还看了电视。Did you do anything else? 你还做了其他什么事吗?Yes, I cleaned my room and washed my clot

12. This is for you.这个是给你的。

13. answer a phone call 接电话

14. the winter holiday 寒假

15. on sale 出售,上市,减价出售

16. go to ... over the holiday 去……度假

17. play the part of ... 扮演

18. ?It looks like a mule. 它看起来像头骡子。Did you go to Turpan? 你们去吐鲁番了吗?Yes, we did. 是的,去了。How did you go there? 你们怎么去的?We went there by plane. 我们坐飞机去的。Sounds great! 听上去不错!There was no library in my old school. 我以前的学校里没有图书馆。4Tell us about your school, please. 请给我们讲讲你的学校吧。How do you know that? 你怎么知道的?There wa

19. eat fresh food 吃新鲜的食物

20. the Labour Day holiday 五一假期

21. 动词过去式的不规则变化

22. Are you OK?=Are you all right?你还好吗?

23. 日期表达方法:月份+日期(序数词)

24. make sb adj 使某人……

25. must:可表推断,汉语意思为“一定”。

26. sometime:某时

27. 陈述句

28. sth happen to sb某事发生在某人身上

29. the West Lake 西湖

30. not ...till/unti……直到……才……

31. come to school 来上学

32. many years ago 许多年以前(一般过去时)

33. It's time for sth=It's time to do sth.该做某事了。

34. 否定句:

35. How much +be+sth?…多少钱?

36. 特殊疑问句

37. ride a horse/bike 骑马/自行车

38. on the moon在月球上

39. take picutres/photos (of...) 给……拍照

40. as the saying goes 俗语说的好

41. That's too bad. 太糟糕了(遇到不好的事情时使用)

42. go camping/swimming/fishing 去野营/游泳/钓鱼

43. hes. 是的,我打扫了房间,还洗了衣服。I want to buy the new film magazine. 我想买期新的电影杂志。What did you do last weekend ? 你上周末干什么了?Did you see a flim? 你看电影了吗?No, I had a cold. 没有,我感冒了。I stayed at home all weekend and slept. 整个周末都待在家里睡觉。What happened? 怎么了?Are you all right? 你还好吧?Im OK now. 我现在没事了。3Where did you go ? 你去哪儿了

44. be far from…离……远

45. 询问并回答别人在过去的时间里去了哪里、怎么去的、和谁去的:

46. ier 更重的bigger 更大的samller 更小的stronger 更强壮的dinaosaur 恐龙 hall 大厅metre 米than 比both 两个都kilogram 千克,公斤 countryside 乡村lower 更低的shadow 阴影,影子 smarter 更聪明的 become 开始变得,变成Unit2cleaned 打扫 stayed 停留,待washed 洗watched 看had 患病,得病had a cold 感冒slept 睡觉read 读saw 看见last 上一个yesterday 昨天before 在之前drank 喝show 演出magazine 杂

47. look like ...看起来像

48. jump on sb 扑到……身上

49. my family and I 我和家里人(我放在最后)

50. Labour Day 五一劳动节

51. the whole day 整天(注意the在whole的前面)

52. dress up 装扮,打扮

53. make a funny play 演一出滑稽的剧

54. the second class 第二节课

55. 倒装句:

56. feel well 感觉好(well此处为形容词,身体好)

57. 一般过去时的时间状语:

58. of course当然

59. get here 到这儿
