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用intellectual造一个句子 精选90句

1. 先把要造句的词扩展成词组,然后再把句子补充完整。如用“增添”造句,可以先把“增添”组成“增添设备”、“增添信心”或“增添力量”,然后再造句就方便多了。

2. Harvard University takes in any outstanding student regardless of religion, color or background.(哈佛大学招收任何优秀的学生,不分宗教、肤色或背景。)

3. intellectual history ...

4. What will happen to our intellectual property?

5. Unsurpassed elegance and intellectual Brilliance

6. These people are intellectual bankrupts.

7. Of the outstanding ladies listed below, who do you think was the most important woman of the past 100 years?(在下面列出的杰出女性中,你认为谁是过去100年中最重要的女性?)

8. The autumn crop is far more prone to failure than the summer one. But highbrow films now come with higher hopes.(今年秋季档的影片失败的风险比暑期档的还大,不过这次文艺片获胜的希望还大一些。)

9. He thinks Yahoo board of directors is highbrow to the assessment of company value.(他认为雅虎董事会对公司价值的评估是不切实际的。)

10. Silos of intellectual capital development.

11. College students' study status is affected by both intellectual factors and non-intellectual factors, among which non-intellectual factors play a decisive role.

12. The most interesting ones were outstanding men who were unwilling to accept the meek and passive role of the peasant.(最有趣的是那些杰出的人,他们不愿意接受温顺被动的农民角色。)

13. On intellectual property management under the network environment and its improvement to intellectual property information management mechanism;

14. You might find intellectual property encumbrances.

15. Culture can be dealt with in two categories: xxxhighbrow culturexxx and xxxlowbrow culturexxx.(文化可以分为两大类,即知识文化和交际文化。)

16. Kidd and his colleagues chose contemporary works that have won or been finalists for outstanding literary awards.(基德和他的同事们选择了那些获得过杰出文学奖项或进入了决赛的当代作品。)

17. Only if you are from the United States will you truly understand the highbrow culture of those from north-eastern region.(只有当你来自美国,你才会真正地理解东北部地区人的不切实际的文化。)

18. He was a novelist of a sort that scarcely exists anymore: a serious, highbrow entertainer.(他这一类型的小说家几乎已绝迹:一个严肃、博学的娱乐作家。)

19. he is unarguably an outstanding man.(毋庸置疑,他是一个出色的人。)

20. It is the custom of this academy to make an annual award for outstanding researchers in chemistry.(每年向杰出的化学研究人员发奖是这个学会的惯例。)

21. They only attend highbrow events such as the ballet or the opera.(他们只参加高雅活动例如观看芭蕾舞或歌剧。)

22. If an ant finds an outstanding hole—such as the inside of an acorn or a rock crevice—it recruits another scout to check it out.(如果一只蚂蚁找到了一个出色的洞穴——比如橡子或岩石裂缝的内部——它就会叫来另一只侦察蚁对洞穴进行检查。)

23. 在分析并理解词义的基础上加以说明。如用“瞻仰”造句,可以这样造:“我站在广场上瞻仰革命烈士纪念碑。”因为“瞻仰”是怀着敬意抬头向上看。

24. To learn those rules you have to practice and learn from some outstanding speeches in the past.(要学习这些规律,你必须亲自实践并学习过去一些优秀的演讲。)

25. Bernd Ulrich, in Die Zeit, a highbrow weekly newspaper, identified several reasons for western gratitude.(贝尔恩德。乌尔里希在德国《时代》周刊(精英周刊)上指出西德人应当感恩的一些理由。)

26. But highbrow films now come with higher hopes.(但严肃题材电影迎来了更高的期许。)

27. Not knowledge or intellectual horsepower.

28. A Study on Intellectual and Non-intellectual Elements in Art Gymnastics;

29. lacking with intellectual equipment.

30. We had a highbrow discussion on classical music.(我们就古典音乐来了一次高水准的讨论。)

31. I was lucky enough to have my tuition covered by a lottery funded scholarship called HOPE (Helping outstanding Pupils Educationally) .(我很幸运,因为我的学费由名为“HOPE”(即在教育方面帮助优秀的学生)该彩票资助的奖学金支付。)

32. Yes, he says that the shops that sell books - that's the retailers - say the books people are buying are more highbrow - the classics, as we were talking about.(他说销售书籍的商店,也就是零售商表示如今人们偏向于购买高深难懂的书籍,像我们刚刚提到的经典作品。)

33. This is an outstanding example of strict economy.(这是严格节约的一个出色范例。)

34. I think that intellectual curiosity is the most important characteristic of an outstanding student.(我认为求知欲是一个优秀学生最重要的特质。)

35. He has tried to obstruct intellectual freedom.

36. He was singled out as the outstanding performer of the games.(他被评选为这次运动会表现最出色的运动员。)

37. Absolutely. highbrow books are read by intellectuals or perhaps the people who read these books are just showing off.(确实如此。学术性强的书籍一般都是学者们读的,或者有些人读这些书只是为了炫耀显摆。)

38. They have a better export record with highbrow, low-plot movies, set in chic apartments with parquet floors, that feel moodily French.(他们有更好的作品出口,一些文艺范儿,低情节的电影,背景是布置精致的公寓,镶花的地板,这才是有着忧郁情绪的法国影片。)

39. 用比拟词造句,可以借助联想、想象使句子生动。如用“仿佛”造句:“今天冷极了,风刮在脸上仿佛刀割一样。”

40. We mustn't belittle her outstanding achievement.(我们不应该轻视她的杰出成就。)

41. Responsibility gives you all the power. You become the boss who employs the resources of an outstanding employee: yourself.(责任给你所有的力量。你会变成老板,利用优秀员工资源:你自己。)

42. He is brave and intellectual.

43. The Dichotomy of Intellectual Capital--view intellectual capital from assets and liabilitie;

44. The work is satisfactory but not outstanding.(工作做得可以,但不出色。)

45. The guest speaker was a highbrow Professor from the local college.(演讲嘉宾是当地大学里一位学识渊博的教授。)

46. Language has been enriched with such terms as xxxhighbrowxxx, xxxeggheadxxx, xxxblue-stockingxxx, xxxwiseacrexxx, xxxknow-allxxx, xxxboffinxxx and, for many, xxxintellectualxxx is a term of denigration.(因为这些词语,比如,“卖弄知识的人”、“书呆子”、“女才子”、“自认聪明的人”、“自以为无所不知的人”,以及“研究员”,语言都变得丰富了起来,而且对大多数人来说,“知识分子”是一个诋毁的词语。)

47. It allows them to exercise power and be recognized by their colleagues as being xxxoutstandingxxx teachers.(这让他们能够行使自己的权力,并让同事们认可他们是“优秀的”教师。)

48. The space station's deputy program manager, Kirk Shireman, said the team did an outstanding job coping with what he called xxxa major malfunction.xxx(国际空间站项目副经理谢尔曼说,这个团队在处理他所说的“重大故障”时表现出色。)

49. What appeals to me in the highbrow papers are the books and film reviews.(针对高级知识分子的报纸中,对我颇有吸引力的是书刊评论和影评。)

50. satire is an intellectual weapon; intellectual workers engaged in creative literary or artistic or scientific labor; has tremendous intellectual sympathy for oppressed people; coldly intellectual; sort of the intellectual type; intellectual literature.

51. There are still some outstanding problems.(还有一些突出的问题。)

52. highbrow and popular culture meet at the Tennispalatsi with its museums and movie theaters.(高雅与通俗文化交汇在坦尼斯宫的博物馆与电影院。)

53. many of your readers, including so-called highbrow critics, have repeatedly subjected your books to negative readings.(你的很多读者,包括所谓的不切实际的批评家,不只一次的把你的作品归到消极读物一类。)

54. Derartu is an outstanding athlete and deserved to win.(德拉图是位杰出的运动员,他理应获胜。)

55. intellectual type of character

56. To be close, even if not highbrow, still a clear water, Protection of Wages on the floor, good view of life.(待行近,纵使没有曲高和寡,依旧一份清水,落英满地,人生好风景。)

57. Qin, having a history of over one thousand years, has always been the symbol of highbrow life.(有着千年历史的琴乐,依旧是高雅生活的象征。)

58. The boy who won the scholarship was quite an outstanding student.(那个获得奖学金的男孩是个相当杰出的学生。)

59. We ask some outstanding social scientists.(我们询问了一些杰出的社会科学家。)

60. With his outstanding performance, Zhang Lei turned out to be the Winner of the xxxVoice of China 2015xxx.(凭借出色的表现,xxx获得了中国好声音2015年度冠军。)

61. The company is an outstanding example of a small business that grew into a big one.(该公司是小企业成长为大公司的突出例子。)

62. 有的形容词造句可以用一对反义词或用褒义词贬义词的组合来进行,强烈的对比能起到较好的表达作用。如用“光荣”造句:“讲卫生是光荣的,不讲卫生是可耻的。”用“光荣”与“可耻”作对比,强调了讲卫生是一种美德。

63. Generally, intellectual property is intangible and is created by intellectual effort as opposed to physical effort.

64. Territoriality of intellectual property doesn t amount to rigorous territorialism.

65. Or look at the issue of intellectual property.

66. 用形容词造句,可以对人物的动作、神态或事物的形状进行具体的描写。如用“鸦雀无声”造句:“教室里鸦雀无声,再也没有人说笑嬉闹,再也没有人随意走动,甚至连大气都不敢出了。”这就把“鸦雀无声”写具体了。

67. Exceptional efforts will gain an outstanding Achievement Award.(杰出的工作将被冠以杰出成就奖。)

68. Snyder: the license for the TCK is Sun's intellectual property.

69. They found that female applicants were only half as likely to get outstanding letters, compared with their male counterparts.(他们发现,与男性申请者相比,女性申请者获得出色的推荐信的几率只有男性申请者的一半。)

70. You won't see a catastrophic attack on intellectual property.

71. He's known to be an outstanding physicist.(他被公认为杰出的物理学家。)

72. An intellectual; a highbrow.(知识分子是脑力劳动者。)

73. intellectual egocentrism

74. He presents his own highbrow literary programme.(他对自己那高深难懂的文学节目做了介绍。)

75. Light reading - not highbrow. She was also at this interview about the Commuter Book Club.(这种消遣阅读不属于高雅文学。她在采访中也提到了上班族读书俱乐部。)

76. The intellectual property claim is a kind of defensiveness right based on the intellectual property for protecting intellectual properly from infringement.

77. Julian possessed outstanding business skills.(朱利安具有出色的商业技巧。)

78. A person whose intellectual capacity remains undeveloped.

79. intellectual revolution

80. The process leads to irreversible intellectual impairment.

81. Legal protection is provided for the owners of intellectual property.

82. She's very intellectual.

83. I see it everywhere, from the middle pages of highbrow pop culture publications to the style sections of local broadsheets.(我看到很多地方从波普文学出版物的中页到当地大幅海报的部分风格。)

84. 用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。

85. We're looking for people of all ages who have performed outstanding acts of bravery, kindness, or courage.(我们正在寻找各个年龄的、曾有过无畏、善良或英勇之举的杰出人士。)

86. These results are a further proof of his outstanding ability.(这些成果进一步证明了他的杰出才干。)

87. One of the most outstanding features at the beginning of this period was the prominence of Germanic generals in the high command of the Roman Imperial army.(这一时期初期最突出的特点之一是日耳曼将军在罗马帝xxx队中的显著地位。)

88. highbrow critics sniff that the programme was xxxtoo sophisticatedxxx to appeal to most viewers.(品味高雅的评论家轻蔑地表示,该节目“太深奥”,对大部分观众没有吸引力。)

89. Start with intellectual property.

90. intellectual education
