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两百个正在进行时句子 精选129句

1. IamwatchingTV.我在看电视。

2. The monkey is climbing the tree.这只猴子正在爬树 。

3. Shegetsupearlyeveryday.Doesshegetupearlyeveryday?

4. They are playing basketball now.现在他们正在打篮球。

5. Oh,he is reading a newspaper in the office.噢,他正在办公室看报。

6. 双写+ing 这类动词是以重读闭音节结尾的。如:

7. What are you doing? 你们正在做什么?

8. LiLeiisrunning.李雷正在跑步。

9. The bus is coming.

10. The boy is playing basketball.

11. He is practicing his guitar.他正在练习他的吉他。

12. They're having a test this week.

13. 他正在练习吉他他正在练习吉他。

14. Thedogisbarking.那只狗在叫。

15. 你准备做什么?我准备听音响。你正在做什么?我正在听音响。

16. Linda's brother is watching TV in his bedroom now.

17. We're far from home、What are our parents doing at the moment? 我们现在远离家,我们的父母此刻在干什么呢?

18. Thebirdisflying.那只小鸟在飞。

19. Is he playing basketball on the playground?

20. She is having lunch.她在吃午饭。

21. They are cleaning the classroom.他们在打扫教室 。

22. She is speaking.

23. 他们正在打扫教室他们正在打扫教室。

24. They are reading books.他们在读书。

25. Thepigeonisflyng.那只格子在飞。

26. 玛丽正在和她的姐姐放风筝,玛丽正在和她的姐姐放风筝。

27. Many children are swimming in the river.Can't you see?许多小孩在河里游泳,你难道看不见吗?

28. Sheiscleaning.(她在做清洁。)

29. I am listening to the radio.

30. 表此刻正在进行的动作

31. Many students are playing games on the playground.许多学生正在操场上做游戏。

32. 琳达的哥哥现在正在他的卧室看电视琳达的哥哥现在正在他的卧室看电视。

33. Look at the picture.The children are flying kites in the park.看这幅图。那些孩子正在公园放风筝。

34. We are preparing our lesson.

35. The pigeon is flying.

36. 当其与always、forever、continually、constantly 等副词连用时表示重复的动作,而这种动作可能使人不满,厌倦或满意。例如:

37. Thestudnetsaren'trunninignow.Theyareplayingfootball.

38. Whatisyourfatherdoing?Heisreading.

39. 我们离家很远,父母现在在做什么?现在我们离家很远,父母现在在做什么?

40. Look! Maria and Tom are dancing under the tree.

41. 看图片孩子们正在公园里放风筝看这张照片那些孩子正在公园里放风筝。

42. Whatisyourmotherdoing?Sheiscooking.

43. We are not eating dinner. 我们没在吃晚饭。

44. Mary is flying kites with her sister.玛丽正在和她的妹妹放风筝 。

45. Weareplayingping-pong.Wearenotplayingping-pong

46. Marydancesinthisroomeveryday.DoesMarydanceinthisroomeveryday?

47. Iamansweringyourquestion.我正在回答你的问题。

48. Listen!Our English teacher is singing the popular English song.听!我们英语老师正在唱那首流行的英文歌曲。

49. 去e+ing

50. She is having lunch.她在吃午饭 。

51. 正在进行时的英语句子:Heisdancingandsinging.

52. 有些动词的现在进行时表示近期按计划或安排要进行的动作。这些动词是

53. Are they reading an English book?

54. What are they doing?

55. I am answering your question.

56. 哦,他正在办公室看报纸哦,他正在办公室看报纸。

57. Whatareyoudoing?IamwatchingTV.

58. 许多孩子在河里游泳,你没看见吗?许多孩子在河里游泳你没看见吗?

59. A little girl is crying.

60. 现在进行时

61. 现在进行时的举行结构 现在进行时常有三种句型:

62. Listen! The birds are singing in the tree.

63. No,Jack is doing his homework in the classroom.不是,杰克正在教室做作业呢。

64. 看!玛丽亚和汤姆正在树下跳舞你看!玛丽亚和汤姆正在树下跳舞。

65. 特殊变化:die-dying,lie-lying,tie-tying 现在进行时的基本用法:

66. Whatareyoudoing?(你在做什么?)

67. 我去学校-将来进行时

68. 听着!她正在唱一首英文歌听,她正在唱一首英文歌。

69. Iamdoingmyhomeworknow.

70. Heisplayingbasketball.他正在打篮球。

71. My brother is writing.

72. 一般疑问句:be动词+主语+动词ing+其他。

73. —I'mcleaning./I'mreading.(我在做清洁/我在阅读。)

74. 这些天我们正在帮助农民在农场工作这些天,我们正在农场帮助农民。

75. Many children are swimming in the river、Can't you see? 许多小孩在河里游泳,你难道看不见吗?

76. 按要求改写句子

77. We are making model planes these days.

78. The dog is barking.

79. Mr Cheng is visiting our village this month.这个月程先生在我们村访问。

80. Listen! The birds are singing in the tree.听!这些鸟儿正在树上唱歌。

81. These days we are helping the farmers work on the farm.

82. The monkey is climbing the tree.这只猴子正在爬树。

83. Mary is flying kites with her sister.

84. 他们正在看书他们正在看书。

85. Linda's brother is watching TV in his bedroom now.琳达的哥哥现在正在他的卧室里看电视。

86. He is not playing basketball on the playground.

87. Is Tom watching TV? Yes, he is. No, he isn't. 汤姆正在看电视吗? 是的,他正在看。 不,他没在看。

88. Iwillbegoingtoschool

89. Sheisn'tlisteningtotoradio.

90. The children are flying kites in the park.

91. We're far from home.What are our parents doing at the moment?我们现在远离家,我们的父母此刻在干什么呢?

92. We are playing basketball in the playground

93. Wesaygoodbyetomyteacherafterschool.Doesyousaygoodbyetoyourteacherafterschool?

94. She is doing her homework now. 她正在做她的作业。

95. Look at the picture.

96. 并不是所有动词都有进行时 这些动词往往是表示情感状态、知觉认识、愿望或短暂性的动词。例如:see(明白)、know(知道;了解)、want(需要;想要)、like(喜欢)、hear、have(有)、think(想;认为)、hope、hate 等。

97. Heistalkingwithhisteacher.他正在和他的老师谈话。

98. She is playing computer game now

99. He is reading a newspaper in the office.

100. Is she doing her homework now? Yes, she is. No, she isn't 她正在做作业吗?是的,她正在做。 不,她没做 。

101. 需要注意的是Iamgoingtoschool既可以表示正在去学校,也可以表示即将去学校

102. He is watching TV.他在看电视

103. Heiscookingnoodles.Ishecookingnoodles?

104. Are you eating dinner? Yes, we are. No, we aren't. 你们正在吃晚饭吗? 是的,我们在吃。 不,我们没吃。

105. 注意根据上下文的暗示,句子的谓语动词可能应用现在进行时。

106. He is watching TV、他在看电视。

107. 现在是:我要起床了现在是六点半我要起床了。

108. Myfatherisreadingabook.Isyourfatherreadingabook?

109. Mary is flying kites with her sister、玛丽正在和她的妹妹放风筝。

110. IamanEnglishteacher.AreyouanEnglishteacher?

111. The children are singing.

112. The bird is flying.

113. Listen! Our English teacher is singing the popular English song.

114. 听着!我们的英语老师正在唱这首流行的英文歌听着!我们的英语老师正在唱那首流行的英文歌。

115. IamreadingEnglish.

116. Alittlegirliscrying.一个小女孩正在哭。

117. 否定句:主语+be动词(am /is /are)+not+动词ing+其他。

118. HespeakEnglisheveryday.DoeshespeakEnglisheveryday?

119. 我去学校-正在进行时

120. 动词be的现在进行时

121. Tom isn't watching TV. 汤姆没在看电视 。

122. Look!Maria and Tom are dancing under the tree.看!玛丽亚和汤姆正在树下跳舞。

123. They're having a test this week.这一周他们在进行一次考试。

124. They are cleaning the classroom.他们在打扫教室。

125. 他们现在正在打篮球现在他们正在打篮球。

126. 我正在游泳我正在游泳。

127. What is Tom doing? 汤姆正在做什么?

128. 当句中出现的表示时间的词是now, at the moment(此刻、现在)等时,表示句子要说明的是现在正在发生的事,动词应用现在进行时。

129. Theygotothezooeveryweek.Theydonotgotothezooeveryweek.

两百个正在进行时句子 精选77句

1. What is he doing on the playground?

2. I am not riding my bike to school. 我没有骑我的自行车去学校。

3. Listen!She is singing an English song.听,她正在唱英语歌。

4. I am swimming.我在游泳 。

5. Listen! She is singing an English song.

6. 1.are swimming 2.is sleeping;doesn't go 3.am doing;worry;mend 4.are putting 5.are playing 6.is making;to turn

7. Heistalkingonthephone.(他正在打电话。)

8. 另外,有一些表示状态和感觉的动词,一般不用于现在进行时态(如果词义转变则可以)。它们

9. HeiswatchingTV.(他正在看电视。)

10. 单项选择题

11. 她正在吃午饭她正在吃午饭。

12. Are they playing basketball? Yes, they are. No, they aren't. 他们正在打篮球吗?是的,他们在打。 不,他们没打。

13. 在英语中,并不是所有的动词都要使用正在进行时,有些动词不能用于进行时态(状态动词不用于进行时态)

14. I am riding my bike to school. 我正在骑着我的自行车去学校。

15. Listen!The birds are singing in the tree.听!这些鸟儿正在树上唱歌。

16. Listen!Our English teacher is singing the popular English song.听!我们英语老师正在唱那首流行的英文歌曲。

17. They are playing basketball. 他们正在打篮球。

18. These days we are helping the farmers work on the farm.这些天我们在农场帮农民们干活。

19. 程先生这个月要来我们村参观程老师这个月要来我们村参观。

20. I'm not doing anything right now

21. 直接+ing

22. What are you eating? 你们正在吃什么?

23. Ishecleaningtheroomnow?

24. Listen, She is singing an English song.

25. Iamonthewaytoschool/Iamgoingtoschool

26. We're far from home. What are our parents doing at the moment?

27. 我去学校-一般过去时

28. They aren't playing basketball. 他们没在打篮球。

29. Our teachers are having a meeting

30. We are making model planes these days

31. 用在从句中表将来

32. Theyaren'tlookingattheblackboard.

33. 1.is working 2.are playing 3.Who/Whom;To whom 4.What is;doing 5.Where are 6.with

34. They are singing english song.

35. 1—6 CBCACC

36. 现在进行时还有另外一种含义,即它们能表达即将发生的事情,相当于一般将来时。

37. They are reading books.他们在读书 。

38. Lily is leaving tonight, we would better send her off.

39. Whataretheydoing?They'replayingbasketball.

40. What are you doing? 你正在做什么?

41. He is playing basketball.

42. Many students are playing games on the playground.许多学生正在操场上做游戏 。

43. They are playing basketball now.

44. Iwenttoschool

45. 句型转换

46. 猴子正在爬树这只猴子正在爬树。

47. Mr Cheng is visiting our village this month.

48. He is playing basketball on the playground.

49. 肯定句:主语+be动词(am /is /are)+动词ing+其他。

50. I am swimming.我在游泳。

51. Sheisdoingherhomework.她正在做家庭作业。

52. Thebirdissinging.Isthebirdsinging?

53. We are eating dinner. 我们正在吃晚饭。

54. 何时用现在进行时?

55. She is not doing her homework now. 她现在没有做作业。

56. Theyarereading.(他们正在阅读。)

57. Tom is watching TV. 汤姆正在看电视.

58. Many children are swimming in the river. Can't you see?

59. 听着!鸟儿在树上唱歌听着!这些鸟在树上唱歌。

60. The monkey is climbing the tree.

61. Listen.Thegirlsaresinging

62. Look!Maria and Tom are dancing under the tree.看!玛丽亚和汤姆正在树下跳舞。

63. 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空

64. 这些天我们在做模型飞机这些天我们在做飞机模型。

65. I'mdoingmyhomework.(我正在做作业。)

66. 特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+一般疑问句

67. She is not dancing,but doing exercise.

68. Look at the picture. The children are flying kites in the park.

69. 他正在看电视他正在看电视。

70. 他们这周要考试他们这周要考试。

71. 单项选择

72. We are making model planes these days.这些天我们在做飞机模型。

73. What is she doing? 她正在做什么?

74. 特殊情况

75. 许多学生正在操场上玩游戏许多学生正在操场上玩游戏。

76. What are they playing ? 他们正在玩什么?

77. 不,杰克正在教室里做作业不,杰克正在教室里做作业。
