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雅思大作文满分范文 第1篇

表示―A 位于

表示―A 靠近或者紧挨着 B

表示―A 在距离 B 某一面...公里处

表示―A 位于 B 内的某个部分

表示―A 在 B 的某个角上

表示―剩下的部分:The rest of the...表示―道路通向/河流流向某处



表示―A 在道路或者河流的某一侧

表示―A 与 B 仅一河之隔/仅一路之隔

表示―A 在道路或河流的南北端

表示―A 在 B 的对面

表示―A 在 B 某一侧的边界上

表示―A B 某侧的边缘上

A is located/situated/lies on the eastern/western/northern/southern edge of B

表示―A 朝北/朝南/面朝公园等


东北 north-east 东南 south-east 西北 north-west 西南 south-west

表示建筑物的布局:Layout 指一个建筑物周边的环境

表示―A 占据了某个空间

A occupies

表示 A 由几个不同的部分组成

表示 A 的长度The length of A is···=A is···in length

表示 A 的宽度是The width of A is···=A is···in width

表示 A 的面积是:A is···in area

表示大约:approximately, roughly, about, around

表示一块地:a patch of land/ a stretch of land



Unlike A, B Compared with A, B A···while/ whereas B··· In comparison/ in contrast/ by contrast, B


表示可以―容纳 can accommodate

表示理论上讲:in theory, theoretically, hypothetically

表示但事实上:but in reality/ however, realistically/ yet in practice/ but in fact/

as a matter of fact, though

表示在某处建造了 A:A was built in=was constructed in=was established in

表示在某处又增建了 A:A was added to=an addition was made to···,which was A

表示改动原建筑或原场地:v. change/ modify/ remodel

n. change/modification/remodeling

表示 A 被改造成了 B:A was turned into/ was transformed into/ was converted into B

表示 A 被搬走或拆掉:A was removed/ demolished/ taken down from···

表示 A 被 B 取代了:A was replaced by B/ A made way for B

表示 A 的面积缩小:the size of A was reduced to only half of/ one third of the original size

表示 A 的面积扩大: A was expanded to twice its size=the size of A almost doubled

表示 A 向 XX 方向延伸:expand/extend northward/southward/eastward/westward

表示 A 经历了:A experienced/ witnessed/saw

起初:at first=initially=in the beginning=originally

接着:then=next=after that=in the following stage=in the next/subsequent period=afterward

在这个阶段:at this point=in this phase=in this stage

最终:finally=eventually=in the end

雅思大作文满分范文 第2篇

1. Experience/witness/see/enjoy+修饰词(最高级)+增加/减少/震荡

Experience/enjoy + a significant/the most dramatic + decrease/increase

增加: increase, growth, rise 减少: decrease, drop

快速: dramatic, drastic 缓慢: gradual, steady, slow

大幅: significant, substantial 小幅: moderate, slight

震荡: considerable/marked/sharp/minor fluctuation

2. The number of··· was No1 in Yr and rose/reduced by % to No2

增加/上升: increase, rise, grow 急促上升: jump, soar to, surge to

减少/下降: decrease, drop, decline 急促下降: plummet to, plunge to

3. 主语+上升/减少 to··· or 主语+上升/减少 by

4. The percentage/proportion/number of is 修饰词 larger/ smaller than that of

修饰词 明显: substantially, obviously 轻微: slightly, moderately

5. A 修饰词 increase/decrease occurred

修饰词 大幅: considerable, significant, substantial 小幅: moderate, slight

6. 表示不变的状态:主语 remain constant/unchanged/stable/steady at


1. there is a downward/ upward/ opposite/ general/ dominant trend


2. ···tend to be more/less preferred 倾向越来越受()受欢迎

3. There is a considerable increase/decrease in···


B also rose/increased/grew during this period, but less sharply



A similar situation was seen in the···, where

There are some similarities between A and B

Be similar to/ A has something in common with B



Outnumber 比···多,在数量上超过

Exceed 超过···数量

Overtake (在数量或重要性方面)大于,超过


over a span of ··· years

over the period from···to···

in the years between···and···

during the same period

in the No. years spanning from 19xx through 19xx

from···to···within the 5 years period

from then on

from this time onwards

in the subsequent years.

雅思大作文满分范文 第3篇




(1) 兴利除弊


The advantages brought by the spread of English as a “global language” will outweigh the disadvantages. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this view?


To sum up, it is difficult to tell whether or not the advantages outweigh the disadvantages regarding the spread of English as a global language. What we may have to consider is how to accept this trend as positive while at the same time staying away from its drawbacks.

(2) 平衡发展

很多考题需要考生讨论两种观点,通常会有“discuss both views and give your own opinion”这样的提问要求。很多情况下,文中说到的两种观点表面上看来是完全相反,但其实并不矛盾,可以用“平衡发展”的思路来提出观点。例如考题:

Some people think that cultural traditions may be destroyed when they are used as money-making attractions aimed at tourists. Others believe it is the only way to save these traditions. Discuss on both sides and give your opinion.


We should find the right balance between tourism development and cultural protection and I believe the government has a very important role to play here. In my own country, for example, many tourist cities have made effective development plans to successfully attract large numbers of visitors while still preserving their distinct cultural traditions.

(3) 取决于……


Some people think that the animals should be treated as pets; others think that animals are sources of food and clothing. What is your opinion?


From my point of view, there is no absolute answer as to whether animals should be treated like pets or as sources of food and clothes. It largely depends on what kinds of animals they are. But what remains undoubted is that we should treat animals with a humane attitude and bear in mind that they are important in preserving nature’s ecological equilibrium.

(4) 解决方法


In many countries, good schools and medical facilities are available only in cities. Some people think new teachers and doctors should wok in rural areas for a few years, but others think everyone should be free to choose where they work. Discuss and give your own opinion.


The best solution, therefore, is not to order, but to encourage. We should instill a sense of responsibility in young people and give more incentives to those who are willing to work in difficult areas, so that we can address the problem of urban-rural disparity while respecting whatever decisions new teachers or doctors have made.

雅思大作文满分范文 第4篇


In 1980, energy from nuclear, hydro- and solar/wind power was equal at only 4q. 发现了它们三个起点相同,可以放在一起写。


Nuclear has risen by 3q, and solar/wind by 2. 发现nuclear和solar都是增长,放在一起写。


After slight increases, hydropower has fallen back to the 1980 figure. 这个的变化趋势和前两个不同,单独写。发现08年和80年数值相同,所以写fallen back to 1980 figure,这样就不用重复4q这个数字。认为fall back to xxxx figure是一个大招,只要看见图表里的数值最开始和最后是一样的,一定会用这个表达!因为这样表达既能够避免重复那个数值,又能够体现两个时间点的对比,一石二鸟,完美契合评分标准里的要求!


It is expected to maintain this level until 2030, while the others should rise slightly after 2025. 这一句话把三种能源在08年以后的趋势都描述出来了,一个不变,两个有增。试想如果按部就班把三种能源分开说,都要描述2008年以后的趋势,会啰嗦很多。












范文的结尾段:Overall, the US will continue to rely on fossil fuels, with sustainable and unclear energy sources remaining relatively insignificant.





雅思大作文满分范文 第5篇



雅思大作文满分范文 第6篇

(a). 开头句型

【适合 discussion 问题的开头 】

The issue of...is of great interest to...

The topic of...is of great concern for...

The subject of...is of great importance to...

The discussion about···is of great significance to...

The problem...has been widely debated in the world of...

The inquiry into...has triggered/sparked off an intense controversy in the realm of...

【适合 agree/disagree 问题的开头 】

Although it is commonly believed that..., this is actually not the case

Although conventional wisdom has it that..., the reality of the situation is often far

more complicated than that. 虽然传统大众观念认为...,但是现状却远比这种观念要复杂得多

Although the received opinion is that..., the harsh realities usually turn out to be

a completely different picture 虽然大众普遍接受的观点是...,但是无情的现实往往显现出不同的图景

Although many people subscribe to the belief that···, this is in fact a common misconception that we need to clear up 虽然许多人认同这样的观点:...,但是事实上这却是一种我们需要澄清的普遍错误观念

Although most individuals are convinced that···, this is actually a popular myth

that must be exploded.虽然大多数人坚信...,但这却是一种我们必须揭穿的普遍错误观点


It is worth mentioning that...值得一提的是

It is by no means certain that...完全不能确定的是

It is far too soon that...为时过早的是

It is not uncommon that...不足为奇的是

It is undeniable that...不可否认的是

It is unavoidable that 不可回避的是

It is obvious/ evident/ manifest that 明显的是

It is gradually borne in on sb that 逐渐被某人认识到

It is of great interest that... 广为兴趣的是

It is of paramount importance that...首要的是

It is of great urgency that...刻不容缓的是

It is + 副词 + suggested/argued/advised/believed that 普遍认为

It is widely accepted that

It is generally/commonly believed that 普遍相信的是

It is universally acknowledged that 众所周知的是

It is strongly/commonly suggested recommended/ advised that 强烈建议的是

It is sometimes argued that 有时候争论的是

There is/was little/no substance that ...几乎毫无/没有根据

It is no without substance that...并非没有根据


Advocates of······的支持者

Opponents of······的反对者 Point out/ argue/ claim 声称/believe / assert 断言/ declare 宣称/ conceive 设想 that


This is especially true if/when we consider the fact that/when it comes to/in terms of 当我们考虑...的时候,这一点尤为正确

It is not even always true that··· ···并不是总是正确的

Incline to = tend to 倾向于

Gain/get/have(direct/free/ready/unlimited/unrestricted/restricted/equal) access to


Be accompanied by B 伴随 A

Be entitled to = be eligible to = be authorised to 使享有权利,使符合资格

Have and will continue to 现在是并且将来也会继续...

Give rise to = bring about = create = generate = provoke(负面的) = evoke 引起,造成

Have/exert an influence/impact/effect on sb/sth 起...作

Play a role in sth 扮演...角色

Have inherent advantages/disadvantages 有内在的优点/缺

Be in a position to do 有条件去做

Be a double-edged sword...是一把双刃剑

Equip sb with sth = furnish sb with sth 装备,使有能力,向...

Turn on = hinge on 取决于

A is a key determinant of B A B 的决定因素

Be an underlying factor in··· ···潜在/隐含力量

Rely (almost exclusively) on = depend on (几乎全)依靠

Be considered as = be think of as = be acknowledged as = be regarded as 被认为是

Be served/used as a brenchmark

It turned out that = turn out to be 证明是

Be confronted with...= In the face of ... 面临着

. be confronted with/in the face of fierce/stiff/intense competition

Deserve/require (careful/full/serious/sufficient/ special) consideration 需要仔细/全面/认真/足够/特别考虑

Take sth into consideration/account 考虑到, 顾及

A and B are not mutually exclusive 两者并不互相排斥

Be no exception to... 也不例外

Does not necessarily mean 并不必然意味着

...be now a commonplace...司空见惯的事

A and B alike 两者都,同样地

Reach saturation point 到达饱和程度

End up + doing/ adj/ in sth ...告终

雅思大作文满分范文 第7篇















雅思大作文满分范文 第8篇

Given the above argument, it is reasonable to conclude that 可以合理去推断

Based on the above argument, I concede that 我承认...

I am convinced that 我相信...

···outweigh··· ···(影响或重要性方面)超过







雅思大作文满分范文 第9篇


所谓“经典”,是指古今中外重大知识领域的原创性著作,是被 历史 证明最有价值、最重要的文化精髓。最能代表中华民族五千年文化精髓的经典有四书五经、唐诗宋词、历代散文等重要著作。


汉代扬雄在《答桓谭论赋书》中说:“能读千赋,则能为之”。唐代诗人杜甫留下了“读书破万卷,下笔如有神。”的千古。清代唐彪则在《读书作文谱》中对语文能力的形成 规律 作了具体的 总结 :“阅者必宜博,经史与古文时文,不多阅则学习肤浅,胸中不富。”“文章读之极熟,则与我为化,不知是人之文,我之文也。作文时吾意欲所言,无不随吾所欲,应笔而出,如泉之涌,滔滔不竭。”?诵读经典,可以积累丰富的语言材料,把别人的好作品融会贯通后,变成自己的东西,逐渐形成自己的能力。诵读经典,不失为我们语文教学的一个好途径。经过几年的探索实践,我在教学中以经典美文诵读作为研究的突破口,破解了当今学生“读书苦,苦读书”的现状,走出了一条快乐阅读之路。
