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北京的道路特点句子 精选105句

1. 人们将没有立足之地。控制(control)人口的增长是每个人的责任,所以我们应该少生优生并且尽力阻止人口增长过快。

2. We should reduce the waste we produce.我们应该减少人为浪费

3. Great changes have taken place in my hometown.

4. 背诵P26 3b

5. 秦皇岛市内驾车方案

6. during this period在这个期间

7. China has developed a lot already.

8. What kinds of things can we do at home to protect the environment?

9. decide on sth/doing sth 决定做某事=decide to do sth make a decision做出一个决定

10. My main job is to help spread the message about protecting the environment

11. I can‘t go shopping in big stores unless I travel for a couple of hours.

12. Thank you! 谢谢

13. phrases:

14. deal/do with

15. No one likes ―Little Emperors‖--------Neither do my parents

16. We should encourage students to collect waste paper and soft drink cans, then we sort them so that they can be recycle.

17. I think we can reuse plastic bags/ reduce the paper cup/recycle newspapers and glass bottles. 我认为我们可以重复使用塑料袋,减少使用纸杯,回收报纸和玻璃杯

18. we are short of energy and water。我们缺乏能源和水.

19. get enough food/medical treatment 医疗

20. Could you tell me something about recycling?你能告诉我一些关于回收利用的事吗?

21. 短语

22. Do you know which kinds of rubbish can be recycled, reuse or reduced?

23. 谈论世界各国人口

24. live on the earth句子在地球上

25. The world‘s population is growing faster and faster.世界人口增长得越来越快.

26. go to plays/conncers/operas 看戏剧/音乐会/歌剧

27. so that in order that in order to 为了---

28. Where‘s Maria? She has gone to cuba她去了古巴(人还没回来)

29. 学习现在完成时跟just, already, yet, ever, never, before,so far连用

30. one hundred and fifty-eight

31. 行人外出尽量少骑自行车,注意防滑。

32. There were so many people there that I couldn‘t find a proper place to take photos

33. We should use both sides of the paper and reuse plastic bags at home.

34. read a newspaper看报show sb sth=show sth to sb 把?---给某人看

35. Recycling helps to improve the environment.回收利用有助于改善环境

36. 交通、公安等部门要按照职责做好道路结冰应对准备工作;

37. We all know that you‘re working for an organization that protects the environment.

38. Because of our country‘s one-child policy, now most families have only one child =Because our country has the one-child policy, now most families have only one child.

39. Have you ever taken part in any social activities?/told stories to the kids / fed /cleaned rooms

40. have a wonderful/special program hundreds of people/ two hundred of people

41. people have to study and work hard to keep up with the quick development of modern society. 人们得努力学习和工作才能赶上现代社会迅速发展的步伐.

42. all over/around/throughout the world全世界

43. keywords:

44. 秦皇岛,简称“秦”,又称港城,旧称“临榆”,河北省省辖市,全球避暑名城,中国海滨城市,全国性综合交通枢纽,中国首批沿海开放城市。秦皇岛位于河北省东北部,南临渤海,北依燕山,东接辽宁,西近京津,因《浪淘沙·北戴河》而闻名遐迩。秦皇岛港是中国最早的自主通商口岸,目前是世界最大能源输出港,有国民经济“晴雨表”之称。

45. in need 需要in trouble 处于困境

46. key words: speak-spoke

47. Words: Adj------------------------adv

48. Listen! There goes the the bell听! 上课铃响了

49. It seems that their living conditions were not very good

50. At that time, China had the largest population in the world and it was not well developed.

51. sb have /has been to sp某人曾经去过某地(人已回来)

52. provide sb with sth=provide sth for sb 提供某人某物

53. homeless people 无家可归的人return to work 重返工作岗位

54. 北京,简称“京”,是^v^的首都、直辖市。北京辖东城区、西城区、朝阳区、丰台区、石景山区、海淀区、顺义区、通州区、大兴区、房山区、门头沟区、昌平区、平谷区、密云区、怀柔区、延庆区16个区,共147个街道、38个乡和144个镇。

55. 谈论人口增长带来的问题,树立正确的人口观念

56. support their families养家糊口get a good education受到良好的教育give support to sb/poor families为某人/贫困家庭提供帮助

57. What about The West Hill now;

58. as a matter of fact=in fact 实际上

59. The city has a long history and many places of interest.

60. be/get used to doing sth 习惯于做某事

61. The West Hill in the past:

62. Everyone is supposed to do so每个人应该这么做

63. But great changes have taken place in china recently.

64. Thanks to the policy,china is developing quickly and people‘s living conditions are improving rapidly.多亏了这个政策,中国发展迅速,人民生活条件迅速提高.

65. 高位数字表达法

66. should指主观上感到有责任或义务去做

67. We can collect waste paper and soft drink cans at school, then we sort them so that they can be recycle. 我们应该收集废纸,饮料瓶并把它们分类存放以便回收利用

68. ought to情态动词,表示“应该,应当”语气比should强,指道义上应该做的事,有时有责备和督促的语气ought to do应该做某事ought not /oughtn‘t to do不应该做某事

69. The three Rs –-reduce,reuse and recycle--are important.

70. 用于否定句时be not supposed to do sth,表示“允许”

71. in many ways用许多方式

72. see sth oneself 亲眼目睹

73. What can students do at school/what should we do at school?

74. since/for的用法

75. What were Beijing‘s roads like in the past?过去北京的道路什么样?

76. be terrible/dirty/dangerous /safe/quiet糟糕//脏/危险/安全/安静

77. where have you been ,Jane?I have been to Mount Huang.我曾经去过北京(人已回来)

78. 学习What‘s the population of---?结构

79. She has seen the changes in Beijing herself.她亲眼目睹了北京的变化

80. People kept in touch with their friends and relatives far away mainly by letter or telegram.人们主要靠信件和电报与远方的亲朋好友保持联系.

81. 驾驶人员应当注意路况,安全行驶;

82. What has happened to Beijing‘s roads now adays?现在北京的道路发生了怎样的变化?

83. I think it is important to remember the past, live in the present and dream about the future.我认为记住过去,立足现在,展望未来是非常重要的

84. Could I ask you a few question?—Certainly/sure/ok/No problem我可以问你一些问题吗?

85. 否定句: neither+ be /助v+/情态v+主语―A 如此, B也如此‖也

86. the kinds of pollutio:污染的种类

87. 句子

88. How was your trip?你的旅行怎么样? Great /Not bad

89. live a normal/happy life 过上正常的/幸福的生活

90. .He has probably gone home. Let‘s call him up now

91. once+ 从句主将从现/主过从过一旦---就

92. feel good 感觉良好,有信心feel good about oneself自我感觉良好feel well感觉舒服Feeling good about yourself is helpful to you. Do you feel good about this hairstyle?

93. Beijing has made rapid progress and it has already succeeded in hosting the 2008 Olympic Games.北京取得如此迅速的进步.它还成功举办了2008年的奥运会.

94. 数字表达法: 0 0 0, 0 0 0, 0 0 0, 0 0 0

95. take away拿走take up占据/用

96. 北京市内驾车方案

97. I really hate to go shopping--------so do I我真的讨厌去购物-------- 我也是

98. China has one fifth of the world‘s population

99. It‘s +adj for sb to do sth对某人来说做某事是---

100. 如果人口增长太快,就会带来许多严重的问题.例如食物不够;住房也不够;交通拥挤;许多森林被砍伐;环境遭到破坏(destroy)等,

101. Do you know that some of the rubbish we throw away can be recycled?

102. What will Beijing‘s roads be like in the future?将来北京的道路会是什么样?

103. Did you have a good summer holiday? Not bad你暑假过得愉快吗? 不错

104. be supposed to do sth指(按规定,习惯,安排)“应该做某事,必须做某事”,相当于should ,Teachers are supposed to /should know a lot老师应该懂得许多

105. P11 1b;What‘s the population of---
