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英语中秋节句子 必备60句

1. May your life be as full as the fifteenth moon!

2. On the Mid-Autumn Festival, I used a short blessing to let him cross 3,000 altitude and send you my deep thoughts; Give you the most precious gift of life, and wish you smooth sailing in your life.

3. It's my pleasure to meet you. Mid-Autumn Festival, when the moon is round and the flowers are fragrant, I wish all my dreams come true and my family is healthy.

4. Mid-Autumn Festival Mid-Autumn Festival, homesickness, family reunion, but separation, return to Xi Xi, my heart is at home.

5. The moon is full and bright. May you be happy and healthy, and have a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

6. round moon, round cake, Mid-Autumn Festival is waiting for you!

7. Under the round the moon, I would like to stroll along with the bright moon in the cloud,to listen to her romantic ancient legend.

8. Since I never believe that the moonlight in Mid-Autumn Festival is more beautiful than usual, why do I feel lost at the moment?

9. The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming. May your wallet be full and smooth. Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

10. Moon cakes are sweet, lovesick people are far away, moon cakes are sweet, and people who miss them are looking forward to reunion. Four mouths+money are round and round, and two mouths+money are family reunion. Wish the Mid-Autumn Festival a happy reunion!

11. Write your blessings into poems and condense them into thoughts, wishing everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival and a family reunion.

12. The crescent moon like a hook, I don't know how many vicissitudes it has experienced, has become eternal in people's hearts in autumn night. In order to commemorate its perfection, people will eat moon cakes on this day, also in order to remember those cloudy and sunny days. Did you eat moon cakes today? Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

13. I wish my friends and family, and wish you happiness and well-being.

14. Mid-autumn moon, hometown circle. Reunion at night, heart connected. Bright moon, missing color. Reunion, full moon. Mid-Autumn Festival, full of blessings. I wish you a happy family, a happy life and a sweeter life than honey!

15. On National Day, Mid-Autumn Night, we will celebrate the same day and send you our lovesickness. We wish you all the same. The moon is round, the face is round, you and I are round, everyone is round, the Mid-Autumn Festival is here, I must be round! I must be round! Yuanyuan! Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

16. The Mid-Autumn festival is a very important Chinese festival. 中秋节是中国一个很重要的节日。

17. Raise a glass to the sky and wish: the full moon is full of flowers, and everything goes well with the family. Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

18. As a national treasure, you will be invited to attend the open-air state banquet. The dishes are classic four dishes and one soup: day lily, water spinach, kohlrabi, pickled sauerkraut, plus pearl jade white jade soup. Don't waste it. Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

19. Moonlight does not change, but people will change. She is no longer in the Mid-Autumn Festival. Hero, I hope we all know that this is the price behind prosperity.

20. From January to the Mid-Autumn Festival, the night sky shines, and the feeling is sincere in the Mid-Autumn Festival. May your family be full of warmth, your friendship will always be intimate, everything will go well and your mood will be fresh. I wish you a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

21. The bright moon is like a jade plate, scattering the stars and dyeing the stars; Lily swaying in the wind, waving a faint fragrance, attracting fluorescent dancing; The stars are gorgeous and the wind is light, and the flowers are full and full.

22. The Mid-Autumn Festival is here. I have received a lot of blessing messages, so I can't tell who sent them. In order to impress you, then, forward all the blessings you received to me, so that it will work!

23. Mid-Autumn Festival, the moon is full, family and friends are happy. Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

24. The Mid-Autumn Festival is here, and my blessings are unique in the world. You must accept them all! It's not that I'm too overbearing, but because I want you to let go of your troubles, your tiredness, your friendship, your happiness and your happiness.

25. Families get together to eat mooncakes and celebrate the end of the harvest season on this day.

26. Acquaintance is tied to fate, and mutual understanding is tied to sincerity. A true friend always gives his love and affection no matter where he is. I wish you a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

27. Mid-Autumn Festival, wish you love sweetheart, happy family, everything goes well.

28. Mid-Autumn moon cakes are round and round. Make a skin of peace, make some stuffing of happiness. Wrap it with warmth and box it with humor. Send by cell phone. Shelf life: August 15th; Save method: press the phone save key; I wish you a happy Mid-Autumn Festival reunion.

29. The Mid-Autumn Festival gives you six hearts. Life is very happy, work is very satisfactory, love is very comfortable, family is very satisfactory, friends are very intimate, and of course, my concern. Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

30. When is the bright moon? Ask the sky about the cake. I don't know what's in the cake. Today it's lotus seed. I want to watch the moon by boat, but I'm afraid the spaceship will be too slow, and it will be too cold in the distance.

31. Every time you miss your family, you offer your love to your post. At this time, I do my filial piety for my elders.

32. autumn has arrived, a wisp of Gui Xiang, drunk fragrance, Mid-Autumn Festival last month.

33. When the sweet bell rings again, I realize that the warm autumn season has arrived. At this moment, everything can be forgotten, but what I can't forget is saying to my friends: You are happy, I am happy!

34. I miss you every festive season and look at the bright moon to send my thoughts!

35. I wish you a happy Mid-Autumn Festival and a full moon.

36. A happy family will help the sea, and the financial resources will follow closely.

37. In Mid-Autumn Festival, the blessings are long and the whole family is lucky!

38. Friends are the abundance around you, the number you want to dial when you can't help it, the cup of green tea you sit in the middle of the night, the figure you want to see most when you are at leisure, and the concern you never forget when you are busiest. Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

39. I wish you a happy holiday and a full moon for your family.

40. Make a beautiful wish. I wish you happiness and a wonderful feeling. Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

41. The annual Mid-Autumn Festival is coming soon, and people are busy again, buying moon cakes and giving gifts to family and friends, with their most sincere blessings.

42. In July and August, the moon is full in Mid-Autumn Festival, and family reunion is boundless.

43. I send all my thoughts and care for you to the bright moon, hoping that the moon in the Mid-Autumn Festival will bring you all my blessings, and that you will be happy when you see the bright moonlight!

44. The moon is bright, the sky is beautiful, and it is important to be happy every day; Flowers are blooming and grass is growing. May you be happy every day. The cup sends true feelings, the message sends blessings, I wish you good luck every day, more joy and less sorrow, and I wish you a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

45. I wish you good luck every day, more joy and less sorrow. I wish you a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

46. Beautiful morning, brilliant you, a beautiful life is waiting for you! Beautiful weather, beautiful you, beautiful affection moistens you! Happy mood to accompany you! Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

47. What comes quietly for you is good luck; What is quietly open for you is happiness; What silently wishes for you is happiness; What I pray deeply for you is peace; I wish you a happy Mid-Autumn Festival in advance!

48. Autumn is exciting. I hope you and I can enjoy it in the early autumn night. The bright moon is bright and the thoughts are strong!

49. Wish you and your family a happy Mid-Autumn Festival.

50. At this time, when is the full moon, and there is no trace of it. On the autumn day of August 15th, I feel lonely for my cold autumn.

51. Give you a round cake, with happiness as the center and good luck as the circle.

52. Be happy with you, be lucky with you, be happy every day and have a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

53. Blessing never stops. May your happiness always be sweet.

54. On this special day, send you a faint fragrance and a free and colorful blessing!

55. From the month to the Mid-Autumn Festival, the Buddha shines on my heart. Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

56. The Mid-Autumn Festival is full, and friends are lines; With a gentle pull, friendship blooms; Full of flowers, carefree; Flowers are gorgeous, everything goes well! Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, my good friend!

57. Mid-autumn moon sent to yao si, and every word was a true story. Bless the Mid-Autumn Festival with thousands of emotions, brand new [20X. X] Yaoshi upgrade, tens of millions of blessings and greetings from Mid-Autumn Festival. I sincerely invite you to carefully taste: Happy Mid-Autumn Festival.

58. My one wish for you is long life,and to share in this loveliness far, far away. 但愿人长久,千里共婵娟。

59. People always eat delicious moon cakes, and watch the moon in the Mid-autumn Day.人们总是在中秋节吃美味的月饼、赏月。

60. Enjoy the full moon and celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival. In this annual festival, I wish my friends at home and abroad a happy holiday!

英语中秋节句子 必备116句

1. The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming. Spend a full moon. Bless Dai Yue.

2. sweet-scented osmanthus fragrance, miss your hometown, how are you doing in your hometown? The full moon is similar year after year, and you and I look forward to each other. That the sky is bright and the ground is full of mercury, which is our mutual yearning.

3. May the round moon bring my homesickness and pass it on to my parents who are far away from home!

4. The sky is grey, wild, and the full moon hangs over the horizon, and the silver light is all over the world. Faint, affectionate, everyone is happy in the Mid-Autumn Festival. Blessing SMS is in front of you. I wish you happiness in the Mid-Autumn Festival.

5. I wish you a happy family and a happy life. Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

6. 赏桂花、饮桂花酒:在中秋之夜还有赏桂花和喝桂花酒的习俗。每逢中秋之夜,人们仰望着明月,闻着阵阵桂香。喝一杯桂花蜜酒,欢庆合家甜甜蜜蜜欢聚一堂,在体会团聚快乐的同时表达对丰收的喜悦和对来年的美好期许。

7. When the Mid-Autumn Festival arrives, the moon cakes are delivered, and the ingredients are wonderful. Blessing is the main ingredient, making sugar with happiness, caring about making candied dates, and arriving with short messages, the reception will be beautiful, no more troubles, good luck, good mood every day, and a happy Mid-Autumn Festival.

8. When the Mid-Autumn Festival arrives, I wish you a good mood, two wishes for no worries, three wishes for a better life, four wishes for rich financial resources, five wishes for a beautiful face, and six wishes for all happiness to surround you! Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

9. The moon will be full on August 15th. When the moon is full, I sincerely wish you all the best in the distance.

10. The festive season is coming, and friends and friends are laughing together; Family reunion, with deep friendship; I'll bless you, so as to know my friend's heart; Greet all good friends in advance for a happy Mid-Autumn Festival family reunion!

11. The autumn wind is slowly falling, and the Mid-Autumn Festival has arrived. Bright moon, beautiful Mid-Autumn Festival. On the Mid-Autumn Festival night, enjoy the moon and eat cakes. The moon is round and exceptionally bright. Moon cakes are especially sweet. It's a long way to go, and it's hard to break acacia. Although people don't arrive, their hearts yearn for them. I sincerely wish you and your family a happy reunion and happiness.

12. Let the autumn wind take my blessing to you, and let the stars adorn your beautiful life. You ask me how much I miss you. The moon represents my heart, and the mid-autumn night speaks of lovesickness. I spend a full moon and look forward to reunion.

13. Happy Mid-autumn Day!

14. Make a good wish, wish you everything round, pass a short blessing, and wish you a sweet smile. Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

15. I wish you a dream, a career, a family and everything!

16. People are happy at every happy event, and it is especially bright from January to Mid-Autumn Festival.

17. Spend a good month and a long time, and your family will be happy and happy.

18. The moon in Mid-Autumn Festival is very beautiful and round, and it's too bright and unreasonable, just like you when you were young.

19. I send all my thoughts and care for you to the bright moon, hoping that the moon in the Mid-Autumn Festival will bring you all my blessings, and that you will be happy when you see the bright moonlight.

20. Mid-Autumn Festival, send you warm greetings, wish you a happy holiday and all the best.

21. Make a good wish. I wish you a happy life and a wonderful feeling. I wish you all your wishes come true. Sincere greetings. I wish you all the best and a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

22. Step by step, the pace of support, the sound news, the affirmative praise, the page after page, the experience of cooperation, your trust and support, are our great backing. On the Mid-Autumn Festival, I would like to express my sincere thanks to you through a sincere message. I wish you good health and all the best.

23. Thinking for a day, looking forward for a night, thinking for a full moon in Mid-Autumn Festival. Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

24. Do I realize that the moonlight is gone because there are too many tall buildings in front of me? Perhaps no one can notice that there are fewer days when the moon appears, because there are more prosperous high-rise buildings.

25. People usually eat mooncakes with their families and friends .

26. The bright moon is rising above the sea, everyone faraway enjoy the same moment.

27. China is rising and the country is prosperous; Magnificent mountains and rivers, glorious years; Jiangshan is not old, the motherland is evergreen! On this Mid-Autumn Festival, I wish our great motherland prosperity forever, and good luck and health will accompany you all your life! I wish you a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

28. the festive season is approaching, sincerely wish the new and old customers a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

29. While appreciating the moon, the couple reouned teir happy stories.老夫妻俩回忆起甜蜜的往事,一边赏月,一边叙旧。

30. The letter is short and the words are long. I only wish my friends more well-being, a happy Mid-Autumn Festival and family reunion.

31. Send you a round moon, with thoughts as the center and care as the center.

32. The full moon is full of people, the family and the country are reunited, spend the full moon and the festive night, and miss the sweet dreams for thousands of miles. I wish you a happy Mid-Autumn Festival, a family reunion and a more full moon.

33. Raise a glass and invite the moon to enter the wine, and enjoy the fun and laugh; I wish you a wonderful Mid-Autumn Festival with my best wishes!

34. The Mid-Autumn Festival is full, and it's time for blessing. I wish you happiness forever, no worries, and happiness forever. Only smiling angels are not as pure as you, and flowers are not as bright as you.

35. When the Mid-Autumn Festival arrives, say hello and wish you every success in your career. The moon cake is sweet and the moon is full. I wish you a good dream and a happy family.

36. Mid-Autumn Festival, just to meet you.

37. From Heaven's Peak the moon rises bright,Over a boundless sea of cloud.Winds blow for miles with main and might,Past the Jade Gate which stands so proud.

38. I hope the moon will always be round and you will always be happy from today! Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

39. On this Mid-Autumn Festival night, our family is the warmest, and the moon shines softly on this night.

40. While enjoying the moon to the fullest, family members can't help thinking of wanderers in a foreign land, and wanderers in a foreign land can't help thinking of their family members.

41. In Mid-Autumn Festival, the moon is round. If you leave your hometown to miss your parents, you are willing to get everyone a ticket, pack your bags and return home. I wish the Mid-Autumn Festival a happy family reunion.

42. Family is the sun, and friends are the moon. Living in the sun is healthy, and looking at the moon makes you feel better. During the Mid-Autumn Festival, enjoy the warmth of the sunshine version and taste the warmth of the moonlight version. ^v^Quanzhou Ruihe Ying finidi^v^ wishes my ^v^Moon^v^ a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

43. A person's Mid-Autumn Festival is actually far sadder than a person's Valentine's Day. Knowing that you won't be lonely in the distance, I gave you this blessing message. Remember to forward it, so that all people can stay away from that kind of sadness and feel warm!

44. The sky is gray, wild, and the full moon hangs over the horizon, and the silver light is all over the world. Faint, affectionate, everyone is happy in the Mid-Autumn Festival. Blessing SMS is in front of you. I wish you happiness in the Mid-Autumn Festival.

45. Why is the moon so round? Because I miss you as much as I can. Why are moon cakes so sweet? Because my blessings to you are constant. Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival. I wish you a happy holiday and good luck!

46. Pack a bag of sunshine, two sea breezes, make a few pounds of homemade blessings, ask people to go to the ends of the earth to bring back happiness and romance, and bury a little care from the depths of the soul, and give it to you as a gift. I wish you a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

47. I wish you a happy Mid-Autumn Festival, a happy family and good luck.

48. Send it to yao si in the Mid-Autumn Moon, telling the truth every word.

49. different places, the same moon, Mid-Autumn Festival, no matter where you are, you are willing to spend a good month to make people well-being.

50. Chang 'e: Sprinkle the moonlight on you, making you extremely beautiful; SMS: Sending blessings to your pillow will make you happy; Me: I wish you a happy Mid-Autumn Festival, with good things and good dreams.

51. I miss my family during the festive season, my friends during the holiday, and my thoughts are in my heart. True feelings like wine, suddenly looking back, a greeting is still mellow. Accompanying with the years, keeping friendship together, hand in hand with you in all seasons of life. Mid-Autumn Festival, I wish you happiness forever!

52. Booming flowers and full moon. 花好月圆。

53. watching the moonlight, deep and remote thoughts, the Mid-Autumn Festival full moon night, the heart is far from the surface, it is a different wind.

54. Silver moonlight shines a bright spot of happiness. On the 15th day of the Mid-Autumn Festival, you will be loaded with joy, dressed up with sweet moon cakes, full of joy, family reunion and laughter. May the Mid-Autumn Festival bring health and peace to your life and happiness to your life. Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

55. Come to a pool of clear water, catch a few idle fish, ponder the gains and losses of life, wander around the world, drink a pot of old wine, and make a group of friends. Although people can't help themselves in the Jianghu, remember not to be too tired of yourself. I wish you a happy Mid-Autumn Festival.

56. I wish you: beautiful face, sweet smile, perfect love, and dazzling stars holding the moon.

57. You in the distance, happy Mid-Autumn Festival! Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! If there is anything to celebrate, it must be reunion; If there is anything to be thankful for, it is peace.

58. My one wish for you is long life,and to share in this loveliness far, far away.

59. Please choose the sentence with correct grammatical structure and meaning: First, I am not a real pig; Second, I am really a pig; Third, I am a real pig. Those who answer correctly have the opportunity to participate in the Mid-Autumn Festival Animal Husbandry Achievement Exhibition! Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

60. Send a round cake, a round feeling, a round heart and a round dream. Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

61. The moon carries happiness again, and the Mid-Autumn Festival night is happy. Wine is enough, food is full, and life is getting better and better. When the Mid-Autumn Festival arrives on August 15th, happiness knocks on the door automatically. Happy Mid-Autumn Festival.

62. Send you a round blessing, with sincerity as the center and friendship as the center. Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

63. There is a bright moon in the sky, and there is an old feeling in my heart. My heart sends friends, and the moon is bright in the Mid-Autumn Festival. When family reunions, short messages send heartfelt wishes, short characters, profound blessings, and deep feelings. I wish you a happy Mid-Autumn Festival! Worry ^v^month^v^ is less than ^v^month^v^, salary ^v^month^v^ is higher, happy things ^v^month^v^ are more wonderful, and Mid-Autumn Festival wishes ^v^month^v^ earlier and better. Wish: Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

64. the Mid-Autumn Festival reunion in the world, the frost flows everywhere.

65. A round of bright moon hangs at high altitude, and my companion misses sending it home; Looking at the distant land of hometown at night, my parents are lovesick and bitter!

66. May you be beautiful during the festive season, and warm blessings will be sent early; The scenery is good, the mood is good, and every day is good.

67. When the moon goes, I'll go, too. I sincerely send greetings; The distance is close to the heart, and thousands of miles of moonlight are shared; Mid-Autumn Festival should gather together, singing and dancing forever; A good moon is full in the present, and you will never worry about wine and talk. Wish a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

68. Friend, no matter where you are now, be sure to see the long-forgotten moon tonight. Make a wish and it will probably come true! Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

69. The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming, and the moon is round, which makes the whole family get together happily.

70. Chinese people have always valued family reunion, family reunion and family happiness. It's said that every festive season, especially the Mid-Autumn Festival, which symbolizes reunion and happiness.

71. The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming, and the mobile phone calls, and the blessings are continuous and lively.

72. Round moon cakes contain deep thoughts, which implicate you and me; The short message contains many wishes, which bless you and me. On the Mid-Autumn Festival, I wish you a full moon, a reunion and happiness forever!

73. Life may not be perfect. It's no shame to raise a glass to invite you to the moon!

74. The moon is full of people, the moon cakes are sweet and drooling, and a string of messages are sent. I wish you a happy reunion, and the Mid-Autumn Festival is full of good things. I wish you happiness and never break.

75. The full moon is similar year after year, and you and I look forward to each other. That the sky is bright and the ground is full of mercury, which is our mutual yearning.

76. Please accept our wishes for you and yours for a happy Mid-autumn day!

77. Mid-Autumn Festival is a reunion day, with round moon, round moon cakes and round smiling faces. The moonlight is shining over the courtyard wall and sprinkled on the ground, and silver flows all over the place.

78. Tonight, the moon is round, the moon is soft and beautifu.Isn't it a great happiness in the world for a family to enjoy the flowers and the moon in the moonlight?

79. The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming again in a year. Being far away from home, I have only one belief in my heart-I wish my relatives at home happiness and health forever!

80. The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming. I miss the moon, and I feel anxious for reunion. I also want to eat moon cakes. I wish you a happy month in the Mid-Autumn Festival, and a happy month in the month!

81. The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming. Let the round moon take away my thoughts. I wish you a reunion with your family every Mid-Autumn Festival.

82. Moonlight shines in front of the window, and moon cakes are a little dirty; It's the doubtful hand that hasn't been washed, frowning and thinking. Lifting myself to look, I found that it was moonlight, the bright moon is shining on the window; Looking down carefully, it turned out to be unpacked. I wish you a happy Mid-Autumn Festival, happy eating cakes and enjoying the full moon!

83. The Mid-Autumn Festival, which has been lurking for a year, finally reappears in the rivers and lakes. On this night full of legends and happy reunion, move your finger and send a message to your friends and relatives to show your concern and blessing! Even the simplest: Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

84. People are happy at every happy event, and people make a happy family.

85. From August to 15th, it's obvious that people feel stronger in the Mid-Autumn Festival. The golden autumn scenery is more beautiful, and the round moon is more affectionate; Send a distant thought to the bright moon, and bless you with a clear glow; I wish you a smooth road to fairyland and the Mid-Autumn Festival is just around the corner. I miss the blue waves and connect my friends' hearts. I wish you well in advance: a beautiful dream is like a full moon, and everything follows my wishes. Life is like a moon cake, sweet and heart-warming; Happiness is just laurel, and fragrance floats in my mind. Wish a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

86. A cup of homesick wine has aroused my sorrow. Tonight, people are reunited, but I am on the other side of my hometown. When will I go home and reunite with you?

87. When the Mid-Autumn Festival arrives, male prostitute jumps, rides a dragon and rides a phoenix to send fairy medicine, gives medicine for the elderly to live longer, and gives medicine for young people's satisfaction. Everything is good luck, and gives medicine for children's intelligence, which smart people boast about! Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

88. osmanthus fragrance, autumn leaves red, full moon Mid-Autumn Festival, full moon in autumn, this scene is drunk, acacia two places are in tears, climbing the building and looking far away is full of homesickness.

89. Flowers can't bloom in advance before the season arrives; The moon can't shine in advance until the night arrives; When the time is not up, you can't run away from work in advance; Before the Mid-Autumn Festival, blessings can be sent in advance: Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, happy family!

90. I wish my dear friends a happy life and a prosperous Mid-Autumn Festival.

91. I want to give you a word of care and forget it; Want to give you a blessing, far away; I want to give you a moon cake, which is expensive. Want to go, or send you a Mid-Autumn Moon, I wish your life as freely as moonlight!

92. In the Mid-Autumn Festival, snuff is swaying lanterns. The moon is bright and bright, and the festival is beautiful and beautiful.

93. I wish you three wishes at the end of the month: first, my dream is like a full moon; second, my days are sweeter than moon cakes; third, my studies and life are as full as the full moon in the Mid-Autumn Festival!

94. Mooncakes are sweet and the moon is round. I wish you a happy dream and a happy family.

95. The full moon hangs high on the horizon, with shadows among the treetops. The Mid-Autumn Festival is like a bucket, throwing silver cream into the world. Dare to ask Chang 'e to send me my love, dare to send WU GANG to tell me. The sound of blessing never stops. May you be happy and always sweet.

96. The moon is priceless, but the mountains are full of affection. May your life be as round and full as the fifteenth moon!

97. I wish you a happy family, Pepsi, beautiful life and sweeter than honey!

98. I wish you a beautiful life and a happy family reunion. Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

99. I wish you a happy Mid-Autumn Festival, a full moon and a reunion of everything. Everything goes well with people. Wish the whole family happiness.

100. Walk on the road of life, let the spring water of time flow slowly, trace the source of your kind eyes, and vaguely reminisce about the past. Your teachings will never be forgotten. I wish you happiness, health and happiness on the Mid-Autumn Festival.

101. Moon = Chang 'e+Jade Rabbit, Moon Cake = Make the moon into a cake, and substitute: Moon Cake = Make Chang 'e+Jade Rabbit into a cake. Conclusion: Moon Cake = the pure love of Chang 'e+the spirit of Jade Rabbit. I send you this moon cake. May you become a refined person. Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

102. From January to the fifteenth, it's obvious that people feel stronger in the Mid-Autumn Festival. The golden autumn scenery is more beautiful, and the round moon is more affectionate; Send a distant thought to the bright moon, and bless you with a clear glow; Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

103. The moon is rare for one yen, and the family is harmonious every day. I like to see people have two reunions, singing and dancing. Happy Mid-Autumn Festival and happy family.

104. Get up early and say hello. I can't go anywhere in the Mid-Autumn Festival. My heart is full of worries for you. There are many things I want to say: remember to go out safely, eat and drink as little as possible, and pay attention to a good rest spirit. Don't disappoint my kindness to you.

105. My one wish for you is long life,and to share in this loveliness far, far away. 但愿人长久,千里共婵娟。

106. On the fifteenth day of the Mid-Autumn Festival, blessing messages are indispensable: a string of true feelings, two or three greetings, four or five blessings, six or six great successes, seven stars shining brightly, eight treasures coming from all directions, nine fortunes coming from all directions, and perfection. Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

107. Look up at the bright moon and meditate on the right person. If you accompany me, you will have no regrets in your life! Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

108. If you can't see the moon on the Mid-Autumn Festival, don't be surprised, because ^v^the moon represents my heart^v^ and it is in my heart. I have woven every ray of moonlight into this short message and sent it to you. I wish you happiness!

109. A full moon makes people happy. I wish you a family reunion and a happy Mid-Autumn Festival.

110. The crescent moon like a hook, I don't know how many vicissitudes it has gone through, has become eternal in people's hearts in autumn night. In order to commemorate its perfection, people will eat moon cakes on this day, also in order to remember those cloudy and sunny days and full days. Did you eat moon cakes today? Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

111. I wish you a happy family and a happy life.

112. May my blessings be like moon cakes, sweet and fragrant, and bring you sweet hope. Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

113. But looking up, it disappeared. What can be seen is the high-rise building, which is prosperous. What can be seen is only a small part of the sky.

114. You should send something to your old friend in the Mid-Autumn Festival to express your friendship for so many years. Hey, forget it. By the way, snoring at night should be smaller. I have been insomnia for many days! Happy Mid-Autumn Festival.

115. From a wine pot amidst the flowers,I drink alone without partners.To invite the moon I raise my cup.We're three, as my shadow shows up.

116. Today is round, the yen is bright, and there is a total reunion every year. I wish you a happy Mid-Autumn Festival and everything is perfect!
