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关于环保的英语句子大全 共108句

1. sodoi.我也一样。

2. Saving oer environment is everyone's duty.

3. 绿化家园,文明人心。Green homes, civilized people.

4. takeiteasy.别紧张。

5. thisway。这边请。

6. Althoughourcountryresources,abundantnaturalresources.But,youknow?Allthesearenotenough,moreimportantistopayattentiontoenvironmentalprotection!

7. Stoopedtopickupapick,Jushouzhilao,dopeople.

8. tcan’thelpit.我情不自禁。

9. ijustmadeit!我做到了!

10. notbad.还不错。

11. isityours?这是你的吗?

12. Theforestistheoxygenfactory.

13. bequiet!安静点!

14. nooneknows.没有人知道。

15. countmeon算上我。

16. Theskyisblue,thegrassisgreen,theheartispure.天是蓝的,草是绿的,心是纯粹的。

17. Theheartsoflove,atthefootofmercy.心中有情,脚下留情。

18. howmuch?多少钱?

19. 我们的地球,需要每个人的保护。

20. 后勤求发展,环保需先行。Logistics for development, environmental protection should be advanced.

21. 保护城市环境的英语句子:

22. i’minahurry!我在赶时间!

23. givemeahand!帮帮我!

24. i’llseetoit我会留意的。

25. 切实搞好生态环境建设。Practicalmeasuresneedtobetakentoimprovetheenvironment.

26. 保护环境,少说多做。Protect the environment and do less.

27. anythingelse?还要别的吗?

28. cheerup!振作起来!

29. helpyourself.别客气。

30. 保护地球,就从美化校园开始吧!

31. it’suptoyou.由你决定。

32. 森林是氧气的制造工厂。

33. 天蓝水清,地绿居佳。The sky is green and the ground is green.

34. 首先就指出自己的家乡以前是一个美丽的地方,处处是树木和草地。后来,人们毁林造地,大量水土流失。因而,大量田地变成了荒地,更糟的是,荒地面积不断增长,村民们正遭受沙尘暴的垄击。在这部分,作者很恰当地运用了inthepast,later,and,thus,what’sworse等过渡词把今与昔家乡自然环境的变化情况进行了生动、准确的描述。最后作者提出了加强环境保护的建议,有理有据,让人信服。作者坚信如果这样做的话,几年以后,家乡又会变得如往昔一样美丽。

35. followme.跟我来。

36. 创绿色环保,享生活美好。Create a green environment and enjoy a good life.

37. congratulations!祝贺你!

38. areyousure?你肯定吗?

39. how’sitgoing?怎么样?

40. feelbetter?好点了吗?

41. 乘阴靠绿树,美化靠大家。By the shade of the green tree, beautify the people.

42. Nature is kind of a loving mother, but also a butcher in cold blood.

43. When the sky blue again,the rivers become clean,and the grass is always green,we'll live a healthier and happier life.

44. i’mfull.我饱了。

45. Treeshavegreen,theearthhasapulse.

46. Reducewastesandrecycletheminstead,putthemwithplantsandtheywillbefed.

47. 树木拥有绿色,地球才有脉搏。

48. comeon.来吧(赶快)

49. allowme.让我来。

50. 环保利民,节约先行。Environmental protection benefits the people and saves the first.

51. Toprotecttheearth,startfromthebeautificationofthecampus!

52. whynot?好呀!(为什么不呢?)

53. holdon.等一等。

54. hereyouare.给你。

55. Ithinkthegovernmentshouldadvocateenvironmentalprotection,moreinvolvedinenvironmentalprotection,contributetoenvironmentalprotection,organizeenvironmentalprotectionisthemostcritical.Yousaid,isit?

56. 节约水资源,职责人人有。Water resources are saved and everyone is responsible for it.

57. i’mlost.我迷路了。

58. idecline!我拒绝!

59. iloveyou!我爱你!

60. shutup!闭嘴!

61. 低碳出行,环保出骑。Low carbon travel, environmental protection to ride.

62. i’mhisfan。我是他的影迷。

63. anydaywilldo.哪一天都行夕

64. 节约用水,造福人类。Save water for the benefit of mankind.

65. domeaf*or?帮个忙,好吗?

66. noway!不行!

67. heismyage.他和我同岁。

68. If we go on polluting water,the last drop of water will be our tears.

69. 痰吐在地,辱写在心。Phlegm spit in the ground, humiliated in the heart.

70. 节约水资源,责任人人有。To save water resources, everyone is responsible for it.

71. 环保自出,健康你我。Environmental protection, healthy you and me.

72. goodjob!做得好!

73. 珍惜资源,永续利用。Treasure the resources, sustainable use.

74. areyoukidding?你在开玩笑吧!

75. The land to all the people are the essence of the material, and finally, it has been there from the people of the rebate is rubbish these substances.

76. 不要让绿色,从身边消失。Do not let the green, disappear from the side.

77. 保护自然界,关爱家园。Protect the nature and care for home.

78. dolh*eto非做不可吗?

79. Howtoprotecttheenvironment

80. 绿色就如同我们的生命!爱护绿色吧,就像珍惜我们的生命一样!

81. mytreat.我请客。

82. 水清自然甜,水浑人人厌。The water is natural and sweet, and the water is tired of the people.

83. afteryou.您先。

84. goodluck!祝好运!

85. 人造环境,环境育人。Artificial environment, environment educating people.

86. whatapity!太遗憾了!

87. Weshouldplantmoretreesandflowersaroundus.Weshouldn’tcutthemdown.Weshouldstopfactoriesfrompouringwastewaterintotheriverandwastegasintotheair.Now,manypeopleoftendriveacartogotowork.Soshouldwedo?wecanwalktoworkinsteaddrive.

88. It is usually their own surroundings as a form of free merchandise, I do not know any way to cherish and spoil.

89. don’tworry.别担心。

90. excuseme,sir.先生,对不起。

91. 由俭如奢易,由奢入俭难。It is difficult to be frugal, like extravagance, from luxury to frugality.

92. 但存方寸地,留与子孙耕。But save square ground, stay with son and grandson ploughing.

93. Beautifylife,purifythesoul.美化生活,净化心灵。

94. enjoyyourself!祝你玩得开心!

95. 节约为本,治污优先。Conservation is the basis, and pollution treatment is a priority.

96. blessyou!祝福你!

97. 给我一片绿,还你一片荫。Give me a piece of green, and you have a shade.

98. 学校是我家,人人都爱它。School is my home, everyone loves it.

99. 少一串脚印,多一份绿意。A small number of footprints, more green.

100. 对环境问题的关注已经成为一种不可逆转的历史潮流。Theattentiontoenvironmentissuehasbecomeanirreversiblehistoricaltrend.

101. Today,Theairpoulltion,waterpoulltion,noisepoulltion.Theenvironmentpoulltionisveryimportantintheworld.Inordertoliveabetterlife,weneedacleanerworld.

102. notyet.还没。

103. Greenlife,accompaniedbyenvironmentalprotection.绿色生活,环保相伴。

104. 地球是我家,绿化靠大家。The earth is my home, and the greening depends on everyone.

105. Not only natural Can not mandatory, but also subject to natural.

106. Our earth is just our future.

107. h*efun!玩得开心!

108. Letthebirdshaveabluesky.让小鸟拥有一片蓝天。

关于环保的英语句子大全 共28句

1. 用好你的手,垃圾无处溜。Use your hand well, the garbage is nowhere.

2. 弯下腰,捡一捡,举手之劳,做个有心人。

3. forgetit!休想!(算了!)

4. tobecareful!一定要小心!

5. mygod!天哪!

6. canihelpyou?我能帮你吗?

7. Ourearthneedseveryonesprotection.

8. i’llfixyouup.我会帮你打点的。

9. Greenisourlife!Takecareofthegreen,justlikeourlife!

10. 草儿可爱,大家爱。The grass is lovely and the family is in love.

11. seeyou.再见。

12. Ithinkifeveryonedoit,theearthwillbebatterandbatter!

13. ih*enoidea.我没有头绪。

14. it’sherfield.这是她的本行。

15. that’sneat.这很好。

16. what’snew?有什么新鲜事吗?

17. you’rewelcome.不客气。

18. To protect the earth is to protect ourselves.

19. solong.再见。

20. Keepournaturehealthy,'causeitwillmakeuswealthy.

21. 欣赏荒野、回归自然。Enjoy the wilderness and return to nature.

22. 热爱生活,骑乐无穷。Love life, ride music.

23. metoo.我也是。

24. 保护环境识每个公民的责任与义务。Protectingtheenvironmentiseverycitizen'sresponsibilityandmoralduty.

25. i’monadiet.我在节食。

26. 选择低碳,选择人生。Choose low carbon, choose life.

27. iagree。我同意。

28. 保护地球环境-人类共有的家园。Protecttheearth'senvironment--thehomelandofallmankind.
