用slow down组句子精选59句

admin 2024-05-29 网站管理员 admin

用slow down组句子 精选59句

1. Now just slow down a bitThis is too fast!稍微慢一点。速度太快了!

2. Their rate of metabolism may slow down.

3. I would advise all up-and-coming photographers to slow down and look at the scene very carefully.我建议所有有前途的摄影师放慢脚步,非常仔细地观察场景。

4. Start learning to slow down, so that slow down life is not urgent, a cup of warm tea, a leisure book, can also pass half a day.

5. All of these could slow down any economic recovery.所有这些行动,都会延缓经济的复苏。

6. Slow down, then slow down, wait for time like lotus blossom, invade the melting of water.

7. If the CPU usage is always high, it may slow down or destabilize the system.

8. They don't slow down while approaching crossroads.他们接近十字路口时不减速。

9. Would you slow down, please?

10. They don't slow down while a roaching cro roads.他们接近十字路口时不减速。

11. So, when in doubt slow down and think about what's going on.所以,当有所怀疑的时候就慢下来并思考接下去做什么。

12. Even if we cannot slow down every day, at least slow down on Sunday.

13. It makes him slow down.

14. It helps to slow down the ageing process.这可以减缓衰老过程。

15. Do not slow down before you are completely in the exit lane.在完全进入驶出车道前,不要降低车速。

16. Life requires some moments to slow down and calm down.

17. If the user gobbles down, the red line will deviate from the blue line, warning the user to slow down.

18. This weapon can also slow down all vehicles when they are covered with the ooze.这个武器还可以使所有的车辆单位减速。

19. In other words, they slow down the Web.

20. Obviously, a lot of garbage collection can really slow down your application.显然,大量的垃圾收集可以真正减慢应用程序的运行速度。

21. If the CPU usage is always high, it may slow down or destabilize the system.如果CPU使用率一直很高,但可能会降低或破坏系统。

22. Should I slow down at a red light, a green light, or a yellow light?

23. Time will not slow down when something unpleasant lies ahead.

24. Always remember that your audiences do not have the luxury to rewind or slow down your speech.请时刻记住,你的听众并不拥有这样的奢侈,把你的演讲减速或者重播。

25. That driver's trying to overtake. Slow down a bit and let him pull ahead.那位司机想超车,开慢一点,让他超到前面去。

26. McDonald's wasn't alone in slowing down: other chains also saw their drive-through performance slow down.

27. cancel slow down and shutdown

28. The factory has to slow down production since the economic crisis.自从经济危机以来,工厂不得不减少生产。

29. Too many segments in virtual memory will slow down overall performance.虚拟内存中的段过多将使整体性能下降。

30. If you are skidding to slow down while descending, you are out of control.

31. Should I slow down at a red light, a green light, or a yellow light?我应该在红灯时、绿灯时还是黄灯时减速呢?

32. The finger will determine your speed making it easy to speed up or slow down when necessary.手指会决定你的阅读速度,让你可以根据需要加快或减慢你的阅读速度。

33. Later, sales slow down, so Banks cut the price again.

34. The burn goes away and your breathing and heart rate slow down slightly.燃烧感没有了,气息和心率也会稍稍下降一点。

35. I'd slow down on that fruit punch Grandma, someone's bound to have spiked it.我不能再喝那个果子酒了。肯定有人在里面下了药。

36. The man started to get belligerent. “Stop, slow down – what's the difference?”那个男人开始被激怒了,“停下,减速?他们有什么区别吗?”

37. Pump cavitation, the flow should be run down or slow down;

38. emphasizing each slow down-stroke,

39. The yields continue to slow down or reverse.产量在继续下降或逆转。

40. Will you slow down a bit?

41. My goal this trip is to slow down and absorb the essence of Provence.我这次旅行的目的就是放慢脚步,吸收普罗旺斯的真髓。

42. You can slow down.

43. Now, come sit with me on the floor. Enter my world, and let time slow down if only for 15 minutes.来吧,和我坐在地板上,哪怕只腾出一刻钟走进我的世界。

44. Transient means temporary, hypo is the opposite of hyper — it means to slow down or deactivate.瞬时意味着这种状态是暂时的,低下(hypo)是超高(hyper)的反面——它意味着放慢、甚至完全停止。

45. That self-sufficiency cannot be taken for granted if yields continue to slow down or reverse.如果产量继续下降或逆转,那么自给自足就不能被认为是想当然的。

46. If you become winded, slow down.

47. Clear up free radicals and their kin, and you will slow down the process of ageing.清除自由激进分子及其同类,你就可以减缓衰老的进程。

48. It helps to slow down the ageing process.

49. These steps slow down the flowing rain water.

50. Slow down to lose weight, improve digestion, and enjoy life more. Read more.细嚼慢咽可以帮你减肥,并有助于消化,让你充分享受生活。

51. There is no cure for the disease, although drugs can slow down its rate of development.这种病没法治,尽管药物可以延缓病情的发展。

52. xxxslow down, be prepared to stopxxx

53. The management decided to slow down production.资方决定放慢生产速度。

54. Please slow down.

55. One thing that works well to slow down when eating is to put down the fork between bites.

56. By painting buildings white, cities may slow down the warming process.将建筑物刷成白色可能会减缓城市变暖的进程。

57. We can slow down a little.

58. Don't slow down.

59. A group called 'slow London' wants everyone to slow down and take some time to relax.
