
admin 2024-05-26 网站管理员 admin 141次


5th.Apr.2020 Death is often associated with grief and desperation, as life fades from the world, never to return. However, these are not the only meaning of death, as death sometimes could be magnificent and splendid, just like the whale fall that happens in the deep sea. 死亡往往伴随着悲伤和绝望鲸落的唯美句子英文,生命从世上消失鲸落的唯美句子英文,永不复归。但是鲸落的唯美句子英文,这些并不是死亡的唯一意义鲸落的唯美句子英文,死亡有时是辉煌而绚烂的,就像深海中的鲸鱼陨落。 Recently, scientists on a Chinese research vessel called Tansuo-1 discovered a whale fall in the South China Sea. This is the first time China has discovered the whale fall. Whale fall is the carcass of a whale falling onto the sea floor with a depth greater than 1000 meters. As a concentrated food source and energy bank for organisms in deep sea, whale fall can sustain the community that is developed around it for months to decades. 最近,中国考察船探索一号的科学家在南海发现了一条鲸鱼的陨落。这是中国首次发现鲸鱼陨落。鲸鱼陨落是指鲸鱼的尸体掉落到海底,深度超过1000米。鲸鱼陨落作为深海生物的集中食物来源和能源库,可以维持维持周围的生态系统数月至数十年。 In different stages of decomposition during the whale fall, the tissues become food for animals and microorganisms. The bones will excrete hydrogen sulfide, which is a very important element providing energy to microbes. 在鲸鱼陨落的不同阶段,它的身体组织会变成海底动物和微生物的食物。骨头会排出硫化氢,这是微生物能量来源的重要元素。 Whale fall has a beautiful metaphor – the "oasis" of life in deep sea. Though its body decays eventually, the contribution it makes will last in nature. 鲸鱼陨落有一个美丽的比喻:深海生命的“绿洲”。尽管它的身体最终会腐烂,它所作的贡献将在自然界中永存。 Sources:CGTN&Nat Geo Wild 来源:中国国际电视台、国家地理野生频道 Video Editor:Liu chang fang da 视频编辑:刘畅方达
