带排比的英文句子赏析 精选33句
1. 大自然的语言丰富多彩:
2. History is a painting, and time is a gorgeous color. History is a high mountain, and time is a jagged boulder. History is a big tree, and time is a lush branch. History is a long river, and time is surging waves. History is a moving ship and time is a net. Life is a river, and time is a oar.
3. 大海守护着海豚,不让它受到伤害,受到威胁。父母守护着孩子,不让孩子受到委屈和危险。太阳守护着大地,不让黑暗和寒冷伤害它。
4. 风从水上走过,留下粼粼波纹;骆驼从沙漠上走过,留下深深的脚印;哨鸽从天空飞过,留下串串欢韵;岁月从树林穿过,留下圈圈年轮。啊,朋友,我们从时代的舞台走过,将给社会留下些什么?花从春走过,留下缕缕花香;叶从夏走过,留下片片荫凉;风从秋走过,留下阵阵金浪;雪从冬走过,留下种种希望。啊,朋友,我们从人生的四季走过,将给人生留下些什么?
5. 形容词或副词排比
6. the meaning of life is dedication
7. success and failure
8. 动词排比
9. 人生如一首诗,应该多一些悠扬的抒情,少一些愁苦的叹息。人生如一幅画,应该多一些亮丽的着色,少一些灰色的基调。人生如一支歌,应该多一些昂扬的吟唱,少一些哀婉的咏叹。人生如一局棋,应该多一些主动的出击,少一些消极的龟缩。
10. 飘落下来的树叶美丽极了,有的像蝴蝶在空中飞舞,有的像顽皮的孩子在追逐赛跑,还有的像天上的撒下来的小星星在眨眼睛。
11. 春天用母亲般温暖的怀抱把世间万物叫醒;春天用父亲般的大手扶持着万物生长;春天用少女般的笑脸让世人感受美丽;春天用儿童般的天真让我们感受心灵的呼唤。
12. 成功与失败
13. 下课了,操场上一下子热闹起来了,同学们有的拍皮球,有的跳绳,有的打篮球,玩得可开心啦! (在线造句 )
14. happiness is xxxgrind to dust scattered into the mud, only as incensexxx holy. Happiness is the xxxaspirations Hulu meat meal hunger, bloodlustxxx heroic. Happiness is the xxxfirst world worries and worries, after the world of music and joyxxx of the mind. Happiness is xxxAll men are mortal., according to retain loyaltyxxx integrity.
15. still life is the beauty of solidification, moving scenery is flowing beauty; straight line is flowing beauty; curve is the United States; the noisy city is bustling beauty; quiet village is elegant beauty. Life is full of beauty, as long as you have a pair of eyes to find beauty, there is a sense of beauty of the heart.
16. 人需要祝福,需要快乐,需要思念。如果一滴水代表一个祝福,我送你一个东海;如果一颗星代表一份快乐,我送你一条银河;如果一棵树代表一缕思念,我送你一片森林。
17. 没有落日般的瑰丽,没有流云般的飘逸,但可以有水晶般的清纯与透明。没有大山般的巍峨,没有湖水般的轻柔,但可以有岩石般的坚毅与稳重。没有大海般的浩瀚,没有瀑布般的飞泻,但可以有泥土般的朴素与随和。
18. read the desert, read it and magnanimous mind; read the sun, read it shines selfless; read rain, read it tenderness softly; read the sea, read out the feelings of great momentum; read lime, read it smashed to pieces do not change color.
19. 幸福
20. Give me a difficulty, let me know how to overcome; Give me a setback and let me be tempered; Give me a failure, let me learn to reflect; Give me a shame and let me learn to cheer up; I appreciate every experience that leads me to success.
21. if you forget the ice in the spring is gone, so is that the peach blossom is shining; if you forget the peach petals Fallen petals lie in profusion. summer, so that is the kind of red lotus; if you forget is autumn rain cover has no pull out of the lotus, so that is still frost branch plant. If you forget is thinner than the winter westerly Mutilator, so that is still independent, Ao Xuemei fragrance!
22. 书中自有千钟粟,书中自有黄金屋,书中自有颜如玉。人生自有悲与欢,人生自有离与合,人生自有甜与痛。书中自有苦辣酸甜,书中自有悲欢离合,书中自有喜怒快乐。书中自少年五彩的梦;书中自有中年朴质的影;书中自有老年夕阳的红。书中自有感人的亲情,书中自有纯洁的友情,书中自有诚挚的感情。
23. 钱能买到佳肴,不能买到胃口;钱能买到书籍,不能买到知识;钱能买到药品,不能买到健康;钱能买到时装,不能买到美丽;钱能买到朋友,不能买到友谊。钱能买漂亮的眼镜,但买不来明亮的眼睛。钱能买高档的钢笔,但买不来敏捷的文思。钱能买来芬芳的玫瑰,但买不来真正的爱情。钱能买来名贵的篮球,但买不来精湛的球技。钱能买来精确的钟表,但买不来流逝的光阴。
24. happy
25. 定语从句的排比
26. sun Speechless, radiate light, high Speechless, but it reflects the towering blue sky; Speechless, it shows a high earth; Speechless, but show extensive; flowers Speechless, but fragrant; youth Speechless, it exudes vitality
27. Only when we set out can we reach our ideal and destination; Only through hard work can we achieve brilliant success; Only sowing, there will be harvest; Only by pursuing, can we taste decent people.
28. 老师的教导,像阳光,洒向我们心的角落;像清风,吹散我们心底的阴霾;像钥匙,打开我们知识的大门。
29. 假如生命是一株小草,我愿为春天献上一点嫩绿;假若生命是一棵大树,我愿为大地(夏日)撒下一片绿阴(阴凉),假如生命是一朵鲜花,我愿意为世界奉上一缕馨香;假如生命是一枚果实,我愿为人间留下一丝甘甜。
30. 爱心是一股甜甜的泉水,使不幸的人忘记生活苦涩;爱心是一首动听的歌,使生活枯燥的人感到生活的乐趣;爱心是一眼潺潺的溪流,使饥渴的行人感受到生活旅途的甘甜。
31. 放弃,是一种生活的勇气,是一种豁达,一种洒脱,一种气魄。放弃,亦是一种美丽。放弃,并不意味着失去,因为只有放弃才会有另一种获得。
32. You are not rain and dew, but bring the expectation of rebirth; You are not a spring, but you bring the sweetness of life; You are not the sun, but you bring the warmth of the world.
33. 特殊句型的排比
带排比的英文句子赏析 精选52句
1. 落叶,有的像只船正乘风行驶,有的像杂技演员翻着跟头落下,有的像滑翔机**地兜着圈子盘旋而下。
2. 反问的作用主要是加强语气设问的作用主要是提出问题引起注意启发思考
3. 人们都爱秋天,爱她的天高气爽,爱她的云淡日丽,爱她的香飘四野。人们都爱春天,爱她的风和日丽,爱她的花红柳绿,爱她的雨润万物。
4. the corner flower, when you are in self-admiration, heaven is small. Rana hole, when you yourself singing, will narrow the view.
5. 书中自有千钟粟,书中自有黄金屋,书中自有颜如玉。人生自有悲与欢,人生自有离与合,人生自有甜与痛。书中自有苦辣酸甜,书中自有悲欢离合,书中自有喜怒快乐。书中自少年五彩的梦;书中自有中年朴质的影;书中自有老年夕阳的红。书中自有感人的亲情,书中自有纯洁的友情,书中自有诚挚的感情。
6. 大海因为有了狂风的袭击,才显示出了它顽强的生命力,它把狂风化成了朵朵浪花,给人们带来美丽;苍鹰因为有了暴风雨的洗礼,才展示出它坚强的毅力,它把暴风雨化成了它搏击风雨的翅膀,带给自己矫健的英姿;人生因为有了失败与挫折的光临,才真正诠释了它的意义。我们为什么不能把一次次的失败与挫折化为我们前进的动力,在人生路上亮出自己?
7. 大自然能给我们许多启示:成熟的稻穗低着头,那是在启示我们要谦虚;一群蚂蚁抬走骨头,那是在启示我们要齐心协力;长江东流奔腾不息,那是在启示我们为理想奋斗。
8. 天上的火烧云真美啊。有的.像咆哮的狮子;有的像奔驰的骏马;有的像雪白的羊群……真是多彩多姿啊!
9. 扩大夸张:故意把客观事物说得“大多高强深……”的夸张形式例如:蜀道之难难于上青天
10. 树叶落到地上,小虫爬过去,躲在里面,把它当作屋子。树叶落在沟里,蚂蚁爬上去,坐在当中,把它当作船。树叶落在河里,小鱼游过来,藏在底下,把它当作伞。树叶落在院子里,燕子飞来看见了,低声说:“电报来了,催我们赶快到南方去呢。”
11. 爱心是土地,培育了参天的大树;爱心是大树,撑起了凉快的绿荫;爱心是绿荫,抵挡了肆虐的风沙;爱心是风沙,埋葬了世间的污秽。
12. 比较级的并列
13. beauty is wandering wisps of white clouds in the blue sky, beauty is nestled on the hills, some snow, beauty is echoed in the woods, some birds, beauty is jumping touch of the setting sun on the sea.
14. 当手指跳跃,风儿便不再悲伤;当黑白流淌,思绪便将痛苦遗忘;当旋律激扬,天地便只在我的心泉徜徉
15. sea water is a dictionary: spray is radical, Taosheng is a sequencer, seagull is the text of the sea fish.
16. Love is a look in the eyes, giving students silent blessings; Love is a wisp of green wind, which gives students physical and mental comfort; Love is a spring rain, which moistens students' hearts; Love is a question to give students the warmth of spring.
17. 友谊像春风,徐徐吹来;友谊像火炭,雪中送来;友谊像雨水,旱中下来。
18. 人们都爱春天,爱她的山青水绿,爱她的万紫千红;人们都爱秋天,爱她的秋高气爽,爱她的硕果累累;人们都爱夏天,爱她的夏雨绵绵,爱她的艳阳高照;人们都爱冬天,爱她的白雪皑皑,爱她的洁白无瑕。
19. 名词性成分并列
20. Perseverance is the cohesion of sand and stone on a thousand mile levee. Only by accumulating little by little can we have the magnificence of not seeing the head before and not the tail after; Perseverance is that the spring silkworm spins silk and adheres to it one by one, so that it can break out of the cocoon and see the brilliance of light again; Perseverance is the sail of a sailing ship. With a sail, the ship can reach the other shore of success.
21. 墙角的花,当你孤芳自赏时,天地便小了。 井底的蛙,当你自我欢唱时,视野便窄了。
22. 介词短语排比
23. 燕子去了,有再来的时候;杨柳枯了,有再青的时候;桃花谢了,有再开的时候。
24. 心灵是一方广袤的天空,它包容着世间的一切;心灵是一片宁静的湖水,偶尔也会泛起阵阵涟漪;心灵是一块皑皑的雪原,它辉映出一个缤纷的世界。
25. Selfishness is a mirror in which you can only see yourself forever; Selfishness is a piece of cloth that covers one's own eyes and can't see the pain of others; Selfishness is a layer of glass. It looks clear, but it always separates each other.
26. 图书室里的书可多啦,有童话书,有科学书,有漫画书。
27. 云朵来了,轻盈飘逸,像一位美丽的姑娘;云朵去了,百变多姿,像一位调皮的姑娘;云朵哭了,泪洒长天,像一位伤心的姑娘。
28. 校园是天让我飞翔,校园是地让我奔跑,校园是海让我游泳,校园也是犯罪的天堂。
29. 因为我渴望理想,所以我渴望挫折,渴望崎岖的山路使我的双脚变的坚实,渴望突兀的山峰让我的心变的坚韧,渴望尖利的荆棘使我的身体变的灵活,渴望狂风吹硬我的筋骨,渴望暴雨滋润我的肉体,渴望猛浪洗涤我的灵魂,渴望坚石磨练我的意志……
30. 人生的意义在于奉献
31. Maternal love is a landscape painting, wash away the lead carving, leaving fresh and natural; Maternal love is like an affectionate song, melodious and melodious, singing softly; Maternal love is a warm wind that blows away the snow and brings infinite spring.
32. Please keep a simple, so that you have more friendliness with people and less indifference and numbness of your heart; Please keep a simple, so that you have more happiness in life and less mental aging and fatigue; Please keep a simple, so that you have more strength to forge ahead and less pretentious insight into the world of mortals.
33. the language of nature and colorful:
34. 小溪是勇敢的,它不畏高山峻岭的阻隔,不畏脚下道路的崎岖,勇往直前。大树是坚强的,它不畏狂风暴雨的打击,不畏严寒酷暑的煎熬,昂首屹立。灯塔是无畏的,它不怕无边黑暗的包围,不怕常年累月的孤独,永放光芒。
35. 如果你是一棵大树,就撒下一片阴凉;如果你是一泓清泉,就滋润一方土地;如果你是一棵小草,就增添一分绿意;如果你是一朵鲜花,就点缀一角夜空;如果你是一片白云,就装扮一方晴空;如果你是一只蜜蜂,就酿造一份甜蜜;如果你是一缕阳光,就照亮所有黑暗;如果你是一丝清风,就吹走世间尘埃;如果你是一阵春风,就吹绿田野庄稼;如果你是一个**,就奉献一份爱心。
36. ripe wheat bowed his head, it is teaching us humble; busy bees in the flowers, it is teaching our hard-working; charming in Yuhua open at night, it is publicized to teach us not to bloom; in a world of ice and snow in winter only, it is teaching us strong; gentle drops can wear the rock, it is teaching us tough. Chrysanthemum is a kind of quiet and clear; xxxsaunters alongxxx is a joy of smart; xxxMing Yuesong Chaoxxx is a kind of happy clear; xxxat the invitation of the moonxxx is a lonely chic; xxxout laughingxxx is a kind of self-confidence clear; xxxmy self the sword sky smilexxx is a kind of fearless smart; xxxleft Holland to listen to the rainxxx is a kind of tolerance clear; xxxevery day to see Changan flowerxxx is a good natural and unrestrained; xxxZuiwo battlefield Jun Mo laughxxx is a bold and unrestrained.
37. 书是钥匙,能开启智慧之门。书是阶梯,帮助人们登上理想的高峰。书是良药,能医治愚昧之症。书是乳汁,哺育人们成长。书是你的最好伴侣,与你共度美好时光。
38. After experiencing failures and setbacks, I learned tenacity; When I was misunderstood and wronged, I learned tolerance; After experiencing loss and parting, I know how to cherish.
39. 你无法改变容貌,但你可以展示笑容。你无法左右天气,但你可以改变心情。你无法预知明天,但你可以把握今天。你无法样样顺利,但你可以事事尽力。
40. Mother is a zither in trouble. When you are depressed, the elegant melody floats in the place, and the remains are green immediately in front of you; Mother is a breeze in frustration. When you shiver, your intimate care and warmth accompany you to sleep safely; Mother is Fang Mo in fatigue. When you are weak, just a few mouthfuls will make your aunt refreshing.
41. 对偶里的“反对”(如“横眉冷对千夫指俯首甘为孺子牛”)就意义说是对比就形式说是对偶这是修辞手法的兼类现象)
42. The spring rain, delicate and gentle, puts beautiful clothes on the mountains; Summer thunder, fast and fierce, sounded a warm war drum for life; The autumn wind, cool and pleasant, sends warm greetings to the fallen leaves; The winter snow, kind and warm, brings affectionate care to the crops.
43. 钱能买到佳肴,不能买到胃口;钱能买到书籍,不能买到知识;钱能买到药品,不能买到健康;钱能买到时装,不能买到美丽;钱能买到朋友,不能买到友谊。钱能买漂亮的眼镜,但买不来明亮的眼睛。钱能买高档的钢笔,但买不来敏捷的文思。钱能买来芬芳的玫瑰,但买不来真正的爱情。钱能买来名贵的篮球,但买不来精湛的球技。钱能买来精确的钟表,但买不来流逝的光阴。
44. 有的落叶黄灿灿的,像秋天的稻穗;有的落叶红彤彤的,像鲜艳的红领巾;有的落叶是绿色的,可是上面有许多黄色和黑色的斑点,像一位风烛残年的老人;有的落叶是黑褐色的,像一杯浓浓的咖啡……
45. 名词排比
46. From the falling of autumn leaves, we read the change of seasons; From the ranks of returning geese, I read the strength of the masses; From the melting of ice and snow, we read the footsteps of spring; From the dripping water through the stone, we read the value of persistence; From the fragrance of honey, we read the sweetness of diligence.
47. Ordinary is a wasteland, pregnant with the rise, as long as you are willing to open up; Ordinary is soil, pregnant with harvest, as long as you are willing to work; Ordinary is a stream, pregnant with depth, as long as you are willing to accumulate.
48. Beauty is a few wisps of white clouds wandering in the blue sky, a few residual snow nestled on the hills, a few bird songs swirling in the dense forest, and a touch of setting sun beating on the sea.
49. Life is like wine, or fragrant, or strong, because of honesty, it becomes mellow; Life is like a song, high or low. Because of keeping promise, it becomes pleasant; Life is picturesque, bright and beautiful, or simple and elegant. Because of integrity, it becomes beautiful.
50. 关于书与时间的排比句。书籍好比一架梯子,它能引导我们登上知识的殿堂。书籍如同一把钥匙,它能帮助我们开启心灵的智慧之窗。时间好象一把尺子,它能衡量奋斗者前进的进程。时间如同一架天平,它能称量奋斗者成果的重量。时间就像一把皮鞭,它能鞭策我们追赶人生的目标。时间犹如一面战鼓,它能激励我们加快前进的脚步。
51. A wise man learns like an eagle in the sky, looking up at the endless earth; A fool who studies aimlessly is like a headless moth flying and bumping around; Hard working people study like a winding river. Although it has twists and turns, it will eventually flow into the sea; Lazy people learn, like wood in the water. The greater the resistance, the faster the regression.
52. 信念是大海中的灯塔,指引我们前行;信念是初升的太阳,给我们希望;信念是山顶的美景,给我们奋斗的动力。