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中国英文餐桌礼仪句子 精选39句

1. 食物是通过大的公用盘子盛装的,基本上都会提供公用筷方便你将食物分到你自己的盘子里。

2. When someone pours tea into your cup, you can tap the table with your first two fingers two or three times, showing thanks to the pourer for the service and of being enough tea. The pourer will stop pouring when seeing the gesture.当有人把茶倒进你的杯子时,你可以用头两三个手指轻敲桌子,以表示感谢倒茶人的服务以及茶的充足。当看到那个手势时,倾倒者会停止倾倒。

3. 不要将手伸到饭桌对面夹菜

4. When eating something with bones, it is normal to spit them out onto the table to the right of your plate.

5. 有时同桌的人嘴里满含食物跟你交谈时不要觉得被冒犯了。

6. 在吃有骨头的东西时,要将骨头分离装在你右手边的盘子里。

7. On arrival one should first introduce oneself, or let the master of the banquet do the introduction if unknown to others, and then take a seat in accordance with the master of the banquet's arrangement.到达时,应当先介绍自己,或者让宴会主人介绍你,然后按照宴会主人的安排就座。

8. Do not get offended if your fellow diners eat with their mouth open, or talk with their mouth full. This is normal in China. Enjoy, laugh, and have fun.

9. 不要把玩筷子,比如用筷子指手画脚,或是在桌上敲击筷子,这些都是很失礼的,也切勿用筷子敲击你的盘子,这在餐馆里是暗示上菜太慢,很有可能会触怒待客的主人。

10. It is rude to not eat what you are given. If you are offered something you absolutely cant stomach, finish everything else, and leave the rest on your plate. Leaving a little food generally indicates that you are full.

11. 为主人的长寿、健康、成功干杯

12. 当你想放下筷子时,要将筷子水平放置在你的盘子上,或者将筷子搁置在筷子架上,别将筷子放置在桌子上。

13. 不要把筷子插在装满米饭的碗里。

14. Do not play with your chopsticks, point at objects with them, or drum them on the table - this is rude. Do not tap them on the side of your dish, either, as this is used in restaurants to indicate that the food is taking too long, and it will offend your host.

15. 进餐时,先请客人中长者动筷子。夹菜时每次少一些,离自己远的菜就少吃一些,吃饭时不要出声音,喝汤时也不要出声响,喝汤用汤匙一小口一小口地喝,不宜把碗端到嘴边喝,汤太热时凉了以后再喝,不要一边吹一边喝。有的人吃饭喜欢使劲咀嚼脆食物,发出很清晰的声音来,这种做法是不合礼仪要求的,特别是和众人一起进餐时,就要尽量防止出现这种现象。

16. Admission etiquette. Ask guests seated on the seats. Please

17. Let older people eat first, or if you hear an elder say xxxlet's eatxxx, you can start to eat. You should not steal a march on the elders.让老人先吃,或者如果你听到老人说“我们吃吧”,你才可以开始吃了。你不应该对老年人抢先一步。

18. Masters of the subject and object of the right hand side,

19. 分到你盘子的食物你不吃是很失礼的。

20. Concentrate on the meal and your companions. Watching television, using your phone, or carrying on some other activity while having a meal is considered a bad habit.集中精神在吃饭和你的同伴身上。边吃饭边看电视、打 *** 或进行其他活动被认为是坏习惯。

21. To clear the main tasks of the meal. Must be clear to do business oriented. Feelings or to the main contact. Mainly or to eat. If it is the former, when attention should be

22. 让客人和长辈先吃每一道菜

23. It is best not to the dinner table Tiya if it is to Tiya, will use napkins or sign blocked their mouths.

24. The food is served via large communal dishes, and in nearly every case, you will be supplied with communal chopsticks for transferring food from the main dishes to your own.

25. You should try to refill your bowl with rice yourself and take the initiative to fill the bowls of elders with rice and food from the dishes. If elders fill your bowl or add food to your bowl, you should express your thanks.你应该试着自己给碗里装满米饭,主动给老人的碗里装满米饭和盘子里的食物。如果长辈们把碗装满或给你的碗里加了食物,你应该表达你的谢意。

26. When eating, you should close your mouth to chew food well before you swallow it, which is not only a requirement of etiquette, but also better for digestion. You should by no means open your mouth wide, fill it with large pieces of food and eat up greedily.吃东西时,在吞下食物之前要先闭上嘴咀嚼,这不仅是礼仪的要求,而且对消化也有好处。千万不要张大嘴巴,嘴里塞满大块食物,贪婪地吃下去。

27. Dont stab your chopsticks into your bowl of rice. As with any Buddhist culture, placing two chopsticks down in a bowl of rice is what happens at a funeral. By doing this, you indicate that you wish death upon those at the table.

28. It is not good manners to pick up too much food at a time. You should behave elegantly. When taking food, don't nudge or push against your neighbor. Don't let the food splash or let soup or sauce drip onto the table.一次吃太多东西是不礼貌的。你应该举止优雅。

29. 入座的礼仪。先请客人入座上席,在请长者入座客人旁依次入座,入座时要从椅子左边进入。入座后不要动筷子,更不要弄出什么响声来,也不要起身走动。如果有什么事要向主人打招呼。

30. The last time left. Must be expressed gratitude to the host. At the invitation of the owner or to their own homes after the house to show back

31. 举酒干杯时要确定你酒杯里酒的平面刻度要比在座的。长者低,以显示你们的辈分不同,这是为了向长辈表示尊重。

32. 不要用筷子敲碗

33. Do not stab anything with your chopsticks, unless you are cutting vegetables or similar. If you are in a small, intimate setting with friends, then stabbing smaller so as to grab items is okay, but never do this at a formal dinner or around those who adhere strictly to tradition.

34. 等大家到齐了,才开始吃

35. 不要用筷子戳东西,除非是将大片蔬菜或其他食物分开。

36. If the guest of honor or most senior member is not seated, other people are not allowed to be seated. If he hasn't eaten, others should not begin to eat.如果贵宾或大多数主要成员没有就座,其他人就不能就座。如果他没吃东西,别人就不应该开始吃。

37. When setting down your chopsticks, place them horizontally on top of your plate, or place the ends on a chopstick rest. Do not set them on the table.

38. When tapping glasses for a cheer, be sure that the edge of your drink is below that of a senior member, as you are not their equal. This will show respect.

39. 进餐时不要打嗝,也不要出现其他声音,如果出现打喷嚏、肠鸣等不由自主的声响时,就要说一声“真不好意思”、“对不起”、“请原谅”之类的话,以示歉意。
