
admin 2024-03-08 网站管理员 admin

九年级英语第七单元重点句子 精选42句

1. compare..with(to)...

2. asksbaboutsth.ask(sb.)forasksb.(not)todosth.

3. findsth.difficutfinditdifficuttodo(这东西考试都相当常见)

4. be serious enough足够认真

5. thebestwaytodo

6. allow sb to do sth. 允许某人做某事

7. get one’s ears pierced扎耳孔

8. worry about sb/ sth.担心某人/某事

9. should be allowed to do sth. 应该被允许做某事

10. choose their own clothes 选择自己的衣服

11. choose one’s own clothes选择某人自己的衣服

12. regard...as....将...视为...change...into....将...转化为...(这俩千万别混了!)

13. 驾照 driving license

14. a professional runner 一个专业的赛跑者

15. itdosen'thelpatall

16. be strict in sth. 对某事严格要求

17. memorizethewordsofpopsongs

18. finish a test early早早地完成考试

19. practice/finish/mind/keep/enjoy/miss/suggustdoingsth.(见到这些词,你后面就用ING)

20. go to the shopping center去购物中心

21. take the test参加考试

22. lookthemupinadictionary

23. allow doing sth.允许做某事

24. be allowed to do sth.被允许做某事

25. keep…away from 远离 get in the way of 挡…路;妨碍

26. sixteen-year- olds十六岁的孩子们

27. bemadat=beangrywith=beannoyedat

28. have/get/do a part-time job做兼职工作

29. deal=dowith

30. thesolutionto...

31. a fifteen-year-old boy 一个15 岁的男孩

32. pass the test通过考试

33. No way !不行;没门;

34. beafraidtodobeafraidofsth.beafraidthat

35. worry about=be worried about担心

36. unless=if....not

37. worry about failing a test担心考试不及格

38. be good for 对…有益 be bad for 对…有害

39. take the test later晚些参加考试

40. feel/watch/see/hearsb.doing(感觉到某人正在做某事,没有感觉某人把动作做完时用)

41. be strict with sb. 对某人严厉 be strict in st 对某事严厉

42. say+内容比如:saythewords.sayitinEnglishsaythat.....
