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特殊疑问句句子及语音 精选56句

1. ----Which season do you like best? ----你最喜欢哪个季节?

2. ----What are you going to do? ----你准备做什么?

3. ----How can I get to Zhongshan Park? ----我怎么到中山公园去?

4. ----What’s your father / mother? ----你的父亲 / 母亲是做什么的?

5. ----How tall are you? ----你有多高?

6. ----Where is the canteen? ----餐厅在哪儿?

7. ----What’s your hobby? ----你的爱好是什么?

8. ----How many crayons do you have? ----你有多少支彩笔?

9. ----How do you go to school? ----你怎么上学?

10. I am beautiful girl.我是个漂亮的女孩。一般疑问句:Ave you a beautiful girl?你是个漂亮的女孩吗?2)情态动词+主语?肯定句:I can dance我会跳舞。一般疑问句:Can you dance?你会跳舞吗?3)助动词+主语肯定句:I like college life我喜欢大学生活。一般疑问句:Do you like college life?你喜欢大学生活吗?肯定旬: They saw some trees here last year.他们去年在这里看到一些树。一般疑问旬: Did they see any trees here last ye

11. ----What’s the tiger doing? ----那只老虎在干什么?

12. a r他们去年在这里看到一些树了吗?肯定旬:I have finished my work.我已经完成了我的工作。一般疑问旬 :Have you finished your work?你已经完成了你的工作了吗?Linda老师的小提醒将肯定句改为一般疑问句和改成否定句的窍门是一样的,一般有以下两种情况。a.如果句子里有be动词,情态动词以及have作为助动词的时候,直接将它拉到 句首,结尾变成问号即可:He is twelve. f Is he tweiveShe can swim. f Can she sW imI have got it. f Have you? got itb.当句子里是实

13. ----where are you going this afternoon? ----今天下午你准备到哪儿去?

14. ----How many people are there in your family? ----你家有几口人?

15. ----How are you, Sarah? You look so happy. ----你好吗.莎拉?你看起来这么伤心。

16. ----Where is my toy car? ----我的玩具汽车在哪儿?

17. ----What day is it today? ----今天星期几?

18. ----When do you do morning exercises? ----你们什么时候做早锻炼?

19. ----How did you go there? ----你怎么去的?

20. 义动词时,我们也可以用一些小窍门:肯定句:I go to the park.我去公园。改成一般疑问句第一步:我们可以在改变句子之前,把go 拆分下, 变成 do go.第二步:然后将do 提到句首,答案是:Do you go to the park?你去公园吗?同样,我们来看般现在时态,第三人称单数的情况:He likes bananas他喜欢香蕉。改成否定句 第一步:我们先将likes拆分成does like; 第二步:将does 提到句首。答案是Does he like banana他喜欢香蕉吗?而对于一般过去时态,我们也可以这样拆分。I got up at six yesterday我昨

21. ----What colour are they? ----它们是什么颜色的?

22. ----What are you doing? ----你在做什么?

23. ose (谁的)Whose is this umbrella?这是谁的伞?whom谁(宾格)Whom do you like to be with ?你喜欢和谁待在一起?2)疑问副词when (何时)When is your birthday ?你的生日是什么时候?where (何地)Where do you live?你住哪里?why (为什么)why do you like him?你为什么喜欢他?how (怎么样)How do you feel today?你今天感觉怎么样?3)疑问形容词what, which, whose (后力口名词)What colour is the sky?天

24. ----What does you mother / father do? ----你的母亲 / 父亲是做什么的?

25. ----How much are these apples? ----这些苹果多少钱?

26. 针对句子的其他成分提问,其语序改为疑问词+ 一般疑问句语序 + ?I can see yellow我能看见黄色。What colour can you sed 你看到什么颜色?He goes to school by taxi. 他坐出租车去上学。How does he go to school?他怎么去上学?The bag is thirty yuan这个包 30 元。How much is the bag?这个包多少钱?Linda 老师的小提醒特殊疑问句的回答不能用Yss./No来回答。一定是提问什么就回答什么。有时 也可以用简便回答:What is your father ?你父亲做什么的?A doctor.医生。 Why引导的特殊疑问句要用because来回答。Why do you like monkeys?你为什么喜欢猴子?Because they are clever. 因为它们很聪明。

27. ----How old are you? ----你几岁了?

28. ----Who’s your art teacher? ----你们的美术老师是谁?

29. ----How old is he/she? ----他/她几岁了?

30. ----What’s your favourite food / drink? ----你最喜欢的食物 / 饮料是什么?

31. ----What colour is it? ----它是什么颜色的?

32. ----How many kites can you see? ----你可以看见几只风筝?

33. ----Where are you from? ----你从哪儿来?

34. 答最简单当然是肯定回答“yes'否定回答xxxNo.xxx。但在习惯上,我们更多的是采用半简略回答。一般疑问句:Is he a pupil?肯定回答:Yes,he is.否定回答:No,he isn't.一般疑问句:Can she dive?肯定回答:Yes,she can.否定回答:No,she can't.一般疑问句 :Do you like apples?肯定回答:Yes I do.否定回答:No, I don't.一般疑问旬 :Did you go to the zoo yesterday?肯定回答:Yes, I did.否定回答:No, I

35. ----Where are the keys? ----钥匙在哪儿?

36. ----What’s his name? ----他的名字是什么?

37. ----Do you like peaches? ----你喜欢吃桃子吗?

38. ----What time is it now? ----现在几点钟?

39. ----What are the elephants doing? ----那些大象在干什么?

40. ----What would you like for breakfast / lunch / dinner ? ----你早餐/中餐/晚餐想吃点什么?

41. ----Where did you go last weekend / yesterday / on your holiday?----你上周末/昨天/假期到哪儿去了?

42. ----How do you feel? ----你感觉如何?

43. ----What’s your favourite season? ----你最喜欢的季节是什么?

44. ----What’s the matter? ----怎么了?

45. ----What did you do there? ----你在那儿做了些什么?

46. ----What’s your father doing? ----你父亲正在做什么?

47. ----What’s your name? ----你叫什么名字?

48. ----Excuse me. Where is the library, please? ----对不起。请问图书馆在哪儿?

49. ----What’s her name? ----她的名字是什么?

50. ----How heavy are you? ----你有多重?

51. ----Who’s that man / woman? ---那位男士 / 女士是谁?

52. ----When is your birthday? ----你的生日是什么时候?

53. ----Where does the rain come from? ----雨是从哪儿来的?

54. ----What’s for breakfast / lunch / dinner? ----早餐/中餐/晚餐吃什么?

55. How long 有多长?

56. ----How much is this dress? ----这条连衣裙多少钱?
