旅行中的心情句子英文怎么说 精选63句
1. 这次旅行有点不同,是一次期限可以无限延长的远征,是凶多吉少的冒险,是追赶能像敲碎核桃壳一样撞沉一艘二级战舰的动物。
2. 每个人都可以从长长的旅途中悟出自己生命的意义。Everyone can realize the meaning of his life from the long journey.
3. 什么天荒地老,什么至死不渝。都只是锦上添花的借口。What forever, what will never change until death. Are only the icing on the cake excuse.
4. 一个真正的旅行家必是一个流浪者,经历者流浪者的快乐、诱惑和探险意志。旅行必须流浪式,否则便不成其为旅行。
5. 人生至少要有两次冲动,一为奋不顾身的爱情,一为说走就走的旅行。Life at least two impulses, one for love is regardless of personal danger, go to travel.
6. the burning log bursts in flame and cries---xxxthis is my flower, my death.xxx 燃烧的木料发出熊熊火焰,喊着:xxx这是我的花,我的死亡.xxx
7. Sorry, I didn't realize you were getting so tired.
8. Life is a wonderful journey, on a train that never returns. Go through it with the new and the old. Perhaps this is the fate that a person cannot resist, have you, have me, also have him.生活是一段奇妙的旅行,就在那一去无返的火车上。与那些新人和旧人们共同经历吧!也许这就是一个人无法抗拒的命运,有你、有我、也有他。
9. The rest of the way is downhillx.
10. 流水很清楚,惜花这个责任。真的身份不过送运,这趟旅行若算开心,亦是无负一生。The water is very clear, took the responsibility. True identity but sent, this trip if you are happy, is also a life without a negative.
11. look into my eyes - you will see what you mean to me. 看看我的眼睛,你会发现你对我而言意味着什么。
12. the worst way to miss some one is to be sitting right beside him knowing you can't have him.想念一个人最糟糕的方式就是坐在他身旁,而知道你不能拥有他。
13. I hate people who litterz in the forest.
14. 一个背包,几本书,所有喜欢的歌,一张单程车票,一颗潇洒的心。A backpack, a few books, all the favorite songs, a single ticket, a smart heart.
15. Life must be impulse once, either to a man, or for love, or to travel, or to dream.人生一定要冲动一次,要么为了一个人,要么为了爱情,要么为了旅行,或者是为了梦想。
16. This view is absolutely breathtaking{. Don't you agree?
17. 这里的风景美不胜收,真让人流连忘返。The scenery here is really beautiful, unforgettable.
18. 绝不离开自己祖国的人充满了偏见。Never leave their country full of prejudice.
19. 在路上,不为旅行,不因某人,只为在未知的途中遇见未知的自己。On the road, not for travel, not for someone, only to meet the unknown in the unknown.
20. The trailw splits into two trails.
21. The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.
22. I like hiking in real wildernessv.
23. 人之所以爱旅行,不是为了抵达目的地,而是为了享受旅途中的种种乐趣。
24. 山色不厌远,我行随处深。
25. I could conquer the world with one hand as long as you're holding my other one.
26. 我们对生活有诸多失望,尽管知道自己不能,却还是希望生活在别处,是地狱或是天堂。We have so many disappointments in our lives, even though we know we can't, we still want to live somewhere else, it's hell or heaven.
27. Be careful of the slipperyy rocks.
28. Life is not a race, life is a journey, to know how to appreciate the scenery of each paragraph.
29. 时代依旧负重前行,而你我已凌波微步。Time still before loading the line, and you and I have Ling Bo.
30. It seems like we're been walking forever.
31. never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.纵然伤心,也不要愁眉不展,因为你不知是谁会爱上你的笑容。
32. love. i fell in love with it so lonely.爱情.它让我爱上寂寞。
33. Life is a long journey. Don't waste your time waiting for people who are no longer willing to walk with you.
34. 一旦环境开始陌生,人在旅途的感觉就更强烈了。Once the environment began to strange, people feel more strongly on the road.
35. Life is a journey. What we should care about is not where it's headed but what we see and how we feel.
36. 因为有梦,所以勇敢出发,选择出发,便只顾风雨兼程。Because of the dream, so brave of choice, they only trials and hardships.
37. I want to travel, a backpack, a person to travel, a person to witness the scenery along the way, holding the camera, taking pictures of the scenery along the way, recording the mood along the way. That's what I want.我想去旅行,一个人背包,一个人旅行,一个人目睹沿途的风景,拿着相机,拍下沿途上的风景,记录沿途的心情。那样的生活才是我想要的。
39. understand their own strengths, to choose the life occupation orientation; practice their strengths, to accomplish his career.了解自己的长项,才能选准人生的职业方向;练好自己的长项,才能成就自己的事业。
40. Hiking is not yet popular in China.
41. 一个正在旅游中的家庭,有许多机会同别国人民的家庭接触。“人民访问人民”正是提供了这样的一种机会。
42. I love that you are the last person I want to talk to before I go to sleep at night.
43. 只要踏出勇敢的第一步,我们就可以重新过上迷人的新生活。As long as we take the first step, we will be able to live a new life.
44. a person rich money is not certain, but if the man is not a dream, the poor people.一个人有钱没钱不一定,但如果这个人没有了梦想,这个人穷定了。
45. Life is a journey, not the destination, but the scenery along the should be and the mood at the view.
46. Is your pack comfortable?
47. 对青年人来说,旅行是教育的一部分;对老年人来说,旅行是阅历的一部分。Travel is a part of education for young people, travel is a part of the experience for the elderly.
48. As long as we have memories, yesterday remains. As long as we have hope, tomorrow waits. As long as we have love, today is beautiful.
49. Don’t bring baggage from an ex-relationship into your next relationship…unless you want it to be a short trip.
50. Life is a long journey, do not waste time, for those willing to walk hand in hand with you.
51. 旅游的作用就是用现实来约束想像:不是去想事情会是怎样的,而是去看它们实际上是怎样的。
52. 没有知识的旅行者是一只没有翅膀的鸟。
53. 旅行对我来说,是恢复青春活力的源泉。
54. 旅游使智者更智,愚者更昧。
55. Life is just like a journey. There is no need to care about your destination, what you should care is the scenes along the road and the mood of enjoying it.
56. 真理的旅行,是不用入境证的。
57. Too much noise scares the animals away.
58. Wish you a whole world of happiness now that your birthday is here. May your memories today be warm ones. May your dreams today be dear. may your joy last through the year.愿你的生日充满无穷的快乐,愿你今天的回忆温馨,愿你今天的梦想甜美,愿你这一年称心如意!
59. How much farther do we have to go?
60. 保持年轻,就要背起行囊。无论是爱情还是青春,其实都在旅行的路上。不旅行,就会老。Stay young, to pack. Whether it is love or youth, in fact, all the way to travel. Do not travel, will be old.
61. It's a feeling of satisfaction that we are getting so much exercise and clean air, and see so many magnificent sights.
62. The scariest thing about distance is that you don't know whether the person misses you or has forgotten you.
63. We can rest at the top of this hill.