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20个英语句子 必备42句

1. Because loving a person, knowing that he will lose his freedom, he is willing to make a commitment.

2. watch... for...索赔(费),向某人收取某事。向某人收取...

3. The best thing about love is that I love you just the same.

4. for a change换换环境(花样等)

5. 要三个人去痛苦,不如就让一个人更痛苦。

6. I never thought what kind of an eternity I missed.

7. but for要不是。 表示假设

8. 对不起拖这么久,我想让你当我的初恋情人好吗?

9. Can't stand but can't give up, who understands、This way, how can I go.

10. 在今生今世的梦里,寻找挥发着爱的气味。

11. 从什么时候开始,我的心里已经没有你的位置了。

12. I just want to tell you that I have a heart that loves you enough.

13. 体贴的,考虑到别人的需要的,相当的,值得考虑的

14. 抱怨of(或about)抱怨;抱怨;抱怨;抱怨;抱怨某人或某事;

15. 爱情,友情,都是我消费不起的奢侈品!

16. in brief简言之

17. in consequence of由于…的结果

18. 守着相爱的人,做着心爱的事,就是幸福。

19. round the clock昼夜不停地

20. be cautious of 谨防

21. The only lie I tell you is that I am not sad to leave you.

22. No one is waiting for you in the place、No love is waiting for you in the place.

23. The tears also had the temperature, burned the skin, and the heart was wet.

24. In the dream of this life, look for the smell of volatilization of love.

25. There is a kind of love called mutual non contact, let love sleep in memory of the long river.

26. 再累,再苦,再疼,也只是为了你能喜欢我而已。

27. Love and friendship are all luxuries that I can't afford.

28. 对自己喜欢的人,你总能找到一个理由去原谅她。

29. 他一开口解释你就都原谅,这不是爱这是卑微。

30. The only thing I regret is that there is no photo taken with you.

31. on board 到船上, 在船上, 上火车或飞机

32. I don't need to explain anything to you, because I'm afraid I will blame you for not understanding me.

33. Those passing years are the most beautiful days in my life.

34. for certain of肯定地,有把握地

35. confine…to… 把…限制在某范围内

36. I use scratchy words to depict our dribs and drabs.

37. conceive of想象,设想

38. Love is neither a change of circumstances nor a time to wear out.

39. Finally know, in my heart, who deserves my consideration.

40. 我只是想对你说我有一颗爱你的心,这已足以。

41. As long as you need me, I will always be where you can see.

42. I want to escape from your life, but I find myself unable to escape.

20个英语句子 必备56句

1. 我唯一感到遗憾的就是至今没有一张与你的合照。

2. It's yours, it's yours、The more clenched it is, the easier it is to lose.

3. 你的过去,我来不及参与,你的未来我要紧紧相依。

4. 不是一句我爱你,加一句我也爱你,就等于爱情。

5. We love again how vigorous, but also to match the fate of the tease.

6. on business 出差办事

7. Ups and downs of the story is wonderful, plain life is happy.

8. on the contrary 相反

9. For three people to suffer, it is better to make a person more miserable.

10. 想逃离你的生活,却发现自己已经逃不开。

11. 尽情地、愉快地

12. Love is love, affection needs mutual pain, and needs respect.

13. 机密地;有信心地;

14. I want to have a dewdrop kiss with you at the seaside in the morning.

15. charge sb. with …控告某人犯有…

16. buy sth. for…money 用多少钱买

17. 恋爱时感性点,过日子理性点,穿衣服性感点。

18. Love this reason、It is impossible to rationalize all things that are not.

19. 想和你在清晨的海边,接个露珠味儿的吻。

20. You are the most beautiful glaze in the world, inlaid in my eyes.

21. 受不了但又舍不得,谁懂。这条路,我要怎么走。

22. 你就是我心中的那首忐忑,总是让我惊心动魄。

23. The outside world is very bad、We close our doors and love each other.

24. I'm sorry to drag on so long、I want you to be my first love.

25. in case万一

26. consent to同意

27. You use your whole life to block up, how can I let you lose?

28. If you can't enter this life, you only wish to have your breath when you stop.

29. Every time you look back at me, I will be happy all day.

30. 你的爱到底有多重,隔了好多年也不会遗忘。

31. People are still lonely when they are in love、The difference is that there is no fear.

32. 外面的世界坏人林立,我们关起门来好好相爱。

33. comply with遵守, 依从

34. keep company with和…要好。

35. 你是世界上最美的琉璃,镶嵌在我的眸子里。

36. contrast…with 把…与…相对(对照)

37. compare…to… 把…比作…

38. 看着你的手机号,我始终没有勇气按下去。

39. After I left, I learned how to love, love should not care about hurting.

40. 由......组成.........主要由....................................................................................

41. 没有人在原地等待你。也没爱情在原地等待你。

42. There are many comforting words, many for others, but few for themselves.

43. take the floor 起立发言

44. Your past, I have no time to participate, your future depends on me closely.

45. last but one 倒数第二

46. We are not going to cry、We just want to learn not to cry.

47. 寂寞是脚跟,回忆是凹痕,我一个人共存。

48. Those who are willing to stay and argue with you are the ones who really love you.

49. 安慰的话有很多,给别人的很多,给自己的很少。

50. 我问你还是不是还很爱我,你用呼吸声代替了沉默。

51. Not a sentence I love you, add a sentence I love you, is equal to love.

52. comment on 评论

53. 每当你回头看我一眼时,我都会开心一整天。

54. 当遗忘变成另一种开始,淡了回忆,痛最真实。

55. in consideration of由于

56. 关心自己

20个英语句子 必备98句

1. Just complain about the hands of time, write love into each other.

2. 我不需要向你解释什么,因为我怕我会怪你不懂我。

3. 只要你需要我,我永远在你能看到的地方。

4. May my eighteen year old love the person who is eighty years old with me.

5. 我用潦草的文字,刻画着我们的点点滴滴。

6. 有了你,我什么都不缺,心再野,也懂得拒绝。

7. in consequence结果

8. 你说我是不是在做梦,你怎么可能会爱我。

9. 没心没肺的笑。总是比不了、撕心裂肺的哭?

10. Some people exist、Because of the fate、So he shouldn't complain.

11. be busy doing sth. 忙于做某事

12. Don't ask me if you leave、I can only say that I can't die.

13. 你是不是的出现在我的面前,引起我的注意。

14. 为某事责备某人因为...责备某人将某事归咎于某人推...在某人身上

15. 下辈子我要做个男人,娶个像我这么好的女人。

16. I haven't been in touch with society for a long time、I didn't expect it to be so open now.

17. When he speaks and explains, you forgive、It's not love.

18. 是你的,就是你的。越是紧握,越容易失去。

19. 人在爱的时候依然是孤独的,不同的是,没有惧怕。

20. congratulate sb. on 祝贺

21. I bravely looked at other people's eyes, but saw their own wounds.

22. After that, I will accompany you to be the best person in your life.

23. 晚秋季节还能找到春天和夏天错过的鲜花吗?

24. 那些已流逝的岁月里,是我生命里最美的时光。

25. With you, I do not lack anything、My heart is wild, and I know how to refuse.

26. There is always a name that allows you to tilt your mouth up and tear down.

27. in no case在任何情况下都不

28. 把注意力集中在

29. 如果没有遇见你,我还是会一如既往相信爱。

30. 愿我十八岁所爱之人,是八十岁伴我之人。

31. contribute to 有助于

32. 我的世界,你不在乎;你的世界,我被驱逐。

33. Those who are in love and do what they love is happiness.

34. Don't let me get used to your love, I am afraid I will not let go.

35. in watch of(某物)in in of负责

36. contrary to与…相反

37. 不知道从什么时候开始,我的心里多了一个你。

38. I miss you, miss your gentle, unconsciously, I have relied on.

39. No matter how tired or bitter it is, it's just that you can like me.

40. Point to your heart and tell yourself, I have your name here.

41. Leave is to leave, there is no need to find such gorgeous excuse.

42. 终于晓得、在我心里什么人值得我去顾惜。

43. 开花(指树)、在开花(强调状态)、进入开花

44. A badly hurt heart needs no sympathy, but understanding.

45. If I hadn't met you, I would still believe in love as always.

46. 我唯一对你说的谎,就是离开你我不难过。

47. 总有一个名字能让你先嘴角上翘,再眼泪下掉。

48. by comparison 比较起来

49. 离开了就别问我好不好,我只能说还死不了。

50. Can you find flowers that are missing in spring and summer?

51. 你用你的一辈子做堵住,我怎么舍得让你输。

52. in connection with关于,

53. 従此以后我来陪,做你生命里最好的那一位。

54. be能,be能被+过去分词是能够被

55. concentrate on集中,专心

56. If I could go back to the past, I would choose not to know some people.

57. I asked you whether or not you still loved me very much、You replaced the silence with breathing.

58. A heartless smile、Always can't compare, tear the heart crack the cry?

59. 爱,既非环境所能改变,亦非时间所能磨灭。

60. It's you who led me out of loneliness when I was lost in my mind.

61. be certain of有把握, 一定

62. You are the heart of my heart, always make me thrilling.

63. commit oneself to 使自己承担…

64. In my next life, I want to be a man and marry a woman like me.

65. 恋爱用的是情,感情要的相互用心的疼,需尊重。

66. be conscious of觉察,知道

67. 很久没有接触社会了,没想到现在都这么开放了。

68. 有一种爱叫做互不联系,让爱沉睡记忆的长河中。

69. In love, without mutual loyalty, there is no mutual trust.

70. 我们不是不会哭泣,只是想慢慢的学会不去哭泣。

71. 因为爱一个人,明知会失去自由,也甘愿作出承诺。

72. confide in对…讲真心话,依赖

73. When others praise me, I worry and worry that others will not praise enough.

74. under consideration 在考虑中

75. 让时间告诉你我是否真的喜欢你,如何。

76. 指着自己的心告诉自己,我这里有你的名字。

77. Falling in love with you is like an autumn, so hot and cool.

78. compare…with … 把…与…比较

79. boast of吹嘘

80. take charge of负责管理(照顾)

81. out of breath 喘不过气来

82. Looking at your cell phone number, I never had the courage to press.

83. Loneliness is a heel、Memories are dents、I live alone.

84. How heavy is your love? You will not forget it after many years.

85. When you are in love, you should be sensible and sensible.

86. by chance偶然

87. Like you, including all of you, strengths and weaknesses.

88. 我想你,想念你的那份温柔,不知不觉中我已依赖。

89. condemn sb. to 判决

90. in any case无论怎样

91. When forgetting becomes another kind of beginning, pale memories, pain is the most real.

92. 如果能回到过去,我会选择不认识一些人。

93. 离开就是离开,没必要找那么华丽的借口。

94. on no consideration无论怎样也不

95. in bulk 成批地,不散装的

96. be concerned with与…有关

97. Let time tell you whether I really like you or not.

98. It's hard to love someone、It's even harder to give up the one you love.
