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英语句子转换方法 精选38句

1. 在be动词后加not。如:is not , are not , am not

2. I always get up before six o’clock in my school days.

3. 简单句、并列句、复合句之间的转换;

4. 在be动词后加not。如:is not , are not , am not, was not, were not;

5. 上述都没有的,在句首请助动词Do/Does/Did帮忙,剩下的照抄,(some 改成any,I改成you,my改成your,)句点改成问号。

6. 上述都没有的,在动词前加助动词否定形式don’t/doesn’t/didn’t。

7. It’s raining very heavily.(改写为感叹句)

8. 肯定句、否定句、疑问句之间的转换;

9. xxx颜色xxx,特殊疑问词用what colour如:My hat is colour is your hat ?8 .划线部分是xxx数量xxx,特殊疑问词用 how many 或how much如:I can see five many kites can you see?There is some milk in the How much milk is there in the glass?9 .划线部分是xxx多少钱”,特殊疑问词用how much如:This pen is nine yuan

10. 在一般疑问句的基础上,句首添加一个疑问词即可,可根据划线部分确定是什么疑问词。

11. 句中含有am, is, are,的,将am ,is,are,移位到句首,构成疑问句。

12. 问几点用What’s the time?或 What time is it?返回搜狐,查看更多

13. 在can,should, will等后加not。如:cannot, should not, will not;

14. 把be动词放在句首,剩下的照抄,(some 改成any,my改成your等)句点改成问号。

15. I didn’t draw so well as he.

16. 陈述句、感叹句、祈使句之间的转换;

17. I prefer walking there to going by bus.

18. 单数句、复数句之间的转换;

19. The girl left her home a few days ago, she has not come back yet.

20. -How much is this pen?whose10 .划线部分是“形容词性物主代词或名词性物主代词”,特殊疑问词用如:That is my book is that?The bag is is the bag?以下口诀要牢记:1 .问xxx谁xxx用who ;2 .问xxx谁的xxx,用whose ;3 .问xxx地点哪里xxx,用 where ;4 .问“原因”,用why ;5 .问xxx身体状况xxx,用 how ;6 .问xxx方式xxx,用how ;问xxx年龄

21. 把can,shall, will等放到句首,剩下的照抄,(some 改成any,my改成your等)句点改成问号。

22. He set the alarm clock for seven.(改为一般疑问句)

23. It took Mary two weeks to prepare for the exam.

24. My boss took a plane to the UK three days ago.

25. They have painted their new house.(改为被动语态)

26. 就一般疑问句回答

27. xxx,用how old ;问xxx多少xxx,用 how many ;问xxx价钱xxx用how much ;问xxx哪一个xxx,用 which ;问xxx什么xxx,用what ;问“职业”,用what ;问xxx颜色xxx,用 what colour ;问xxx星期xxx,用 what day ;问什么学科,用 what subject ;问xxx什么时候xxx,用 when;. |可几点用What 's the time? 或 What time is it?

28. 主动语态、被动语态之间的转换。

29. 接着找be动词或can,shall, will等放在疑问词后面,若没有则请助动词do/does/did帮忙,写在疑问词后面,how many除外,必须先写物品,再写be动词等。

30. 上述都没有的,在句首请助动词Do/Does/Did帮忙,剩下的照抄,(some 改成any,my改成your等)句点改成问号。

31. 划线部分提问:句中不能出现划线部分,但将划线部分转成疑问词.

32. some 改成any。

33. The children are too tired to walk farther.

34. There are some old sheep on the farm.(改为单数句)

35. 划线部分去掉后剩下的内容照抄,(some 改成any,my改成your等)

36. 把be动词放在句首,剩下的照抄,(some 改成any,I改成you,my改成your,)句点改成问号。

37. 句点改成问号。

38. 把can,shall, will等放到句首,剩下的照抄,(some 改成any,I改成you,my改成your,)句点改成问号。
