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分手激励自己的句子英文 精选54句

1. I think I'll just wait until you understand how much I love you and how tragic your decision to leave has been in my life.

2. 就怕会更难过,只好装作我比你冷漠。

3. 如果莪可以飞翔,妳就是莪那半边旳翅膀。

4. When love can not be perfect, I would rather choose no regrets, no matter how beautiful the next life, I can not lose this life to your memory!

5. 你来过一阵子,我却要怀念一辈子。

6. 没牵住你的手是我一生的错,无论是在天涯海角还是近在眼前,你都是我心中最深的思念最深的痛!

7. Is that what you wanted to of results on?

8. Knowing that the good will be lost, but I promised I would wait for him to come back, because I was stupid, I would not give up.

9. Break up with you! You don't need any excuses or excuses, but you have no feelings for you.

10. 你笑一次,我就可以高兴好几天;可看你哭一次,我就难过了好几年。

11. Are you all right? If you can start from the beginning, if time goes by, I will hold your hand tightly until it is permanent.

12. I wanted to fill a bottle of clear water with half a bottle of sediment; I wanted to look for those enjoyable eyes and see the background far away from me.

13. 只怪当初太单纯,被你骗走了最真的感情。

14. 请你笑一笑!你若流泪,湿的总是我的脸;你若悲戚,苦的总是我的心。

15. 老天安排的分手,爱过就足够。

16. Love you so I can not lose you, sorry so I can not calm down, can not wait to tell you sorry, can not lose you!

17. 岁月带走的是记忆,但回忆会越来越清晰。

18. I love you, but I feel that I am of no value to you.

19. 把自己弄的伤痕累累,然后哭的天昏地暗。

20. 一想到你,我的泪水在流淌,我的心在撕绞。在这痛苦的一刻,我顿悟:欢乐愉快一瞬间,痛苦伴终生。

21. 沉默不一定是金,有时也会错过好多好多。

22. 分开后,我的手再也触不到你的温度。

23. 遇见你是无意,认识你是天意,想着你是情意,说分手没有恶意,至少我们还有回忆。

24. 你永远不懂我的心,我们注定没结局。

25. 有首听不厌的曲子,有个忘不掉的女孩儿。

26. What is love, what is hatred, each kind of feeling is not in the heart of the seal; together is love, partially hate, there is an explanation called fate.

27. 谁会为谁奋不顾身,谁会为谁执着一生。

28. 有时候在乎的太多,对自己也是种折磨。

29. 我难道的时候你在哪里?心痛的感觉令我麻痹,痛得我难以呼吸,却不敢告诉你。

30. 爱情都有一条界线我们都过不了那条线。

31. 想要你再回到我身边,跟我有始有终。

32. 未来我都想好了,可最后我们还是分手了。

33. 遇见你是无意,认识你是天意,想着你是情意,如果我们有了退意,至少我们还有回忆。

34. In this tangled secular world, can learn to use a common heart to treat everything around, is also a realm.

35. 我曾经想陪着你一辈子,如今只愿有一个你爱的人来陪你,我知道我不配。再见了,我的爱!

36. 如果一起吃饭,你会坐我对面还是身边。

37. 心,既然不能如初,那就让它碎的彻底。

38. 当你转身离去的那刻起,你我已是陌生人。

39. The moment I decided to give up you, I cried、My tears proved that I really loved you.

40. 爱你让我不能失去你,歉疚让我不能静下心,迫不及待告诉你对不起,不能失去你!

41. I will never stop caring for you、This is an eternal promise.

42. 不吵不闹放你走,是我给你最后的温柔。

43. 夏初的悲伤,我站在阳光下无尽的眺望。

44. She even shed tears when she saw the leaves falling, but leaves always fall, just like people always die.

45. Don't miss you, don't love you anymore, let time slip by, erase our memories, for your name, no longer remember.

46. 霓虹灯下的城市,我的心掉在了那个角落?

47. 活着不是为了怀念昨天,而是要等待希望。

48. 心痛。是我不说。想得太完美终是错。

49. 我们的故事真难忘,太多的回忆和希望,不管它有多悲伤,我愿意一生收藏。

50. 别说你不爱我了,因为你从来都没爱过我。

51. I do not want to lose you, even if I use my life to exchange.

52. Thank you for your unfeeling, let me learn to give up! When tears stay, we know that separation is also a kind of understanding.

53. 如果我变成回忆,我希望做你的独家记忆。

54. 一天,我终于不再思念他,因为他离开太久了,我的习惯已经不再是习惯。

分手激励自己的句子英文 精选71句

1. Why did you have to promise me, now it is a vice swearing words well.

2. 无力的控诉,你认为我无所谓般的无所谓。

3. You can't change that at the beginning、Why don't you forget the ending?

4. 你总会输给一个人,即使你从来不承认。

5. 她连看到树叶落下都会流泪,可树叶总是要落的,就像人总是要死一样。

6. 对不起,我不能这样做。因为我们的了解还不够深入,不能这样随便,那样对彼此都是一种伤害。

7. 在这个纷绕的世俗世界里,能够学会用一颗平常的心去对待周围的一切,也是一种境界。

8. If you smile once, I can be happy for several days、But I can see you cry for a few years.

9. 你走了,但我还在原地,傻傻的等你回来。

10. 想哭的时候,别憋着,难受的是自己!

11. 难过的时候,原谅自己,只不过是一个人而已,没有必要把自己看的这么坚不可摧。

12. I and you, never seen again, occasionally miss; after this farewell, there will be no time.

13. 分手的理由是假的,但分手是真的。

14. 谁成了谁的过往,谁触了谁的心殇。

15. Are you not answer, that you will never regret. I make you satisfied.

16. 你还好吗?如果可以从头来过,如果时光倒流,我要紧紧抓住你的手,直到永久。

17. A coward or rotten people

18. 你是我的鬼迷心窍,只有我自己知道。

19. 不要轻易说爱,许下的承诺就是欠下的债!

20. 是不是曾经没心没肺,现在就会撕心裂肺。

21. 你说我是你的命,可分开的时候你也没死。

22. 第一眼就喜欢的人,真的会喜欢很久很久。

23. 我想装上一瓶清水,汲上的却是半瓶泥沙;我想寻找那双享受的眼睛,看到的却是离我远去的背景。

24. Sorry, I can't do that、Because our understanding is not deep enough, we can not be so casual, that is a kind of harm to each other.

25. Dream love is always perfect, but reality always gives you a discount, we need to use dreams to transform reality.

26. 我惦念的人,岁岁平安,即使,生生不见。

27. 分手就是不爱了,那些冠冕堂皇的理由,不是想让对方好过,而是想让自己好过点。

28. 即使是自己也会让自己失望,更何况别人。

29. 别说我花心,我专情也没得到过你的心。

30. 我心里一直有你,只是比例变了而已。

31. Our story is unforgettable, too many memories and hopes, no matter how sad it is, I would like to collect it for a lifetime.

32. 你自认为懂我,应何不知错过便了然。

33. 知道美好的总会失去,但我却答应过我会等他回来,因为我傻,我不肯放弃。

34. 不就是分手,别夸大了寂寞。

35. 我们爱的太容易,不知道失去的结局。

36. 说多了都是眼泪,离开了就不会回头了。

37. 不打扰,却铭记,是我对你最后的爱。

38. 第一次哭是因为你不在,第一次笑是因为遇到你,第一次笑着流泪是因为不能拥有你!

39. Meet you unintentionally, know you are fate, think you are affection, if we have retreat, at least we have memories.

40. 什么是爱,什么叫恨,每一种感触不在心内相印;合则是爱,分则有恨,有一种解释就称作缘分。

41. My dog doesn't like you very much, your cat doesn't like me very much, so don't say anything more, you'll understand later.

42. Breaking up is not love, those grand reasons, not to make each other better, but to make themselves better.

43. 这一鬓斑白是为你洗脱了他人的目光。

44. 我的世界已经变了天,变得没有晴雨天,就连一个留住遗憾的时间,也不给我一点点。

45. 曾经的恋人,现在的路人。

46. 离开你我过得很好,假装一切都很好。

47. 不要再想你,不要再爱你,让时间悄悄地飞逝,抹去我俩的回忆,对于你的名字,从今不再想起。

48. 当爱不能完美,我宁愿选择无悔,不论来生多么美丽,我无法失去今生对你的记忆!

49. When you are sad, forgive yourself, just a person, there is no need to look so indestructible.

50. 落幕,借你一世悲伤,转身离去,说再见。

51. 乱飞的雨滴,凌乱的文字,全是我凌乱的心情;孤独尽染,缱绻凄美尽殇,泪花是我唯一的陪伴。

52. 完美的幸福,始终需要两个人来争取。

53. Your arrival, murdered my reason; your leaving, murdered my emotion.

54. 谢谢你的绝情,让我学会死心!当眼泪留下来时,才知道分开也是一种明白。

55. 我躺在回忆的风中,用对你的思念取暖。

56. Breaking up with you, I would like to be a tear in your eyes, when you cry me out, let me disappear on your lips.

57. The first time you cry is because you are not there, the first laugh is because of meeting you, the first laugh tears because you can not have!

58. 梦想中的爱情总是完美的,但现实总会给你打折扣,我们需要用梦想去改造现实。

59. 曾经的温柔,让我用完我此生的幸福。

60. 有些话,现在想起来,心还在隐隐作痛。

61. 和你分手的一刻,我愿做你眼里的一滴泪,当你把我哭出来的时候,让我在你的唇边消失。

62. 你会遇到你更喜欢的人,可是我不会了。

63. 属于我光芒四射的笑容,我何处寻找。

64. 埋葬了自己的初怀,遗忘了自己的伤痛。

65. When I think of you, my tears are flowing, and my heart is tearing、In this painful moment, I suddenly realized: joy and happiness, instant pain and lifelong.

66. Not holding your hand is my life's fault, whether in the ends of the earth or near at present, you are the deepest thoughts in my heart the deepest pain!

67. 不要错过最后一班车,和一个深爱你的人。

68. 春风十里不如你,梦里梦外都是你。

69. Raindrops flying in disorder, messy words, all my messy mood; loneliness, miserable and beautiful, tears is my only companion.

70. 你,对于整个世界,似一颗尘埃;但对于我,却是整个世界!而如今,我失去了整个世界!

71. 如果上天知道我心诚,就让石头发芽吧!
