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有关飞行的英文句子 精选80句

1. Confirm the reason for impounding our aircraft.证实扣押我们飞机的原因

2. Confirm touchdown RVR greater than 350 meters.证实接地点跑道视程大于350m

3. Love yourself more than others, is natural and real.

4. We have a cabin altitude problem.我们座舱高度有问题

5. Crossing Runway 24, wilco.穿越跑道24,照办

6. Request low approach.请求低空进场

7. Confirm current RVR less than 400 meters.证实当前跑道视程少于400m

8. 瀑布跨过险峻陡壁时,才显得格外雄伟壮观。

9. Request speed 200 knots due configuration.由于构型问题,请求速度200 节

10. Position 10 miles north east of LN.位置LN 东北10mile

11. Maintaining FL90 over WXJ.过WXJ 时保持高度层90

12. Ready for departure.准备起飞.

13. Stand by. We are carrying out procedures.稍等,我们正在执行程序

14. 如果我想要,我就一定能。

15. We are not qualified for CAT IIIB approach and auto-land. Request diversion.

16. Wind shear, going around.风切变,复飞

17. Taxi to Stand 27 via Taxiway A.经由滑行道A 滑行至27 停机位

18. Taxi to the end of Runway.滑行至跑道末端

19. Descend to FL120, on speed conversion, 250 knots.下降到120, 速度转换至250 节

20. 不患人之不己知,患不知人也。

21. Cleared to JEMMY via BK 1A Arrival.可以经由BK—1A 去往JEMMY

22. Unable RNAV due equipment, request conventional arrival.由于设备,不能RNAV 进近,请求常规进场

23. Right heading 120, my own terrain clearance右转航向120,自行避让地形

24. Maintain 160 knots until 4 miles final.保持160 节直到五边四英里

25. Request change to London Control.请求转换至伦敦管制频率

26. Clear of weather, request to resume flight route.已绕飞天气,请求恢复计划航路

27. Confirm the reason for our flight suspension.证实航班暂停原因

28. De-icing completed. Request taxi.除冰完成,请求滑行

29. Negative ADS-B.没有ADS-B

30. 只会在水泥地上走路的人,永远不会留下深深的脚印。

31. Request holding instructions due weather near the runway threshold.由于跑道入口附近天气,请求等待指令

32. Confirm danger area 113 active.证实危险区域113 有活动

33. Number Two, follow airbus 320 ahead.第二个,跟着前面的空客320

34. My apologies for the level deviation. We were caught in a strong updraft.

35. How do you read?你听我声音怎样?

36. 未曾失败的人恐怕也未曾成功过。

37. Runway not in sight, going around.跑道不可见,复飞

38. Cleared for takeoff, Runway 06, wilco.可以起飞,跑道06,照办

39. Turn right 20 degrees.右转20 度

40. Faith is to the people, of wings to a bird, the flying wings of our faith is.

41. Confirm stop-end RVR 150 meters.证实停止端跑道视程150m

42. Stop squawk transmit ADS-B only.停止应答机,只使用ADS-B 发话

43. ADS-B transmitter 1090 (ten-ninety) data 发射机1090 数据链

44. Say again the initial altitude.再说一遍初始爬升高度

45. Request heading 180 due weather.由于天气,请求航向180

46. Our operations manual forbids this procedure我们的运行手册禁止该程序

47. Confirm PAPI light unserviceable.证实坡度指示器不工作

48. Request right turn when airborne due weather.由于天气,离地后请求右转

49. Take off immediately or hold short of runway.立即起飞,或在跑到外等待

50. Confirm airport rescue and fire facilities category.证实机场救援以及防火设施的类别

51. Request visual approach.请求目视进近

52. Unable to comply, TCAS RA.不能照办,有TCAS RA 指示

53. Affirm, cross BKM VOR at or before 55同意,在55 分或之前,穿越BKM

54. Tire burst, possible evacuation on runway爆胎,可能需要在跑道上撤离

55. Maintaining FL310 until advised.保持高度层310,等指示

56. 宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来。

57. Wilco, words twice.照办,发送两次

58. Confirm radar control is resumed.证实雷达管制恢复

59. Short final, request wind check.短五边,请求风向风速

60. 不甘心失去就要去努力争取不是吗。

61. Request remote apron for maintenance purpose.请求在远机坪进行维护

62. Make a short approach.做一个小航线进近

63. Cross CK at 35 or later.穿越CK 在35 分或以后

64. We are too low to the surrounding terrain. Confirm we are still being radar vectored.

65. We can see the approach lights at 200 feet.在200英尺我们能看到进近灯

66. Some passengers have been scalded by hot drinks.一些乘客被热饮料烫伤了

67. Behind Airbus on short final, line up behind.在短五边的空客后,进跑道

68. Request start engine at the gate.请求在停机位开车

69. Matches if avoid burning pain, it's life will be bleak.

70. Landing clearance canceled. Continue approach.取消落地许可,继续进近

71. 不要在夕阳西下时幻想,要在旭日东升时努力。

72. 成功的门往往虚掩着,只要你勇敢去推,它就会豁然洞开。

73. Holding position.原地等待

74. Orbit right. Number Two.右转一圈,第二个

75. Do not exceed 280 knots.速度不要超过28节

76. Confirm midpoint RVR more than 550 meters.证实中间段跑道视程大于550m

77. Negative RVSM due equipment downgraded.由于设备降级,不可使用RVSM

78. We are holding at present position. It appears one of the over-wing exits has unlocked.

79. Increase speed to 300 knots or greater.增速到300 节或更大

80. Maintaining FL350, expect descent after BKM VOR.保持35000 英尺,预计在BKM VOR 台之后下降

有关飞行的英文句子 精选47句

1. Maintain 3000 feet until glide path interception.保持3000 英尺,直到切入下滑道

2. Advise transponder capability.告知应答机可用模式

3. Request to leave controlled airspace by climb.请求通过爬升离开管制空域

4. Descend to FL100, cross YU FL150 or above.下降到高度层100 英尺,穿越YU 在高度层150 或以上

5. Monitor Tower .守听塔台频率

6. Overhead YV, maintaining 3000 feet, entering hold.飞越YV,保持3000 英尺,进入等待

7. 在人生舞台上,从不给落伍者颁发奖牌。

8. Negative squawk ident due transponder failure.由于应答机失效,无法识别应答机

9. Maintain 180 knots until 8 miles from touchdown.保持180 节直到离接地点8 英里

10. Honesty is the most beautiful coat, is the most holy soul of flowers.

11. 真理,在婴儿的沉默中,不在聪明人的辩论里。

12. 不要因为怕被玫瑰的刺伤到你,就不敢去摘玫瑰。

13. Cross DG at 24 or earlier.在24 分或24 分之前穿越DG mid-point RVR available?请求中点跑道视程

14. Affirm, cross BKM VOR at or above FL190同意,在高度层190 或以上穿越BKM VOR

15. No contact at minimum, going around.决断高不可见跑道,复飞

16. 高高翱翔

17. Request runway change for departure due high crosswind.由于大侧风,请求换跑道起飞

18. We have a possible traffic conflict ahead. Request radar vectors for avoidance.

19. Report 25 miles from BKM VOR.距离BKM VOR 台25mile 报告

20. SELCAL CODE EFFG, request SELCAL check.选择呼叫代码EFFC,请求选呼检查

21. Weather is hot as hell, and no wind ChouHuHu air seems to be setting.

22. Continue present heading.继续当前航向

23. Take off immediately or vacate runway.立刻起飞,或退出跑道

24. Request return to ramp.请求返回机坪

25. Airbus 330 heavy, 8000 feet, Information X.空客330,重型机,8000 英尺,通波X 收到

26. We have errors with our navigation. Request radar monitoring.我们的导航有误差,申请雷达监控

27. GPS primary lost, going around.失去GPS 主用,复飞了

28. Is the weather improving or deteriorating?天气在好转还是恶化?

29. Identified, position 50 miles east of BK.已识别,位置BK 以东50 英里

30. The runway surface is damp. Braking action good.跑道表面潮湿,刹车效应好

31. Orbit left for delay.左转以推延

32. Descending immediately to FL200 due traffic.由于冲突的飞机,立即下降到高度200

33. 生活中若没有朋友,就像生涯中没有阳光一样。

34. Going around, localizer fluctuation.复飞,航向道波动

35. Request holding instructions.请求等待指令

36. Engine Number One has a temperature problem. Request holding to perform checklist.

37. 当眼泪流尽的时候,留下的应该是坚强。

38. Request frost removal only at the gate.请求只在停机位除霜

39. Request holding procedure.请求等待程序

40. We are far above profile. Request holding.我们高于下降程序,请求等待

41. Our oil pressure reading is lower than normal. Request hold at present position.

42. Ground, Cockpit. Ready for pushback地面管制,驾驶舱,准备推出

43. Say again all before departure frequency.离场频率前的内容再说一次

44. We had a malfunction of one air conditioning pack. Request descent to a lower level.

45. We have an error in our airspeed. Request to climb to minimum safe altitude.

46. Turn right heading 180 for base leg.右转航向180 加入四边

47. Join right-hand downwind, Runway 34加入右起落三边,跑道34

有关飞行的英文句子 精选54句

1. Negative RNAV.不能RNAV 进近

2. Approach time not determined due weather由于天气原因,进近时间待定

3. 信念之于人,犹翅膀之于鸟,信念是飞翔的翅膀。

4. Descending to FL290下降到高度层290

5. Unable RNAV, loss of RAIM, request NDB approach由于RAIM 丢失,不能RNAV 进近,请求NDB 进近

6. 男儿不展风云志,空负天生八尺躯。

7. Runway covered with patches of water, braking action medium.跑道覆盖积水,刹车效应中等

8. Unable to expedite climb due performance.由于性能,不能加速爬升

9. Ready to resume RVSM.准备恢复RVSM

10. RAIM alert, going 警告,复飞了

11. Request speed 250 knots due turbulence.由于颠簸,请求速度250 节

12. Request taxi.请求滑行

13. Request further climb due wind-shear由于风切变请求进一步爬升

14. ADS-B receiver 1090 (ten-ninety) data 接收机1090 数据链

15. We need a few minutes to reprogram the flight management computers. Request radar vectors.

16. Starting Number One.启动一发

17. Request departure instruction.请求离场指令

18. 30 miles from touchdown, contact Approach .距离接地点30 英里,联系进近

19. Cabin altitude is increasing abnormally. Request to level off.座舱高度异常增高,请求改平飞

20. Reaching 8000 feet, request further climb.到达8000 英尺,请求进一步爬升

21. Request further climb.请求进一步上升

22. Unable to reach FL150 by ZHO due performance.由于性能原因,到ZHO 前不能到达高度层150

23. Disregard. We made the wrong transmission.作废,发话错误

24. Is the preceding aircraft crossing our altitude?前机正穿越我们的高度吗?

25. Number Two, follow airbus330 on base.第二个,跟着四边的空客330

26. Confirm identification lost.证实识别丢失

27. 我的原则是:不论对任何困难,都决不屈服。

28. 不是因成功才满足,而是因满足才获得成功。

29. Airfield in sight, request visual approach.机场可见,请求目视进近

30. Cross Runway 24, report runway vacated.穿越跑道24,退出跑道报告

31. We have a navigation map shift, unable to perform the RNAV approach. Request radar vectors.

32. Confirm centerline taxiway lighting unserviceable.证实滑行道中线灯不工作

33. No ATC speed restrictions. Contact Tower .无管制速度限制,联系塔台

34. Altimeter 1003 8000ft.高度表1003,高度8000 英尺

35. Report required only at boundary.只要求在交接点报告

36. Expedite descent until passing FL80加速下降直到通过高度层80

37. The ILS signal seems to be very unstable. Did any other pilot report a similar situation?

38. Unable visual approach due company radar vectors.由于公司政策无法目视进近,请求雷达引导

39. Omit position reports until LN.省略位置报告直到LN

40. Apassenger ignited the lavatory waste bin. Advise the airport police to await our arrival.

41. Radio check on .无线电检查

42. We have to recalibrate our instruments. Request to level off and maintain heading.

43. Maintain Mach point 84 or greater.保持马赫数0,86 或更大

44. Icing condition encountered. Request further climb.遭遇结冰,请求进一步爬升

45. Our pressurization system has malfunctioned. 我们的增压系统已故障

46. 萤火虫的光点虽然微弱,但亮着便是向黑暗挑战。

47. Resume position reporting.恢复位置报告

48. Remain this frequency.在该频率长守

49. Cancel SID, maintain runway heading.取消标准离场程序,保持跑道航向

50. We are having flight control problems.我们有飞行操纵问题。

51. Continue CPDLC make position report via CPDLC.继续CPDLC,由CPDLC 做位置报告

52. When ready, descend to FL210, level at PLT.准备好时下降到高度层210,在PTL 改平飞

53. Our left engine failed due to fuel starvation.由于燃油不足,左发失效

54. There is an obstruction ahead. Confirm taxi instructions.前方有障碍物,证实滑行指令

有关飞行的英文句子 精选37句

1. Experiencing icing condition. Request further descent.遭遇结冰,请求进一步下降

2. Our SELCAL has malfunctioned. We will continue monitoring your frequency.

3. We aborted takeoff due loss of engine oil pressure.由于发动机失去了滑油压力,我们中断起飞了

4. We are on emergency descent due severe icing.由于严重积冰,我们正紧急下降

5. Maintain Mach decimal 82, transition speed 310 knots.保持马赫数 , 转换速度 310 节

6. 如果你坚信自己秀,那么你就最聪明。

7. We made a diversion due to reports of freezing rain at our original destination.

8. Confirm we are under radar control证实我们在雷达管制区

9. After vacated contact Ground .脱离跑道后,联系地面

10. Increase speed by 10 knots.速度增加10 节

11. We cannot make RNP approach due equipment.由于设备原因,我们无法使用RNP 进近

12. 爱自己胜于爱他人,才是自然和真实的。

13. Our instruments indicate excessive high cabin altitude.仪表显示座舱高度过高

14. Are you banning us from entry because of our airline or our aircraft type?

15. 火柴如果躲避燃烧的痛苦,它的一生都将黯淡无光。

16. QNH1003, threshold elevation 196 ,跑道入口标高196 英尺

17. Request to leave controlled airspace by descent.请求通过下降离开管制空域

18. Request join airway A1 at DAPRO.请求在DAPRO 加入航路A1

19. Confirm threshold Runway 27 displaced.证实27 号跑道入口内移

20. Reduce to minimum approach speed.减小到最小进近速度

21. 因为年轻,所以自信;因为自信,所以年轻。

22. Lining up Runway 01C.进入01C 跑道

23. pushback to taxiway A approved.可以推出至滑行道A

24. 少一点预设的期待,那份对人的关怀便会更自在。

25. Descend to 3000 feet, information P is current.下降到3000 英尺,最新通波P

26. Next report at IP.下一报告点IP

27. Request backtrack.请求180度掉头

28. Fly no further west of your current position.当前位置不要再往西飞了

29. Behind the Boeing737, cleared to land.在波音737 后,可以落地

30. 天气闷热得要命,一丝风也没有稠乎乎的空气好像凝住了。

31. We made the go around due to CDU failure.我们复飞是因为 CDU 故障

32. Request 15 miles final.请求五边15 英里

33. Affirm RVSM. 可以RVSM

34. Descend to height 2000 feet QFE 997 hectopascals. 下降到场高2000 英尺,QFE997 百帕

35. 诚信是人最美丽的外套,是心灵最圣洁的鲜花。

36. Delay not determined due runway obstruction.由于报道障碍物,延误待定

37. QNH 997, I say again, QNH 我再说一次,QNH997

有关飞行的英文句子 精选69句

1. Cancel pushback, we have maintenance problem.取消推出,我们出现问题需要维护

2. Report 28 miles DME 210 radial BKM VOR 210 度径向线28mile 报告

3. The air conditioning system has malfunctioned.空调系统故障

4. Our inertial reference system has failed, unable GPS approach. Request ILS or VOR approach.

5. Next report at WXA.下一报告点WXA

6. Squawk standby.应答机待机模式

7. Descend to reach 5000 feet by 点之前下降到高度5000 英尺

8. Report 34 miles from Top of Descent.距离下降顶点34mile 报告

9. The door of success is often the door left unlocked, as long as you brave to push, it will suddenly wide open.

10. We had to overshoot because of wake turbulence.由于尾流,我们不得不复飞

11. Destination Beijing, request departure information目的地北京,请求离场信息

12. 成功的人总是愿意做没成功的人不愿意做的`事。

13. Number One, contact Tower .第一个,联系塔台

14. We have three serious and five minor injuries on board. Request ambulances on arrival.

15. Three sixty turn left.左转360 度

16. Unable identify the waypoint, request radar vectors.不能识别此航路点,请求雷达引导

17. Slot time not determined due flow control.由于流控,离场时间待定

18. Because young, so confident; Because confidence, so young.

19. Report crossing 270 radial BKM VOR过BKM VOR 台270 径向线报告

20. We have had a tail strike. Request to stop climb at 3000 feet and return for landing.

21. We have an engine oil leak. Request diversion.我们有一个发动机漏油了,请求备降

22. Descend at 2000 feet per minute.以2000 英尺每分钟的下降率下降

23. Unable to expedite climb due weight.由于重量原因不能加速爬升

24. Request clearance into RVSM airspace请求加入RVSM 的许可

25. Runway vacated.已退出跑道

26. Traffic passed and clear.冲突飞机以通过无影响

27. Brakes released.刹车松开

28. GPS unreliable, terminating ADS-B transmissionsGPS 不可靠,终止ADSB 发话

29. 不要总是要求别人给我什么,要想我能为别人做什么。

30. Request right turn for traffic avoidance.请求右转避让航空器

31. Request taxi to south maintenance ramp.请求滑行道南边的维护机坪

32. What do the bomb-disposal experts suggest we do?拆弹专家建议我们怎么做?

33. The flight path is unstable. Going around.飞行轨迹不稳定,复飞了

34. Say again all after 3000 英尺后的内容再说一次

35. Maintain 160 knots until outer marker.保持160 节直到外指点标

36. We are leaking fuel slowly. Request diversion.我们正慢速漏油,请求改航。

37. Negative contact due IMC.由于仪表气象条件看不见

38. 人们总是在努力珍惜未得到的,而遗忘了所拥有的。

39. Omit position reports.省略位置报告

40. Our FMS has malfunctioned. Request radar vectors.飞行管理系统故障,请求雷达引导

41. Stop ADS-B transmission.停止ADS-B 发话

42. Respect yourself, respect others is a virtue, respected is a kind of happiness.

43. 当你能飞的时候就不要放弃飞。

44. Contact Control 80 miles after BK.过BK80mile 后联系区调

45. Request frequency change.请求转换频率

46. Extend downwind, Number Two, airbus 320 in sight.延长三边,第二个,空客320 可见

47. 尊重别人是一种美德,受人尊重是一种幸福。

48. Request a large airspace to maneuver due flight control problems.由于飞行操纵出现问题,请求大空域机动

49. Squawk ident应答机识别

50. Request RNAV approach.请求RNAV 进近

51. Unable BK-1A Departure due performance. Request BK-1B.由于性能原因,不能BK-1A 离场,请求BK-1B

52. Three sixty turn left for delay.右转一圈,以推延

53. 奉献是爱心,勇于付出,你一定会收到意外之外的馈赠。

54. The oil temperature is higher than normal. We are monitoring other engine parameters.

55. Maintain present speed.保持当前速度

56. No speed restrictions.无速度限制

57. Flock of birds 3 miles final.五边3 英里处有鸟群

58. Unable, we are in IMC.不同意,我们在仪表气象条件

59. Roger heavy rain. Request to terminate our approach.收到,暴雨,请求终止进近

60. Low down the anticipation in advance then the concern's for people will be more comforxxxxx.

61. Tow approved via A to remote apron.同意经滑行道A 拖至远机坪

62. Unable CAT II approach due crew qualification.由于机组资质,不能使用二类进近

63. Our instrument indicates abnormal cabin pressure differential.仪表显示有不正常的座舱压差

64. 念头端正,福星临,念头不正,灾星照。

65. Start up approved, altimeter setting .可以开车,高度表设定值(英寸汞柱

66. Holding, traffic in sight.等待,飞机可见

67. We are receiving an ELT signal on .我们正在 频率接收一个紧急定位发射机信号

68. Request leave the holding pattern.请求离开等待程序

69. Unable expedite climb due weight.不能加速爬升,因为重量

有关飞行的英文句子 精选54句

1. Re-enter ADS-B aircraft identification.重新输入ADS-B 飞机识别码

2. 直如朱丝绳,清如玉壶冰。

3. Brakes set, disconnect.刹车刹住,断开

4. Climb to 6000 feet, follow KODAP 01 Departure.爬升到6000 英尺,按照KODAP01 号标准离场程序

5. Transmission blocked, say again.发话被干扰,再说一遍

6. Runway 06, cleared for takeoff. Report airborne.跑道06,可以起飞,升空报

7. Request delay the approach due tail wind beyond limit.由于顺风超出限制,请求推迟进近

8. Increasing rate of climb.增加爬升率

9. Cleared for immediate takeoff.可以立即起飞

10. Unable noise abatement due company policy.由于公司政策,不能使用降噪程序

11. 谁看不起你都和你没关系,可是自己不能看不起自己。

12. Pushback approved, long pushback可以退推出,多推一点

13. Continue approach, prepare for possible go around.继续进近,做好可能复飞的准备

14. Procedure turn completed, localizer established.程序转弯已完成,并建立好航向道

15. Confirm radar service is terminated.证实雷达服务终止

16. Many passengers are suffering from smoke inhalation. Request medical assistance on arrival.

17. Devotion is love, have the courage to pay, you will receive the gift of accident.

18. We have a problem with fuel temperature. Request holding position on the taxiway.

19. Airborne, passing 500 feet for 4000 feet.离地,正通过500 英尺,爬升至4000 英尺

20. Descending to reach FL150 by WXI.到WXI 前下降到高度层150

21. CPDLC connected. CPDLC 已连接

22. Maintain Mach point 80 or less.保持马赫数0,80 或更小

23. 成功的关键在于我们对失败的反应。

24. Experiencing severe turbulence. Request further descent.遭遇严重颠簸,请求进一步下降

25. Terrorists started to injure passengers.xxx开始伤害乘客

26. Request taxi back for maintenance purpose.请求滑回,以进行维护

27. Pushback at own discretion.推出时间自己决定

28. Omit position reports on this frequency.本频率省略位置报告

29. 千万别说直到永远,因为你压根不知道永远有多远。

30. Clear of conflict, request further instructions冲突已脱离,请求下一步指令

31. Looking out.注意

32. We used too much speed brakes and penetrated our level. Did we cause any conflict?

33. Confirm ILS frequency for Runway 17L.证实17 左跑道盲降频率

34. Unable to receive transmission on that frequency.在那个频率无法收到发话

35. The airbus on final in sight.看见五边上的空客

36. Resume normal speed.恢复正常速度

37. Passing outer marker.通过外指点标

38. Follow the greens to holding point Runway 05R.沿着绿灯滑行至05 右跑道等待点

39. We have a possible traffic conflict at 10 o’clock, converging with our flight path.

40. Negative intersection departure due performance.由于性能限制,不能在交叉口起飞

41. Request time check.请求校正时间

42. Maintain speed 280 knots or greater for separation.保持速度280 节或更大以调整间隔

43. A Pilot overflying reported seeing virga above the runways. Request to terminate our approach.

44. 人最可悲的是自己不能战胜自己。

45. Is there a frequency change at this compulsory reporting point?在这个强制报告点有没有频率转换?

46. Climbing at 1000 feet per minute or greater.以1000 英尺每分钟或更大的爬升率上升

47. Report MQR 背台报告

48. 决心即力量,信心即成功。

49. 你只有一定要,才一定会得到。

50. Climb to FL220, report passing FL170上升到高度层220,通过高度层170 报告

51. We are reading high engine vibration. Request to delay takeoff.发动机抖动显示读数高,请求推迟起飞

52. Straight-in visual approach, Runway 34直接目视进近,跑道34

53. Confirm visibility more than 1000 meters.证实能见度大于1000m

54. Unable, we are only authorized during daytime VMC.不能够,我们只具备在白天使用目视气象条件的资格
