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夏洛的网英语句子 精选49句

1. “Children almost always hang onto things tighter than their parents think they will.”

2. I know more about raising a litter of pigs than you do. A weakling makes trouble. Now run along

3. “Don’t write about Man; write about a man.”

4. Gain weight and stay well.胖起来,过得好。

5. 荷马·祖克曼:

6. Nothing is absolutely the limit of nothingness. It’s the lowest you can go. It’s the end of the line.

7. And when your stomach is empty and your mind is full,it's always hard to sleep.

8. 约翰的女儿:FernArable,他在小猪的时候就收养了Wilbur,后来探望了他。她是故事中唯一能够理解动物对话的人。

9. “You have been my friend,” replied Charlotte, “That in itself is a tremendous thing.”

10. When I’m out here,there’s no place to go but in. When I’m indoors, there’s no place to go but out in the yard.

11. “Wilbur didn’t want food, he wanted love.”

12. FernlovesWilburmorethananythingelse.弗恩爱威尔伯胜过一切。

13. 是他弗恩的叔叔,他把威尔伯(Wilbur)留在谷仓里的。


15. 威尔伯:Wilbur

16. 夏洛特·A·卡瓦蒂卡:

17. HomerZuckerman

18. “Meetings bore me.”

19. However,Charlotte,aseeminglysmallspider,said,xxxIwillsaveyou.xxxAsaresult,Charlottewoveonlinewordsonthepigstythatwereregardedasmiraclesbyhumanbeings.ThesewordspraisingWilburcompletelychangedWilbur'sfateandfinallyenabledWilburtowinaspecialprizeinthefaircompetitionandenjoythefutureoftheYearofPeace.

20. 夏洛的网的英语主旨是helpotherishelpingyourself

21. ' Do you want a friend, wilbur?' it said.xxxI'll be a friend of you.I've watched you all day and I like you.xxx

22. OnemeetsitsdestinyontheroadhetakestoavoiditYourmindislikethiswater,myfriend,whenitisagitated,itbecomesdifficulttosee,butifyouallowittosettle,theanswerbecomesclear.truewarrior,butdonotsurrender

23. 艾弗里·阿拉布尔:AveryArable

24. CharlotteA.Cavatica

25. It'slikethiseveryday.It'shappyduringthedayandquietatnight.

26. 约翰·阿拉布尔:JohnArable

27. 他是威尔伯的第一任主人。

28. “Too many things on my mind, said Wilbur.

29. “Never hurry and never worry!”

30. They just keep trotting back and forth across the bridge thinking there is something better on the other side. If they'd hang head down at the top of the thing and wait quietly, maybe something good would come along. But no—with men it's rush, rush, rush, every minute. I'm glad I'm a sedentary spider.他们只是在桥上走过来走过去,老以为另一边有更好的东西。如果他们在这桥顶上倒过来静静地比着,也许真有好东西会来。可是不——人类每分钟都向前冲啊,冲啊,冲啊。我很高兴,我是一只坐网的蜘蛛。

31. 威尔伯是一头顽强的猪,他常常情绪激动。

32. I’m really too young to go out into the world alone

33. Butatthistime,thespiderCharlotte'slifealsocametoanend...WilburbroughtupCharlotte'schildwithsadnessandgratitude!

34. “I’ve got a new friend, all right. But what a gamble friendship is! Charlotte is fierce, brutal, scheming, bloodthirsty—everything I don’t like. How can I learn to like her, even though she is pretty and, of course, clever?”

35. “Life is always a rich and steady time when you are waiting for something to happen or to hatch.”

36. Wilburlovestodrinkmilk.Nothingmakeshimhappierthanfernfeedinghimhotmilk.Itwouldstandupandlookupatherwithaffectionateeyes.

37. 威尔伯爱喝牛奶,再没有什么比弗恩喂它热牛奶更让它开心的了。它会站起来,抬头用深情的眼睛看着她。

38. It often had a sort of peaceful smell,as though nothing bad could happen ever again in the world.

39. When I'm out here,he said,'there's no place to go but in. When I'm indoors, there's no place to go but out in the yard.'

40. 是弗恩(Fern)和约翰(John)的儿子的哥哥。

41. “I don’t understand it, and I don’t like what I don’t understand.”

42. And when his audience grew bored, he would spring into the air and do a back flip with a half twist.

43. 天天这样,白天快快活活,夜里安安静静。

44. No one had ever had such a friend, so affectionate,so loyal and so skillful.

45. Inzuckerman'sbarn,agroupofanimalslivedhappily.WilburthepigandCharlottethespiderhaveestablishedasincerefriendship.However,badnewsbrokethepeaceinthebarn:WilburwillbekilledatChristmasandmadeintobaconandham!Asapig,Wilburseemedtohavetoacceptthefateofbeingslaughtered.

46. An hour of freedom is worth a barrel of slops.

47. Life is always a rich and steady time when you are waiting for something to happen or to hatch.

48. The old sheep spoke to him about his size one day.'You would live longer',said the old sheep,'if you ate less.' 'who want's to live forever?'sneered the rat.'I am naturally a heavy eater and I get untold satisfaction from the pleasures of the feast.He patted his stomach, grinned at the sheep, and crept upstairs to lie down.

49. 或简称夏洛特:Charlotte
