1. 回眸一笑百媚生,六宫粉黛无颜色。
If she but turned her head and smiled, there were cast a hundred spells, and the powder and paint of the Six Palaces faded into nothing.
2. 芙蓉不及美人妆,水殿风来珠翠香。
Furong is not as beautiful as the beauty makeup, and the water hall is full of pearls and green fragrance.
3. 脉脉眼中波,盈盈花盛处。
In the eyes of the pulse, the depth of the Yingying flower.

10. 清水出芙蓉,天然去雕饰。
Clear water out of Furong, natural to carving.
11. 若把西湖比西子,浓妆淡抹总相宜。
If you compare the West Lake to the West, it is always appropriate to apply light makeup.
12. 媚眼含羞合,丹唇逐笑开,风卷葡萄带,日照石榴裙。
Sister Han Xiu and simply live in the school to open the wind and roll the grapes with the sunshine pomegranate s