
admin 2024-05-29 网站管理员 admin


You can't change an unhealthy relationship by loving them harder.love yourself harder instead and walk away.


If you felt like a burden and liability every time you expressed a need in childhood,you may have developed an adaptation of extreme independence and difficulty receiving from others.


Avoiding conflict to keep the peace in a relationship ignites a war within yourself instead.


Your truth is valid simply because you experienced it.you do not need to explain or defend yourself to try to make others understand.

5、 当我们消除那些不是我们要背负的创伤时,我们就会成为我们最想要的生活的振动匹配者。

We become a vibrational match to the life we most want to live when we dissolve the traumas that are not ours to carry.


Every new person who enters your life is either a cycle repeating or a guide towards growth.notice the difference and choose consciously.


If their presence is more painful than their absence,it's time to go.


Let go of the people who are okay with losing you.your future self will thank you.


If you were raised in an environment with an emotionally or physically unavailable parent.it's highly likely that you will be drawn to dynamics were authentic love is not available to you either.
