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we开头的英语句子 精选83句

1. Sheboughtabookyesterday.

2. 当大帆船驶进南安普顿码头时,几百只小船聚集在其周围。

3. We hope to move into our new house at the end of the month and are living in a caravan pro tern.我们在这个月底可望迁入新居,现在暂时住在大篷车内。

4. WhenAnnarrivedhomethatnight,shefoundBrianinthehousewatchingTV

5. We are welcome your kindly enquiry.如有任何疑问,欢迎垂询。

6. BritainneedsnewleadershipifsheistohelpshapeEurope'sfuture.

7. 那晚安回到家时,看见布赖恩正在屋子里看电视。

8. We have been assigned the two large classrooms.我们分得了这两间大教室。

9. 我本想我们今晚可以出去。

10. New research, though, suggests Mondays aren't as bad as we think.然而,新研究提出周一并非如我们所想的糟糕。

11. We may as well come back tomorrow.我们明天再来也好。

12. Wehadourcarbrokenintolastweek.

13. 比较简单的句子,希望满足你的要求。

14. Shewasseventeenandshehadnoeducationoremployment

15. Our Motto: we sport, we play, we care, we share.

16. 我们喜欢英语。

17. Weplayfootballeverysunday.

18. Doesshegotoschooleveryday?

19. We must tell them of our decision.我们应当把我们的决定告诉他们。

20. As we move into a new Millennium, many of us have much to be thankful for.走进新千年之际,有许多事是我们许多人都应该感恩的。

21. Asker: xxxAre we brother?xxx

22. We are what we think we are.

23. We know what we want.

24. We got soaked - we were nearly home when it suddenly started bucketing down.我们被淋湿了——我们快到家的时候突然下起了瓢泼大雨。

25. IsshelearningEnglishnow?

26. Wipe away tears, we have nothing to do but adamancy.擦干眼泪,除了坚强我们别无选择。

27. 她17岁,未受过教育,也没有工作。

28. May we get what we want, may we get what we need, may we don't get what we deserve.

29. Didshebuyabookyesterday?

30. We thought we had them licked.

31. We programmed this celebration before we left.

32. We have all earned the wage of sin.我们大家都已挣得了罪的工价。

33. Thankfully, we can!

34. We reap what we sow.

35. I think maybe he went straight to hell, but that we don't know. xxx- ifc.xxx我想也许他是直接去了地狱,但是我们也不知道答案。

36. 我们必须扩大我们的吸引力。

37. Make it an hour and a half. We have to get more food.等一个半小时吧,我们还得多准备些事物。

38. 《牛津词典》

39. If we are to win the race, we must practise pulling together.如果我们想赢的话,我们就必须练习划桨一致。

40. Duetoakneeinjuryshewasforcedtoscratchfromtherace.

41. Whenhereturned,sheandSimonhadalreadygone

42. 她并无恶意;恰恰相反,她人很好。

43. Ithoughtwehadbeenburgled.

44. Sheisn'tlearningEnglishnow.

45. Shewasalittlefluffybabyduckwhichwereareduntilshewasfullygrown.

46. That's why we as a society expressly forbid single parents to raise children.所以,我们的社会禁止单亲家长抚养小孩。

47. 它那时还是只毛茸茸的小母鸭,我们一直把它养到羽翼丰满。

48. We believe we can fly!

49. Fortunately, we have adapters!

50. We have said we are mutually accountable.

51. By pausing, we begin to dismantle lifelong patterns of avoiding or distancing.通过暂停,我们开始消除长久以来逃避和疏远的旧模式。

52. 我们的车上周被撬了。

53. If we use a realtor to find a house, it will be more expensive.如果我们委托经纪人找房子,会比较贵。

54. Look,Ithinkweshouldgonow.

55. 她信任他,但他却毫不领情。

56. When shall we have the Millers for dinner?我们什么时候邀请米勒一家来吃饭?

57. We wish we know more.

58. We have learned several different machines, such as milling machines, turning machines and so on.我们已经学习了几种不同的机床,比如铣床、车削加工中心等。

59. 我本以为我们被盗了。

60. Ihopewegetthereintime.

61. Wedohomeworkathome.

62. 由于膝盖受伤,她不得不退出比赛。

63. By reading we enrich the mind.博览群书长知识。

64. 用we和our造句四年级上册:

65. Thestudentmayshowsignsoffeelingthestrainofresponsibilityandshemaygiveup

66. 造句:Wedohomework.

67. Wecanhelpyou.我们会帮你。

68. 我认为我们对他们的异议完全可以不予理会。

69. We fully support that, we fully agree, we appreciate that.

70. In our case, we do not allow someone to have a negative checking account balance.在我们的例子中,不允许有人拥有的支票帐户余额为负数。

71. We perform as we promise.

72. We were shipwrecked on a deserted island.我们遭遇海难而困在荒岛上。

73. Ithoughtwecouldgoouttonight.

74. We accepted the provision in principle.我们在原则上接受了这个条款。

75. In my opinion, we must depend on intensive cultivation to feed ourselves.我看我们就是要靠精耕细作吃饭。

76. We had a lot of fun at Sarah's party.我们在萨拉的聚会上玩得很开心。

77. 我们发现大石块挡住了我们的路。

78. HundredsofsmallboatsclusteredroundtheyachtasshesailedintoSouthamptondocks.

79. He struck into a laugh when we were talking seriously about the matter我们正在严肃认真地谈论问题,他们突然大笑起来。

80. When we lose, we know that we once owned.

81. Shedidn'tbuyabookyesterday.

82. SheislearningEnglishnow.

83. Veryearlyinlifewhenthebabyfeelsthepangsofhunger,shelearnstoscream.

we开头的英语句子 精选36句

1. Therewasnomaliceinher;onthecontrary,shewasverykind.

2. Shegoestoschooleveryday.

3. 学生可能会表现出对责任感到有压力,然后可能会放弃。

4. When we lose, we know we have.

5. Wemustbroadenourappeal.

6. We should recycle everything that we can.

7. We repent, we abjure, we will break from our chain.

8. Ithinkweshouldjustgiveingracefully.

9. Ithinkwecansafelydismisstheirobjections.

10. Can we generalize?

11. 当新生儿感到饥饿时,就学会了喊叫。

12. 他回来时,她和西蒙已经走了。

13. Wearehappy.我们很开心。

14. We should start by counter Epperson with 1000 dollars initial capital in Thailand.我们首先提供给泰国的艾普森,1000美元的起始资金。

15. 如果英国想要对欧洲未来的发展产生重要影响的话,就需要新的领导层。

16. She'dgivenhimhertrustandhe'dthrownitbackinherface.

17. We can't understand, but we wish we could.

18. We have a rich assortment of such goods这种货物我们有很多花色品种可供选择。

19. We always breathe, but, when we meditate, we breathe consciously.

20. We need double the amount we have.

21. 我想我们能够制定出一个解决方案。

22. 我认为我们应该大大方方地认输。

23. cefc1e178a82b901639a39ca788da9773912ef10

24. We have programs for clean water and sanitation.我们有清洁饮用水和卫生规划。

25. Wefoundourwaybarredbyrocks.

26. 我希望我们及时到达那里。

27. 我们在家做作业。

28. We regard Abraham Lincoln as an inspiring leader.我们认为亚伯罕姆?林肯是一位有感召力的领袖。

29. Ithinkwecanhammeroutasolution.

30. Wepackageourproductsinrecyclablematerials.

31. 喂,我想我们现在得走了。

32. Shedoesn'tgotoschooleveryday.

33. How we walk, how we stand, how we use our hands, how we position our bodies,

34. 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

35. 我们用可回收的材料包装我们的产品。

36. welikeEnglish.
