burst out of造个句子精选63句

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burst out of造个句子 精选39句

1. 用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。

2. I burst out laughing, xxxEven I know it doesn't look like that!xxx我立刻就笑了!“我都知道这根本就不像好伐!”

3. burst out with a violent or profane utterance以一种激烈、亵渎的方式爆发出来。

4. We try to choke it back but it will burst out and that sounds worse than ever.(我们想要忍住,但还是会忍不住笑出来,这听起来只会更糟。)

5. Karry burst out crying when her boyfriend said goodbye.当凯莉的男友对她说再见时,她突然大哭。

6. The inmates burst out laughing: xxxWhere do you think you are, Sweden?xxx(囚犯们哄堂大笑:你以为你是在哪里,瑞典人?)

7. Toad burst out laughing.(蟾蜍托德哈哈大笑。)

8. His father stared in surprise and then burst out in tears.(他父亲惊奇地盯着他,然后便泪如泉涌。)

9. It's the guerdon, the reward and the prize of fame that we're continually anticipating will burst out someday in a sudden blaze of glory.(我们一直期盼的奖赏、回报和名望,某天会突然迸发出荣耀的光芒。)

10. All the boys burst out into a guffaw at the joke.听到这个笑话,男孩子们发出一阵哄笑。

11. They burst out laughing now and then while watching one of Charlie Chaplin's films.他们在观看卓别林的一部电影时,时而不时地爆发出一阵笑声。

12. My tears burst out my eyes.我的泪水夺眶而出。

13. The class burst out laughing.(全班爆发出笑声。)

14. I have a past, have been liaising with Aling tacitly burst out laughing.我一过去,便与阿玲心照不宣地笑起来。

15. She thrust the volume into the desk, turned the key, and burst out crying with shame and vexation.(她把那本书用力推进书桌,转动钥匙,又羞又恼地哭了起来。)

16. Maurice sensed my discomfort and burst out laughing at me.(莫里斯觉察到了我的不安,大声嘲笑我。)

17. Karry burst out crying when her boyfriend said goodbye.(当凯莉的男友对她说再见时,她突然大哭。)

18. 用形容词造句,可以对人物的动作、神态或事物的形状进行具体的描写。如用“鸦雀无声”造句:“教室里鸦雀无声,再也没有人说笑嬉闹,再也没有人随意走动,甚至连大气都不敢出了。”这就把“鸦雀无声”写具体了。

19. Malcolm's use of that phrase made me burst out laughing.(马尔科姆的这句话让我大笑起来。)

20. We try to choke it back but it will burst out and that sounds worse than ever.我们想要忍住,但还是会忍不住笑出来,这听起来只会更糟。

21. I burst out laughing, xxxEven I know it doesn't look like that!xxx(我立刻就笑了!“我都知道这根本就不像好伐!”)

22. Frog listening to xxxCalvaryxxx to burst out laughing, she said xxxOh!xxx青蛙听了“各各”地笑起来,她说“唉!”

23. I brought him over to my drawings and he burst out laughing when he saw them.我带给他我的画作,他见到它们之后不可抑止地大笑。

24. 先把要造句的词扩展成词组,然后再把句子补充完整。如用“增添”造句,可以先把“增添”组成“增添设备”、“增添信心”或“增添力量”,然后再造句就方便多了。

25. The teacher moderated his tone when the student burst out crying.这个学生突然哭了起来,这时老师的声音变温和了。

26. Sectarianism was so foreign to him that when he met rank prejudice, he often burst out laughing.宗派主义意识与他毫不相干,每当遇到讨厌的偏见时,他经常突然笑出声来。

27. 用比拟词造句,可以借助联想、想象使句子生动。如用“仿佛”造句:“今天冷极了,风刮在脸上仿佛刀割一样。”

28. The whole audience burst out laughing.(观众都笑了。)

29. She burst out crying, she could not help it.她放声大哭,无法克制自己。

30. 在分析并理解词义的基础上加以说明。如用“瞻仰”造句,可以这样造:“我站在广场上瞻仰革命烈士纪念碑。”因为“瞻仰”是怀着敬意抬头向上看。

31. He burst out in a storm of abuse.他突然大骂起来。

32. Here she burst out into a flood of tears, he said to me他告诉我说,谈到那个地方她就放声大哭了起来。

33. She burst out laughing and pulled onto the shoulder.(她听后突然大笑起来,把车停在路旁。)

34. The whole audience burst out laughing.观众都笑了。

35. My tears burst out my eyes.(我的泪水夺眶而出。)

36. 'He's a bully!' the little boy burst out.(“他仗势欺人!”小男孩突然大叫。)

37. 'For heavens' sake!' he burst out.(“天哪!”他大叫一声。)

38. It was so terrible that I burst out crying.(太可怕了,我突然哭了起来。)

39. I see the peach trees in blossom here, and I suddenly burst out in tears.在这里,我看到满树满树的桃花。我突然狠狠的哭了。

burst out of造个句子 精选24句

1. 有的形容词造句可以用一对反义词或用褒义词贬义词的组合来进行,强烈的对比能起到较好的表达作用。如用“光荣”造句:“讲卫生是光荣的,不讲卫生是可耻的。”用“光荣”与“可耻”作对比,强调了讲卫生是一种美德。

2. At the sight of the drunk, everyone burst out laughing/in laughter.一看见那醉汉,大家便大笑起来。

3. The teacher moderated his tone when the student burst out crying.(这个学生突然哭了起来,这时老师的声音变温和了。)

4. all of a sudden, he would burst out laughing.(他常突然放声大笑。)

5. I burst out. xxxI could bring as many every day.xxx(我大声叫道,“我每天都可以带那么多回来。”)

6. All of a sudden, he would burst out laughing.他常突然放声大笑。

7. Heidi burst out crying now and sobbed aloud.(海蒂突然哭了起来,大声地抽泣着。)

8. Laigle burst out laughing.(赖格尔放声大笑。)

9. Karen burst out laughing.卡伦突然大笑起来。

10. It was so terrible that I burst out crying.太可怕了,我突然哭了起来。

11. The father gave him a quizzical look. They both burst out laughing.父亲带着询问的目光看了他一眼。噗嗤一声两人一同大笑起来。

12. When hearing the funny joke, we burst out laughing.当听到那个好笑的笑话时,我们立刻大笑出来。

13. H-she burst out into a flood of tears.谈到这里她便放声大哭。

14. Bossuet burst out laughing.(博须埃放声大笑。)

15. The gate suddenly gave way and an angry crowd burst out of the yard大门突然被挤开了,愤怒的人群冲出院子。

16. Maurice sensed my discomfort and burst out laughing at me.莫里斯觉察到了我的不安,大声嘲笑我。

17. Then the applause burst out.(随后爆发出掌声。)

18. The door suddenly gave away and an angry crowd burst out of the room.门突然被挤开了,愤怒的人群冲出了房间。

19. Anna took one look and burst out laughing.(安娜看了一眼我包的饺子,哈哈大笑起来。)

20. A water main has burst out in the street.大街上的一根主水管爆了。

21. Both of them burst out laughing, and harry enraptured and was at his ease.两人禁不住都笑了。这一笑,使哈里心花怒放,轻松多了。

22. Karen burst out laughing.(卡伦突然大笑起来。)

23. And they burst out laughing.(接着,她们放声大笑。)

24. Toad burst out laughing.蟾蜍托德哈哈大笑。
