scientific的句子 精选81句
1. The scientific study of such changes.病理生理学研究这些变化的科学
2. 科学的真理,扔需探索发现。
3. 没有信念的科学是瘸子,没有科学的信念是瞎子。
4. 科学的力量是无穷无尽的,它会给你带来意想不到的财富。
5. 科学,不仅是一种知识体系,更是一种思维方式。
6. of or relating to the scientific study of language.属于或关于语言科学研究。
7. They had no idea about scientific forestry.他们对科学林业一无所知。
8. 科学才是真理,谣言止于智者。
9. Groundless doubt is unjustice and lack of scientific basis.无根据的怀疑是不公正的,也是缺乏科学依据的。
10. xxxIncreased athletic activity lowers cardiovascular risk and blood pressure, and improved
11. National key scientific and technological project
12. 一旦科学插上幻想的翅膀,它就能赢得胜利。
13. Governments should not fund any scientific research whose consequences are unclear.政府不应该资助任何推论不明的科学研究。
14. 科学理论不是真理,所有的科学理论都有适用范围。
15. 有高度的自由,才有高深的科学。
16. 其实科学并不远,它就在我们身边,这需要我们细心观察。
17. The Science City of Novosibirsk is a scientific base known for its research strength.新西伯利亚科学城,是一个著名的实力雄厚的科学基地。
18. Dynamics is a technical term. It is the scientific study of motion, energy, and forces.动力学是一个专业用语。它是关于运动,能量,与力的科学研究。
19. 科学是实事求是的学问,来不得半点虚假。
20. 严谨的科学,严谨的做人。
21. The board is made up of a collection of food industry, scientific and consumer representatives.该理事会由众多食品企业,科学界和消费者代表组成。
22. They are trying to marry together a number of scientific disciplines他们试图将多种科学方法结合起来。
23. 在科学上重要的是研究出来的东西,不是研究者个人。
24. Some scientific books of ancient China have been lost.我国有些古代科学著作已经失传。
25. xxxIncreased athletic activity is associated with lower cardiovascular risk, lower blood pressure, and improved
26. Scientific work is differentiated from art by its necessary connection with the idea of progress.科学工作不同于艺术在于它与进步的概念有必然联系。
27. Discussion function of scientific research archives in scientific research work
28. 要建设,就必须有知识,必须掌握科学。
29. Scientific problem is a factor of scientific inquiry activity and impenetrate in scientific activity all along.
30. the scientific and technological progress prize
31. 科学研究的对象都是可测量的,且可以被量化。
32. Evidential investigation and scientific linguistics;
33. 天才跟科学结合,才能产生最大的效果。
34. Academic leaders are those who have versed scientific attainments, active scientific ideas and international one-up scientific level;
35. 不去实践的科学家,就象不酿蜜的蜜蜂。
36. 科学的每一项巨大成就,都是以大胆的幻想为出发点的。
37. The professor confined his remarks to scientific management.那位教授把自己的讲话局限在科学管理方面。
38. Scientific description ,scientific theory model and model construction;
39. 科学要求人不断地学习,思考,探索。
40. behavioral scientific decision rule
41. try to use the active voice(subject+verb+object)
42. 科学好比一棵大树,一个人怎么也抱不住。
43. 没有思想自由,就没有科学,没有真理。
44. 梦想是船的风帆,创新则是航行的动力。
45. 大胆假设,小心求证。
46. Encephalitis. No longer in scientific use.脑炎。在科技上已废弃不用
47. 当热情的头脑开始失望的时候,科学变得多么空虚!
48. scientific alexandrite
49. 学习科学,熟悉科学,登上科学的高峰。
50. 无穷无尽的科学奥秘,像磁石般吸引着我。
51. He has been honoured with a knighthood for his scientific work.他因科研成就而获授爵士头衔。
52. Thoughts on scientific and technological journal s innovation with the outlook of scientific development;
53. Scientific stories titillate the fancy of the school boys.科学故事使小学生们的想象力活跃起来。
54. Some Features and Characteristics of Scientific and Technical English科技英语的某些特点
55. Mr Jackson is not the books of the Union of Scientific Workers.杰克逊先生是科学工作者工会的会员。
56. 科学无处不在,让我们在科学的海洋中自由遨游吧!
57. 对搞科学的人来说,勤奋就是成功之母。
58. The essence of scientific research and reconstruction of university interior evaluation system of scientific research;
59. 科学发现的机遇,总是等着好奇而又爱思考的人。
60. note the use of unnecessary jargon(专业术语) and acronyms(首字母缩略词)
61. This report corresponds with the existing scientific literature on bedtime and wellness.这份报告与现有的有关就寝时间和健康的科学文献相一致。
62. 不要迷信权威,人云亦云,要树立独立思考的科学精神。
63. 科学的灵感,决不是坐等可以等来的。
64. 科学就是创造未来的金钥匙。
65. A member of the Caucasian racial division No longer in scientific use高加索人高加索人种的一个成员。目前已不在科学界使用
66. note the use of vague words: the use of vague words(模糊的词) can be hard to form a concrete picture in reader's head.
67. scientific surveying statio
68. 生活给科学提出了目标,科学照亮了生活的道路。
69. To be the bridge between the scientific achievements and realistic productivity, scientific and technological intermediary plays an important role in the transformation of scientific achievements.
70. Hypothesis and scientific proof are the way of establishing and developing scientific theory.
71. 不以物喜,不慕虚荣,敬仰科学,崇尚创新。
72. They had no idea about scientific forestry.
73. To guide students through objective scientific attitude toward self-training technical and scientific knowledge.
74. Many difficulties attend on their scientific expedition to the North Pole.他们去北极进行科学考察碰到了许多困难。
75. We should set up a scientific assessment system of indices with scientific and realistic attitude.
76. 科学尊重事实,服从真理,而不会屈服于任何压力。
77. 科学是认知,技术是应用。技术有禁区,科学没有禁区。
78. the scientific study of human fossils.人类化石的科学研究。
79. 只有艺术和科学能提高人,直到神圣的高度。
80. note the distance between the subject and the main verbs of the sentence.(注意句子的主语和句子的动词之间的距离不宜过长)
81. 科学是永无止境的,它是一个永恒之谜。
scientific的句子 精选33句
1. They learn about the scientific method.他们要学习科学方法。
2. precising a scientific report
3. 科学如同大海,要求奋不顾身的拼搏。
4. Of or relating to the study or discovery of general scientific laws.属于或关于研究或发现普遍性科学规律的
5. No scientific studies prove their effectiveness.尚无科学研究证明其疗效。
6. scientific papers on microfilm
7. Produced by the Volcanic Hazards Working Group of the Civil Defence Scientific Advisory Committee.公民防卫和科学建议委员会火山危害工作组发表。
8. The scientific study of diseases of the nervous system.神经病学研究神经系统病理的科学
9. The scientific systematization of knowledge.
10. Using the system would provide enormous convenient for the scientific researcher declaring project production and the scientific research manager managing and maintaining the scientific research data.
11. 科学是人类积累的知识的巨大宝库。
12. It's scientific, isn't it?
13. 进行科学研究时,我一向比较重视对最终结果的预测。
14. scientific experiment
15. 科学是使人精神变得勇敢的最好途径。
16. She was joyful of her good result of the scientific experiments.她为自己的科学实验取得好成果而高兴。
17. 要热爱科学,尊重科学!
18. xxx Presentation of scientific and technical reports, dissertations and scientific papersxxx
19. Argument on Darwinian Scientific Paradigm关于达尔文主义科学范式的争议
20. 科学,让生活更美好。
21. 科学是仰望星空,技术是埋头苦干。
22. No scientific studies prove their effectiveness.
23. 科学真是丰富多彩、奇妙无比哇!
24. 只进无退的科学,从来不容许我们停步不前。
25. 科学是人生中最重要,最美好和最需要的东西。
26. New-democratic culture is scientific.
27. 寻找的新科学,只有不断更新,才会有更美好的生活。
28. Not all factual claims are scientific hypotheses.
29. He is engaged in scientific research.他从事科研工作。
30. a scientific, musical, etc review
31. 科学可以帮助人们解决困难,改变生活。
32. The article also discussed the producing mechanism of scientific and technical cooperation phenom…文章还探讨了科研合作现象的产生机制。
33. 任何科学工作都是通过长期的考虑、忍耐和勤奋得来的。