用finish造简单的句子 精选52句
1. To achieve victory or finish first in a competition赢,获胜在比赛中获胜或第一个到达终点
2. Did the death of Christ finish the work of atonement in behalf of the transgressor?基督之死是代表违法者的赎罪之工完成了吗?
3. 用形容词造句,可以对人物的动作、神态或事物的形状进行具体的描写。如用“鸦雀无声”造句:“教室里鸦雀无声,再也没有人说笑嬉闹,再也没有人随意走动,甚至连大气都不敢出了。”这就把“鸦雀无声”写具体了。
4. finish decatizing machine
5. 有的形容词造句可以用一对反义词或用褒义词贬义词的组合来进行,强烈的对比能起到较好的表达作用。如用“光荣”造句:“讲卫生是光荣的,不讲卫生是可耻的。”用“光荣”与“可耻”作对比,强调了讲卫生是一种美德。
6. When you finish a distance run, find a flat straightaway that is around 100 meters long.当您完成一个长跑之后,找一个约100米长的平坦直行路面。
7. Effects of functional finishes as resin finish, flame retardant finish, waterproof and greaseproof finish, bio-finish, ammonia finish and coating and laminating finish on the air permeability of pure cotton fabric are introduced in this paper.
8. Anyhow you must finish this work today.你今天总要完成这项工作吧。
9. She left Frances to finish her packing.(她让弗朗西斯把她的行李收拾完。)
10. We expect to finish the work in two months.我们希望两个月内完成工作。
11. polyurethane hammer finish
12. She was delighted to finish second.她为竞赛得了第二名而高兴。
13. On second thought, she rejected his marriage proposal to finish college.经过再次考虑之后,她拒绝了他的求婚,打算完成大学学业。
14. now engineers have a little more than another decade to finish the job.如今,工程师们还有十几年的时间来完成这项工作。
15. Make sure you manage to finish this work before the end of the month.你一定要在月底前把工作完成。
16. Can you finish the work by five o'clock?(你五点钟前能完成工作吗?)
17. But, teetering on the edge, she managed to haul herself up to finish off her routine.但是结果却是它摇摇晃晃的爬到了绳子边缘,它成功的用手抓着绳子完成了这段距离。
18. He was just beaten in a photo-finish.(他以微弱劣势败北。)
19. 在分析并理解词义的基础上加以说明。如用“瞻仰”造句,可以这样造:“我站在广场上瞻仰革命烈士纪念碑。”因为“瞻仰”是怀着敬意抬头向上看。
20. Glossy finish: Grind with light, apply to glossy finish.
21. The story was a lie from start to finish.(这样的讲述自始至终都是骗人的。)
22. 用比拟词造句,可以借助联想、想象使句子生动。如用“仿佛”造句:“今天冷极了,风刮在脸上仿佛刀割一样。”
23. FC finish(fluorochemical finish)
24. I thought you'd never finish!
25. Listen, I finish at one.
26. I have some paperwork to finish up.(我有些文案工作要做完。)
27. When will you finish the project safely?
28. Martha, when can you finish proofreading the script?
29. I want to see the job through to the finish.(我要看这项工作做完为止。)
30. We might as well finish up the cake.(我们倒不如把蛋糕吃完。)
31. Made a corporate effort to finish the job.通过集体的共同努力完成这项工作
32. The finish line of a racetrack.
33. 用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。
34. Our inability to finish things.
35. You'd better come back to earth now and finish your homework.你最好别再胡思乱想了,把作业做完。
36. Thrill to the oceanfront finish on the Ernie Els golf course.令人兴奋的事上的海滨高尔夫球场埃尔斯完成。
37. 此时书房门忽开,二小姐芙芳的声音打断了莫干丞的话。
38. decorative finish
39. The paint has a satin finish.(漆面像缎子一样光滑。)
40. If a person has to finish something he doesn't like, the best way is to finish it as soon as possible and finish it.
41. Listen, I finish at one.(听着,我一点钟结束。)
42. imitation linen finish
43. Mr. Pak and Su-mi finish their drinks and food.
44. At the rate you work, you'll never finish!(以你工作的速度,你永远也做不完!)
45. Finish each drawing you begin, and keep every drawing you finish.
46. She tried gamely to finish the race.(她试图顽强地去跑完比赛。)
47. functional finish
48. Please bear with me until I finish my words.请耐心让我把话讲完。
49. Let me just finish this and then I'll come.让我把这个弄完,随后就来。
50. This Atlas FR Direct mount stem isn't new, but the finish is.这阿特拉斯阻燃直接安装干已经不是新鲜事,但完成的。
51. 先把要造句的词扩展成词组,然后再把句子补充完整。如用“增添”造句,可以先把“增添”组成“增添设备”、“增添信心”或“增添力量”,然后再造句就方便多了。
52. Improvement of finish application technology and finish applicator for high - strength & high modulus vinylon
用finish造简单的句子 精选34句
1. Three horses crossed the finish line together.(3匹马同时冲过终点线。)
2. CHARLES : Will you finish on time?查尔斯:你们能按时完工吗?
3. When do the children finish school?(孩子们什么时候毕业?)
4. She was delighted to finish second.(她为竞赛得了第二名而高兴。)
5. The book grips you from start to finish.(这本书从头至尾扣人心弦。)
6. She waited patiently for Frances to finish.(她耐心地等弗朗西丝完成。)
7. It was a very close finish.(比赛结果的胜负双方差距极小。)
8. I thought you'd never finish!(我还以为你会完成不了呢!)
9. finish your lunch, there's a good boy.(把午饭吃完,乖孩子。)
10. You'll be hard pushed to finish this today.(要你今天做完这件事会很难。)
11. Finish this so that you can start another.把这件事做完,好再开始另一件。
12. Hey, you guys! Get a wiggle on! We gotta finish before nightfall嗨,伙计们!抓紧时间!我们必须在天黑前完工。
13. She can finish learning them quickly.
14. Arsenal scored three late goals in a storming finish.(阿森纳队后来以三个进球轰轰烈烈地完成了比赛。)
15. I promise to finish the job in half an hour.我保证在半小时内将整理工作做完。
16. xxxJohn has time to finish his work, but he does not finish it. xxx
17. The earliest we can finish is next Friday.(我们最早能在下星期五完成。)
18. I can't finish this job. I'll finish it in a minute.
19. Work hard so as to finish before noon.加油干吧,争取午前完成。
20. What does it feel like when you finally finish a book?当你最终写完一本书的时候感觉怎么样?
21. The Finn went on to finish in ninth.
22. She won in a sprint finish.(她在最后的冲刺中取得胜利。)
23. To shape, polish, dress, or finish in a mill or with a milling tool.用制材模具做成形用研磨机或通过研磨工具成形、打磨、修整或制成
24. I'll finish the chopping.
25. What time do you finish work?(你什么时候下班?)
26. When the curtain falls, Onlooker finish!
27. We need an extra pair of hands if we're going to finish on time.要想按时完成任务,我们就要再增加一个人。
28. We reckon to finish by ten.
29. He undertook to finish the job by Friday.(他答应星期五或之前完成这一工作。)
30. You'd better finish it today.
31. bacteriostatic finish
32. He hung on to finish second.(他顶住了,得了第二名。)
33. To coat or finish with a layer of copper.镀铜于给…包铜或镀铜
34. Finish: The standard finish is Rosewood PE high gloss paint.
用finish造简单的句子 精选10句
1. The finish and workmanship of the woodwork were excellent.(这件木制品的抛光和做工都是极好的。)
2. You needn't finish that work today.(你不必今天做完这项工作。)
3. i can easily finish it tonight.(我今晚能毫不费力地把它完成。)
4. Makes a move as if to finish work, then turns and looks at loaf of bread outside the breadbox.开始动手好像要把活儿干完,然后转身看着面包盒外的那条面包。
5. The boss asked us to stay a little bit longer to finish this project.老板让我们再多留一会儿,好做完这个项目。
6. A wavy finish or sheen, as of a fabric or metal波纹织物或金属的波纹或光泽
7. (in horse-racing)finish second
8. We reckon to finish by ten.(我们预计十点钟以前结束。)
9. Finish: The standard finish is Rosewood PE high gloss paint.完成:完成的标准是紫檀木体育高光泽涂料。
10. I have to finish the project today.我今天得把项目搞完。