
admin 2024-05-30 网站管理员 admin

邮件外出自动回复范文 第1篇


Out of office experience





I WILL BE back in the office [in two weeks] and have limited Wi-Fi connection in the meantime.” It is safe to assume that readers of this column are familiar with something like this message (which, like all the others cited below, comes from real life). As with all aspects of office culture, the autoreply has evolved over time—and more quickly in the past 18 plague months. Good etiquette has not always kept up.

邮件外出自动回复范文 第2篇

Dear friends, I'm on vacation from May 1 to May 7. I'll attend to your mail immediately after I come back from holiday.设置这样一个假期自动回复模板的前提是五一期间预计没有什么太着急要处理的事情,好处是不用一个一个发Email通知所有客户你的放假时间了,更不能群发。

解决办法是设置自动回复(Automatic Replies)功能。在使用自动回复功能之前,要先写一个Email模板,当客户写邮件过来,就会收到一个自动回复,这样既方便还显得专业。

下面提供一篇模板,适用于节假日,周末休假,病假,出差,或者不在公司等等原因不能及时处理Email的,都可以套用这个模板,根据具体情况改一下即可。 Dear Sir or Madam, I'm not in the office from until because of the public holiday of Labor's Day. My emails will be checked periodically during this time. Please call my mobile at +86-138-1234-**** for any urgent issues. Thanks and best regards, 为了应对国内邮件也可以在英文下面添加一段中文,这样中英文对译的自动回复,就能够中外通吃了。



比较意外的是QQ邮箱居然没有提供假期时间选择功能,当你设置完成后,在你的邮箱首页会看到已设置自动回复的提示,这样上班后你就能及时关闭这个回复了。 6.打开Gmail邮箱,找到设置-常规里面的外出回复,勾选“启用外出回复”,设置好假期时间,邮件主题和内容都粘贴进去,可以选择是否仅给通讯录中的联系人发送自动回复。

最后保存更改。 7.我们外贸人常用的hotmail,yahoo等邮箱的设置和上面这几个邮箱都是大同小异的。

邮件外出自动回复范文 第3篇

Thank you for your email. I am on a business trip from 2 March to 10 March and have limited access to my e-mail. I apologize that I am unable to respond to you immediately, but will do so as soon as I am back in the office. If you require immediate assistance, kindly contact Jackie at 111 111ext 611, email: 111@。

1. Thank you. Your email is received and will be handled as soon as possible


2. This is an automatic reply, confirming that your email was will reply as soon as you


