风景描写的英文句子 精选77句
1. Hand and catch you fell out of the tears but not cut the fundus you伸手,接住你眼角垂落的泪滴,却截不住你眼底的悲伤!
2. 白烟飘木院,紫罐煮砖茶。
3. 春风留不住,莫负夏日光,有种心情叫想去看海。
4. 天下西湖三十六,就中最美是杭州。
5. Always listen to your heart because even though it's on your left side it's always right
6. First I need your hand then forever can begin
7. Anyone can make you smile. Many people can make you cry. But it takes someone really special to make you smile with tears in your eyes.
8. strong technical skills enhance a beautiful scene that compares traditional and contemporized architectural styles.
9. A woman who truly loves you will be angry at you for many things but will stick around
10. 选择最淡的心事,诠释坎坷的人生。
11. 长风万里送秋雁,对此可以酣高楼。
12. Beautiful things are beautiful and they attract our eyes and make us feel like a heaven on the earth Similarly think good feel good believe in good and act good which develops inner values and you will feel that you are living in the heaven Life is an art need to learn understand feel believe and act up to accordingly
13. A woman who truly loves you will be angry at you for many things, but will stick around.
14. Summer is when the sun shines and the butterflies dance with the flowers.
15. 耶路撒冷公墓是从西门进入这座城市的人首先看到的镜像。……我告诉贝淡宁,耶路撒冷的著名作家梅厄?沙莱夫开玩笑说,城市公墓放在耶路撒冷的入口是因为耶路撒冷最强大的工会团体是死者公会。许多耶路撒冷人玩世不恭地说,耶路撒冷是世界上唯一一个赋予死者投票权的城市。
16. She Was Holding A Leather Hot Water Bottle In Her Hand.Her Fingernails Were Completely Red, Not The Color She Had Stained Herself With While Painting Since Her Paintings Were All Blue And Green Landscapes.手里抱着皮热水袋,十指甲全是红的,当然绝非画画时染上的颜色,因为她画的青山绿水。
17. It was a summer afternoon. The clear blue sky was dotted with fluttering larks.
18. 余生,愿住在一片荷塘里,景美人美,你一定醉了。
19. 如今,春季已到。春天是一年中最美丽的季节,古往今来人们几乎用尽了所有美好的词语诗句来形容赞美春天。春天,带给人生命力,带给人希望。
20. 蒙蒙的西湖,不正是那淡妆浓抹的西子吗?
21. I love summer very much. In summer, it’s hot, and sometimes it’s rainy. People wear T-shirts, shorts and sunglasses. Girls love to wear dresses and skirts.
22. Be nice to people on the way up because you'll need them on your way down向上爬时,对遇到的人好点,因为掉下来时,你还会遇到他们。
23. 绕道走走看,看看你可能从没看过的风景。
24. 晨起去爬山,万家出炊烟。
25. 我喜欢大海,喜欢一个人站在海边。
26. 红色的野草莓,万绿丛中点点红,哄笑了自由的心境。我眼疾手快地伸出灵活的双手,在草莓刺中穿梭,忙绿。一颗颗甜滋滋的果实落入了口袋。我用嘴品尝一下,甜蜜的独特的滋味刺激着舌尖,享受这一番悠然悠哉的静心感觉,唇齿溢香,滞留在心里。
27. 故土情结,泥土芬芳。
28. god helps those who help themselves
29. Don't waste your time on a manwho isn't willing to waste their time on you
30. 远处一座座高楼,挺直地耸入蔚蓝的天空中使人联想到山水画时瘦骨嶙峋的奇峰,联想到拔地而起动人心魄的石林。
31. Green Mountain And Water: Important Fulcrum Of New Rural Construction In Guizhou Province;青山绿水:贵州新农村建设的重要支点
32. 在午后的阳光下,天气也是格外的晴朗,虽有点炎热,看着满荷塘青翠的荷叶,朵朵圣洁的莲花,在风中起舞翩跹,婀娜多姿,心中别提有多欣喜。此刻,让我想起了杨万里的接天莲叶无穷碧,映日荷花别样红的绝美诗句;偶尔有蜻蜓站在荷花尖上,还有他的那句小荷才露尖尖角,早有蜻蜓立上头。这是多么和谐唯美的景象啊!
33. There is a beautiful place.
34. I love you not for who you are, but for who I am with you.
35. If you can hold something up and put it down, it is called weight-lifting; if you can hold something up but can never put it down,it's called burden-bearing. It is a pity, most of people are bearing heavy burdens when they are in love.
36. 一路步行,一路风景,既可增长阅历,亦能愉悦心情!
37. They Include The Li Sixun Family, Who Specialized In Green Mountain And River Painting,And Wei Yan And Zhang Zao, Who Excelled In Splashed-Ink Landscapes.如李思训家族的青绿山水,和韦偃、张躁等人的泼墨山水。
38. 深秋的太阳像被罩上橘红色灯罩,放射出柔和的光线,照得身上脸上,暖烘烘的。
39. 停下来的世界只是风景,一直向前的风景才叫世界。
40. 江南好,风景旧曾谙。
41. A person who truly loves you will never let you go, no matter how hard the situation is.
42. The Warm Climate Of The Southwest Makes Its Mountains Green And Its Waters Emerald; The Vegetation Cover Is Lush.温和的气候使 它山青水绿、植被丰茂,
43. 月光下,奔腾了一天的小河平息了,静静地流着。
44. 往前走,眼前出现了一片大草地。草地上撒落着许多不知名的野花,点缀在绿茵茵的草地间,显得十分五彩缤纷。草地四周长着许多大树,有杨树梧桐树香樟树银杏树……它们像一排排列兵守卫着美丽的草地。
45. 家门口的风景,才是景。
46. 午后,阳光暖暖登山去,感受爬山的乐趣,心情舒畅多了!
47. 看得见的乡愁,赶不走的离愁。
48. 遥夜人何在,澄潭夜里行。
49. A girl needs to wear two things to look great : Confidence and Smile !
50. golden butterfly you!
51. 若能有一院子,种上一片竹。从此,四季的美景便都有了寄托。
52. [once the love dead 谢谢你光临我的梦]
53. 松林下,不仅有松针,还有松蘑。那该是夏季,一场雨后,我们这些孩子就跃跃欲试,山间的草木还滴落着雨水的残声,踩踏着泥泞的我们便急急地出发了。那一堆堆的蘑菇,随着雨水,顶破压抑在头顶的松针软土,从地下冒出头来,酣畅地呼吸着雨后洁净的空气,用它们特有的蘑菇香气与伙伴们打着招呼。
54. 衡水湖一眼望不到边,天连着水,水连着天,天水相接。衡水湖的水真静啊,静的让你感觉不到它的流动;衡水湖的水真清啊,清的可以看到水底的小鱼和水草;衡水湖的水真绿呀,绿的仿佛那是一块无瑕的翡翠。湖面上朦胧着一层雾气,给衡水湖增添了几丝神秘。水中小鱼自由嬉戏,水藻心情 舞蹈 ,形成一派和谐的景象。
55. We are all too young a lot of things don't yet know don't put the
56. 你会不会突然出现在我生命中,成为珍藏一世的风景。
57. Fake friends never betray in front of you They always do it behind you
58. 桥旁杨柳飘新绿,亭畔榆梅送暗香。
59. 一轮玲珑的弯月挂在梢头,氤氲的月色透过树叶儿,洒在大地的每一片土地上,在遥远的天边,若隐若现闪闪发光的星星也在不甘寂寞出来展示魅力;像天使一样,悄悄的来聆听人间的秘密。
60. 在路过而不进城的人眼里,城市是一种模样;在困守于城里而不出来的人眼里,她又是另一种模样;人们初次抵达的时候,城市是一种模样,而永远离别的时候,她又是另一种模样。每个城市都该有自己的名字。
61. If you weeped for the missing sunsetyou would miss all the shining stars
62. Sorrow is hushed into peace in my heart like the evening amongthe silent trees
63. Don't judge someone's past when you haven't walked their journey!
64. 爬山,攀险,望天边;游湖,听水,忆红颜。
65. no words are necessary between two loving hearts 两颗相爱的心之间不需要言语。
66. 湖气冷如冰,月光淡于雪。肯弃与三潭,杭人不看月。
67. 雪中的景色壮丽无比,天地之间浑然一色,只能看见一片银色,好象整个世界都是用银子来装饰而成的。
68. scenery!一座座古老的风车,风车的风叶像张开的翅膀,迎风转动,与绿草、野花构成了独特的景致更为这童话般世界增添神奇色彩!An ancient windmill, windmills wind leaf opens likely the wing, rotates against the wind, with the green grass, the wild flower constituted the unique view this fairy tale world addition mysterious color!一对对色彩鲜艳、精致绚丽,象征着甜蜜爱情的木鞋!还有那华丽的郁金香
69. Love makes man grow up or sink down
70. 山河远阔,人间烟火。
71. the beauty of the landscapes.游客们被景色的美丽所陶醉。Strong technical skills enhance a beautiful scene that compares traditional and contemporized architectural styles.很强的技巧加强了景色的美感,在传统和现代化了的建筑风格之间的对比。This extraordinary natural preserve shelters a primeval forest, the continents largest population of brown bears, sizeable packs of wolves, and a host of other creatures which have all but disappeared elsewhere专门捕捉大自然美丽景色的导演高史林百格将会透过节目带大家融入这处仙境,享受大自然的真善美。下一页更多风景的英文语录带翻译 优质文档5
72. when love is not madness it is not love 如果爱不疯狂就不是爱了。
73. 要么在路上,去看最美的风景和你。
74. 一进公园,顿时感到心旷神怡,那绿色的山连着绿色的水,绿色的水倒映着绿色的山,再加上山顶白塔耸立,岸旁杨柳拂动,湖光山色,异常美丽。
75. ion is also one kind of artware, is classical, is graceful, looks like a rich paint color painting! everywhere is filling the green, is also fluttering including the air green grass taste all around green and glossy, the green startled colorful, the windmill also stops down, is infatuated with in th
76. 老师,您是美的耕耘者,美的播种者。是您用美的阳光普照,用美的雨露滋润,我们的心田才绿草如茵,繁花似锦!
77. old and sonetimes snowy.春天是多雨的,夏天是炎热的,秋天是一年中最好的季节,它很凉爽而且忙碌,冬天是寒冷的,有时会下雪。条条小河宛如蓝色的缎带缠绕着一望无际的绿色田野,远处一座座造型古朴、色彩和谐的小屋,一派美丽动人的田园风光!A creek twines the vast green field just like the blue color satin ribbon, a distant place modelling is being plain, color harmonious hut, a school of beautiful moving rural
风景描写的英文句子 精选145句
1. Honestly if you are not willing to sound stupid you don't deserve to be in love
2. 远离城市的一切喧嚣,来到心旷神怡的海边,与蓝天白云相伴。
3. Green Hills And Clear Waters Are The Best Place For You To Mould Your Temperament.青山绿水是您陶冶情操的好地方。
4. 电信大楼坐落在市区最繁华的黄金地段*中街,是目前我市最高的一座大楼,它足足有二十一层。我们来到大楼前,望着高耸入云的大楼,不禁脱口而出:“呀,好高哇!”
5. 白云蓝天,一伞嫣然,惊艳美丽是蓝颜。
6. 窗前,仿佛是喑哑的大地发出的渴望的声音。描写风景的英文句子经典篇The dry river-bed finds no thanks for its past. 枯竭的河床,并不感谢它的过去。The bird wishes it were a cloud. The cloud wishes it were a bird. 鸟儿愿为一朵云。云儿愿为一只鸟。The waterfall sing, I find my song, when I find my freedom. 瀑布歌唱道:我得到自由时便有了歌声了。Woman, when you move about in your househo
7. here smiles in bloom. 是大地的泪点,使她的微笑保持着青春不谢。The mighty desert is burning for the love of a bladeof grass who shakes her head and laughs and flies away. 无垠的沙漠热烈追求一叶绿草的爱,她摇摇头笑着飞开了。If you shed tears when you miss the sun, you also miss the stars. 如果你因失去了太阳而流泪,那么你也将失去群星了。We, the rustling leaves, have a v
8. 不同的风景,有不同的美妙。
9. 那飞流直下的瀑布,是它地裂般的怒吼;那潺潺而流的小溪,是它优美的琴声倾诉;那汩汩而涌的泉水,是它靓丽的歌喉展示;那怒吼的松涛,是山对肆虐狂风之*;那清脆的滴嗒,是山对流逝岁月之记录。
10. 一片片荷叶挨挨挤挤的,好像是一群兄弟姐妹,心连着心,亲密无比。这时,吹来一阵风,“绿色的海洋”霎时间波涛起伏,荷叶一片连着一片翻腾着,美丽极了。当风停了的时候,“绿色的海洋”又*静了下来,叶面上的水珠儿滴溜溜的滚动着。晶莹剔透,像一颗颗漂亮的珍珠在阳光的照耀下显得十分耀眼。
11. to be a fox.
12. 夏日里的杭州西湖,不是只有热度,更有清凉的风景。
13. Good love makes you see the whole world from one person while bad love makes you abandon the whole world for one person
14. 夏日浪漫限定,爱在日落黄昏时。
15. 大风车吱呀吱溜溜的转,这里的风景呀真好看!
16. 这时候,夕阳已经衔着山巅了,西面的半边天空,像起了大火球似的,燃烧着一片血红的晚霞。
17. 藕花深处,杨柳岸边,烟雨楼台依旧是沧海茫茫。
18. 夏天,郁郁葱葱的大树随风摇摆,炙热的太阳高高的挂在天空,粉红色的荷花在池塘中迎风舞蹈,突然,狂风大作,雷电交加,珍珠般大小的雨珠在天空落下,大树在贪婪的吸食着那甘甜的雨水,雨珠由大变小,有小化无,夏天真美好。
19. They Protrude Among The Landscapes Of My Hometown, And Become One Particular Scenery.挺立在故乡的青山绿水间,好比一道独特的风景。
20. 生命是一条艰险的狭谷,只有勇敢的人才能通过。
21. We Were Charmed With The Blue Hills And Green Streams Here.我们陶醉在这里的绿水青山之中。
22. It is graceful grief and sweet sadness to think of you but in my heart there is a kind of soft warmth that can't be expressed with any choice of words想你,是一种美丽的忧伤的甜蜜的惆怅,心里面,却是一种用任何语言也无法表达的温馨。
23. Happiness is to find someone who can give you warm and share your life together
24. Follow your heart but be quiet for a while first Learn to trust your heart 跟着感觉走,静静地。学着去相信自己的内心。
25. 风景好内心孤独,多少的成就来源于孤独。
26. About Picture Of --Paying Attention To Traditional Green Landscape;解读《千里江山图》——重视传统青绿山水
27. 高品质文档描写风景的英文句子语录带翻译描写风景的英文句子最新篇The trees, like the longings of the earth, stand atiptoe to peep at the heaven.群树如表示大地的愿望似的,踮起脚来向天空窥望。The fish in the water is silent, the animal on the earth is noisy, the bird in the air is singing. But Man has in him the silence of the sea, the noise of the earth
28. Fallen into the trapfor you are too greedyit's not because of others' cunning会上当,不是因为别人太狡猾,而是因为自己太贪
29. A real beauty is not that which has a polish all over the body but the natural skin and pure heart
31. 闲时,一杯茶,赏赏花,看看景,令人心旷神怡。
32. 你赤手空拳来到人世间,为找到那片海不顾一切。
33. 风起的日子,笑看落花;雪舞的时节,举杯邀月。
34. Every hour of lost time is a chance of future misfortune一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴。
35. 电信大楼坐落在市区最繁华的黄金地段**中街,是目前我市最高的一座大楼,它足足有二十一层。我们来到大楼前,望着高耸入云的大楼,不禁脱口而出:“呀,好高哇!”
36. 徜徉在蓝天白云下,自我成景,自我美好。
37. In summer, especially lush vegetation, holly leaves shiny shiny, elm tree with luxuriant foliage, give people put up a thick green shade.
38. i will always be even if love pale 我会一直在纵使爱变苍白
39. i think autumn is the most beautiful season in a year.
40. 你是流年风景画出的伤,你是繁华岁月画出的痛。
41. Other students may try to improve their academic performance by going to their summer schools.
42. 无肉令人瘦,无竹令人俗。
43. Love is a lamp while friendship is the shadow When the lamp is offyou will find the shadow everywhere Friend is who can give you strength at last
44. Study Of Tourist Resources In Jingmen Urban Area“青山绿水道源寿乡”——荆门城区文化旅游品牌研究
45. 小草偷偷地从土地里钻出来,嫩嫩的,绿绿的。风轻悄悄的,草软绵绵的。
46. 人生如旅,走走停停,本该有不同的遇见,看不一样的风景。
47. 拥有感恩的心,你会感谢善良的人们给予你的每一份善意,无论相识不相识。Have a grateful heart you will thank people of good will give you every kindness no matter met strangers
48. All or nothing, now or never 。
49. and the music of the air.水里的游鱼是沉默的,陆地上的兽类是喧闹的,空中的飞鸟是歌唱着的。但是,人类却兼有海里的沉默,地上的喧闹与空中的音乐。The world rushes on over the strings of the lingering heart making the music of sadness。世界在踌躇之心的琴弦上跑过去,奏出忧郁的乐声。spring is a lot of rain,summer is hot,autumn is the best season in a year,it is cool and busy ,winter is c
50. I love you not for who you are but for who I am before you
51. 知了不住地在枝头发着令人烦躁地叫声,像是在替烈日呐喊助威。
52. for attractive lips speak words of kindness若要优美的嘴唇,要说友善的话。
53. 天中的云雀,林中的金莺,都鼓起它们的舌簧。轻风把它们的声音拼成一片,分送给山中各种有耳无耳的生物。桃花听得入神,禁不住落了几点粉泪,一片一片凝在地上。小草花听得大醉,也和着声音的节拍一会倒,一会起,没有镇定的时候。
54. Reforestation On Stopping Farming Land In The West Of China;西部山青水绿 重在退耕还林还草
55. e beautiful scene .描写风景的英文句子热门篇春天使大地复苏。 Spring renews the earth.春天的时候,乡村一片青葱碧绿。 The country is very green in spring我被眼前的景色深深吸引了I am deeply impressed/attracted by the scene before me.It becomes small as one song, as one kiss of the eternal.它变小了,小如一首歌,小如一回永恒的接吻。It is the tears of the earth that keep
56. A smile is the most charming part of a person forever.
57. To be beautiful means to be yourself You don’t need to be accepted by others You need to be accept yourself
58. 洛阳城阙何时见,西北浮云朝暝深。
59. 等待着每一辆经过的车,让我走到更远的地方。
60. Actully love can be expressed in many ways,your way is one of them.Sometimes it's not that he doesn't love you anymore,but you didn't understand his way of love.
61. His Green-Color Landscape Paintings, Such As The Jian Pavilion, Are Marked By Vigorous Strokes And Bright Colors.他的山水画以青绿山水见长,笔墨细润,风骨劲峭,色彩浓丽,如《剑阁图》。
62. 转眼间,冬天就到了。冬天的柳树湾光秃秃一片,抬头就能望到天,从湾的这头可以一眼望到那头,踩着由落叶铺就的xxx地毯xxx,抚摸着柳树那苍老的xxx皮肤xxx,似乎可以清晰地感觉到xxx落红不是无情物,化作春泥更护花xxx的感动,爱玩的我常常和伙伴们在这里嬉戏,想要为这片柳树湾带来一些久违的欢乐。
63. Don't corrupted themselves life is not only an opportunity try to不要堕落了自己,人生并不只有一次机会,努力把握。
64. 有趣的人生,一半是山川湖海。
65. However, some of them try to make good use of their vacations in gaining their working experiences in summer.
66. 不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有。 don’t cry because it is over smile because it happened
67. i want along withyou “我想和你在一起”
68. 田园生活,世外桃源。
69. The Flock Of Egrets Scattering In The Distant Mountains And The Flowing Streams Arouses Thoughts Of Nostalgia.它们的翩翩身影点缀在青山绿水之间,构成了乡思无限的画面。
70. 走过万里路,看过百种景,方知人间百味真。
71. 曲中揉进轻轻浅浅词章,独有相思浓。
72. 问君几时归,真情若江水,青山隐隐问玉湖,爱的是哪一位。
73. 小树轻轻地摇摆着,就像一位妩媚的姑娘在翩翩起舞!
74. 当幻想和现实面对时,总是很痛苦的。要么你被痛苦击倒,要么你把痛苦踩在脚下。
75. 离去的,都是风景,留下的,才是人生。
76. Love makes man grow up or sink down.
77. 宁静的夜晚,美丽的星空。
78. 望望路边,尽避偶尔有人骑着车子经过,但没有任何噪音,没有带来任何骚扰破坏,环境仍是如此优雅宁静。细细的春雨为世俗洗尘,冲刷掉一切纷乱,让世界变得和*而且宁静。路上的行人急匆匆地走着,都无心欣赏这烟雨朦胧中的美景。
79. Life has taught us that love does not consist in gazing at each other but in looking outward together in the same direction
80. You know my loneliness is only kept for you my sweet songs are only sung for you你可知我百年的孤寂只为你一人守侯,千夜的恋歌只为你一人而唱。
81. 昨天,我爬出窗口,站在十七层高的窗口看黄昏的落日……我一定不是这城市里唯一的怪人,一定有一个人和我一样,空虚时对着夜空唱歌到天明,也许我永远也遇不到他,但我熟悉他的心情。
82. A Pale Blue To Light Greenish Blue.青绿色,水绿色淡青色至淡青绿色
83. Being single doesn't mean that you don't know anything about love
84. 九寨沟,更因水而美,因水而活,因水而神秀。
85. Need not be anyone understood more don't like anyone to explain themselves
86. 登山,就是一场修行。
87. oice that answers the storms, but who are you so silent I am a mere flower. 我们萧萧的树叶都有声响回答那风和雨。你是谁呢,那样的沉默着我不过是一朵花。God expects answers for the flowers he sends us, not for the sun the earth. 神希望我们酬答他,在于他送给我们的花朵,而不在于太阳和土地。The trees come up to my window like the yearning voice of the dumb earth. 绿树长到了我的
88. There is a little lake.
89. 高山是那么巍峨而高耸,有多少人想到那峰巅观赏那美丽的风光啊!但要想到达那峰巅,必须得通过高山的考验,它是一名精神的考验师,它身上蕴藏着各国的沙石,它是那样的陡峭崎岖,它只让不怕艰辛,有顽强毅力的人到山顶上观光;而那些半途而废的人们永远看不到山顶的美丽风景。
90. 世外桃源,蓝天白云,繁花似锦,伴着你过春天!
91. shadow with her veil drawn follows light in secret meekness with her silent steps of love 阴影戴上她的面幕,秘密地,温顺地,用她的沉默的爱的脚步,跟在“光”后边。
92. When you are young, you may want several love experiences. But as time goes on, you will realize that if you really love someone, the whole life will not be enough. You need time to know, to forgive and to love.
93. to be a dream boat
94. the time that you are my most fatal时光深知你是我最致命的爱人
95. Love is a lamp, while friendship is the shadow. When the lamp is off,you will find the shadow everywhere. Friend is who can give you strength at last.
96. I ap* to get into your life我申请,加入你的人生。
97. Every day may not be good…but there's something good in every day
98. 风景很美、机会很多、人生很短!
99. to be a cutie; to be a babe
100. 风,那么轻柔,带动着小树小草一起翩翩起舞,当一阵清风飘来,如同母亲的手轻轻抚摸自己的脸庞,我喜欢那种感觉,带有丝丝凉意,让人心旷神怡。享受生活,不一定要有山珍海味菱罗绸缎为伴,大自然便是上帝所赐予人类最为珍贵的。
101. The blue sky is so beautiful。
102. 雨中的山色,其美妙完全在若有若无之中。
103. summer is students’ the most favourite season because their longest vacations of the year are in summer.
104. Green Mountains And Clear Water Depend On Returning Agricultural Land To Forest Land Or Grass Land Of The West;西部山青水绿 重在退耕还林(草)
105. The flowers are beautiful。
106. 安居乐业太平日,丰衣足食小康庄。
107. all things are difficult before they are easy凡事必先难后易。
108. Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass it's about learning to dance in the rain生活不是等待暴风雨过境,而是学会在雨中跳出最美的舞姿。
109. 乡下,我四处观望着乡下的风景,乡下到处都是绿油油的田野,到处都是高大的树木,到处都是五颜六色的小花,到处都是绿色的小草。小路边,偶尔有蝴蝶在一簇簇野花中翩翩起舞。泥土散发着清香,我深深地吸了一口气,空气中有一股淡淡的清香味,闻起来舒服极了。
110. he sands in your way beg for your song and your movement dancingwater Will you carry the burden of their lameness?
111. I love three things in this world Sun moon and you Sun for morning moon for night and you forever予独爱世间三物。昼之日,夜之月,汝之永恒。
112. Walking on the road, the wind coming like a heat wave attacks.
113. every day i miss you it is a hard time for me to miss you but it is even harder not to do so in such a contrary mood i miss you dee*!在每个想念的日子,想你不容易,不想你更难,愿以一片难懂的心情,深深思念你!
114. We Shall Meet Again As Long As Time Stands.青山不改,绿水长流,我们后会有期。
115. Early summer sunshine from the dense foliage and transmission, on the ground between India and full size coin sparkling spot.
116. Promises are often like the butterfly which disappear after beautiful hover
117. One may fall in love with many people during the lifetime When you finally get your own happiness you will understand the previous sadness is kind of treasure which makes you better to hold and cherishthe people you love
118. In July, blue sky, the Sun, the clouds like a fireball seems Sun Shaohua, also disappear.
119. Age wrinkles the body. Quitting wrinkles the soul.
120. the leaves turn yellow in autumn.秋天时叶子变黄。
121. 张家界的山真美啊!影影绰绰的群山像是一个睡意未醒的仙女,披着蝉翼般的薄纱,脉脉含情,凝眸不语,在一座碧如翡翠的山上,还点缀着几朵淡紫金黄艳红清兰的小花儿,把这山装扮得婀娜多姿。这时,这山好似一位恬静羞涩的少女,随手扯过一片白云当纱巾,遮住了她那美丽的脸庞。
122. The Blue Mountains Never Grow Old And The Green Waters Flow On Forever.青山不老,绿水长存。
123. Without you my life don't know how to describe
124. to be a beauty queen;
125. 珍珠在人们心目中象征着健康安宁与富贵,国际宝石界把珍珠列为六月生辰的幸运石。 珍珠以它的温馨,雅洁,瑰丽,一向为人们钟爱,被誉为珠宝皇后。 珍珠一直被认为是诸神送给大地的礼物,事实上,除了以上(查看全文)
126. smiling face like flower passes on fragrantly . Spooky bund, windmill, green grass, den, satisfied prosperous curcumafragrant flowers field, intermittent fragrant, windmill long extension! This is the dream高高的建筑也是一种艺术品,古典、优雅,像一幅浓郁的油漆彩画! 到处弥漫着绿色,连空气也飘着青草味四周一片绿油油,绿色的惊艳,风车也停下来,陶醉在美景中。The high construct
127. 省译法:这是与增译法相对应的一种翻译方法,即删去不符合目标语思维*惯语言*惯和表达方式的词,以避免译文累赘。增译法的例句反之即可。又如:
128. On The Scenic Poems Of Yuan Mei, A Poet In The Qing Dynasty;其人与笔两风流 绿水青山伴白头——清代诗人袁枚山水诗论
129. 城市里有什么好?城市里都看不到星星。城市里到处都是水泥地,如果不小心摔倒了,很久才能愈合。
130. It is your imperfections that make you beautiful in the eyes of someone who knows you by the heart
131. ld service your limbs sing like a hill stream among its pebbles.妇人,你在料理家务的时候,你的手足歌唱着,正如山间的溪水歌唱着在小石中流过。The sun goes to cross the Western sea, leaving its last salutation to the East.当太阳横过西方的海面时,对着东方留下他的最后的敬礼。That is an oil painting of a landscape in spring.那是一幅描绘春天景色的油画。The travelers were beguiled by
132. 桂林山水名不虚传,夜晚更漂亮。
133. The trees turn green in spring。
134. Beautiful things are beautiful and they attract our eyes and make us feel like a he*en on the earth Similarly think good feel good believe in good and act good which develops inner values and you will feel that you are living in the he*en Life is an art need to learn understand feel believe and act up to accordingly
135. 冬姑娘是来接秋姑娘的班,秋带走了菊花的金黄,桂花的芬芳,芙蓉的美丽,冬却送来一片洁白的世界,满天的雪花飞舞着,给大地铺上一层厚厚的棉被,麦苗躲在被子里沉睡,做着那丰收的美梦。腊梅已经悄悄开放,红的黄的白的粉的,组成一片花的海洋,枝头间挂满了透明的冰棱,仿佛玻璃一般晶莹。
136. Many of them try to enrich their social and healthy life by participating in a number of interesting outdoor activities, include of camping with friends and family members, going to the beach or swimming at public pools, traveling and sightseeing locally and nationally.
137. A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor's book.
138. 人间美景,尽收眼底。
139. We take a minute to know someone, one hour to like someone, and one day to love someone, but the whole life to forget someone.
140. does not belong to mei wil let go 不属于我的我会放手
141. 晚秋底澄清的天,像一望无际的*静的碧海;强烈的白光在空中跳动着,宛如海面泛起的微波;山脚下片片的高粱时时摇曳着丰满的穗头,好似波动着的红水;而衰黄了的叶片却给田野着上了凋敝的颜色。 (51句子网 ju.51tietu.net)
142. Love promised between the fingersFinger rifttw isted in the love
143. xxxYou jump I jump 原来最好的翻译是生死相随 xxx
144. I love waking up and seeing text messages on my phone 我爱一觉醒来时,读到你发来的手机短信。
145. 河水悄悄流入梦乡,幽暗的松林失去喧响。
风景描写的英文句子 精选6句
1. Love is when you find someone better yet you stay with the same person you promised to spend forever with——爱情就是当遇到一个更好的人,却依然和那个曾发誓与其共度一生的人在昨天。
2. 开时刻的牵绊,邀阳光作伴,约清风同行,收拾起行囊,咱们去亲*草原吧,去亲*辽阔无边的草原。
3. One may fall in love with many people during the life time. When you finally get your own happiness, you will understand the previous sadness is kind of treasure, which makes you better to hold and cherish the people you love.
4. 万家灯火,是今宵最美风景。
5. Happiness is not about being immortal nor having food or rights in one's hand. It's about having each tiny wish come true, or having something to eat when you are hungry or having someone's love when you need love.
6. 倾倒无数情人郁金香飘香的季节,娇艳妩媚的女孩的笑容如花传芬芳 幽幽湖边,风车,绿草,小房,多惬意红红火火郁金香花田,阵阵芳香,风车悠悠转!这是梦吗A right color bright, fine gorgeous, is drafting the happy love sabot likely! Also has that magnificent tulip to fall the season which innumerable sweetheart . the tulip smells as sweet, the tender and beautiful charming girls